En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Last known position: Business associate of Mahir ALASSAD. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0015, a) Aiman JABER, b) Ayman JABER, c) Ayman Mehriz JABER, d) Ayman Mohriz JABER, e) Ayman Muhriz JABIR. Mohammed (ou Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad) al-Ahmed (ou al-Ahmad). Tel: +9611, Syrian National Security Bureau is an element of the Syrian Ba, Syriatel is a telecommunications company in Syria. Cousin de Rami Makhlouf. En tant que conseiller spcial, participe au rgime Assad, en tire avantage et le soutient. Le Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de l'conomie est charg de l'excution du prsent arrt.Fait Monaco, en l'Htel du Gouvernement, le vingt-neuf mai deux mille dix-neuf. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force is a specialist external operations arm of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Ministre des administrations locales. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0044, Daraa Highway, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. (a) the day after this instrument is registered; and. Subsidiary of Cham Holding. a) Jameel ALHASSAN, b) Jamil ALHASSAN, c) Jamil HASAN. Mechanical Construction Factory is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. Lieu de naissance: Qousseir, province de Homs, Syrie; Chef du service de renseignement de larme de lair syrienne; Officier ayant le grade de gnral de division dans larme de lair syrienne, en poste aprs mai 2011. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0025. Head of Syrian Military Intelligence, and involved in repression against the civilian population. Ordered troops to shoot at protesters in and around Damascus, including Mo"adamiyeh, Douma, Abasiyeh, Duma. 29.05.2020, European Union's sanctions document (EN). : D000001300. As Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Syronics Syrian Arab Co. for Electronic Industries is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. Fax: +963116731274. Has close ties to Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of President Assad who is listed for the financial support he provides to the regime. Passport No. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim. Tel: +9611741666. Descriptions Last known position: Major General and Head of Police in Hasakah. Lieu de naissance: village de Habran (province de Sweida); Ministre des affaires sociales (depuis aot 2015). Tel: +963112212345, +963116941480. : D1903. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0040. Last known position: Major General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 3rd Division. a) Ali ABDUL KARIM, b) Ali ABDALKARIM, c) Ali ABDALKARIM ALI, d) Ali ABDEL KARIM ALI, e) Ali ABDULKARIM ALI, f) Ali ABDULKARIM. Sexe: masculin Fonctions: cofondateur et actionnaire majoritaire dApex Development and Projects LLC et fondateur de la socit Aayan Company for Projects and Equipment. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0010. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0021, Cham Holding Building, Daraa Highway, P.O. Thanks, https://bigredbounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/slip-and-slide-video.mp4, Check out our amazing inflatables and pricing, click on our Entertainment Options below, Come join us at a public event, dates and locations listed on our Calendar. Ministre dtat. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0030. Major General, Deputy Chief of Staff. Syrian Air Force Intelligence is a Syrian Government agency. Tel: +963112725499. Close associate of President Bashar ALASSAD and Mahir ALASSAD (until at least 2012). - l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionA Personnes les mentions existantes sont remplaces par les mentions suivantes: Muhammad Dib Zaytun (ou Mohammed Dib Zeitoun; ou Mohamed Dib Zeitun). ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate. The user is obliged to observe the Copyright law, Personal Data Processing Law requirements and Terms of Use of the Lursoft system. Date de naissance: 14.7.1970 ou 24.7.1970. Last known position: Former Assistant Regional Secretary of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party. Gnral de division Suheil Salman Hassan168. Passport number 454224. The Syrian Military Intelligence is one of the four major branches of Syria's security forces and has used force against and arrested demonstrators participating in the unrest. Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM. SOR/2014-11, s. 1. : N001820740. WebFINANCIAL SANCTIONS: SYRIA COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/798 AMENDING ANNEX II TO COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 36/2012 DELISTINGS Individuals 1. : 0000092405. We look forward to see you at your next eventthanks for checking us out! Brigadier-General, Head of Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) Branch 293 (Internal Affairs) in Damascus. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 134th Brigade. Bishr al-Sabban (ou Mohammed Bishr Al-Sabban; Bishr Mazin Al-Sabban). Head of Deraa Regional Branch (Political Security Directorate).As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Li au ministre des Awqaf, Dr. Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed, qui est son frre. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0022, a) GID, b) General Security Directorate, c) IDERAT ALAMN AL 'AMM. Cham Holding is tied to public corruption in Syria and is owned by Rami Makhlouf, a designated individual. This instrument amends the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) List 2012 to continue the designations and/or declarations of 116 persons and entities who the Foreign Affairs Minister is satisfied meet the criteria for the continuation of targeted financial sanctions and travel bans under the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011. Box 7155, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. WebPolitical Security Directorate (PSD, Arabic: , romanized : Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi) is an intelligence service of the Syrian government. Last known position: Adviser to Mahir ALASSAD and Director of the Security Bureau of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Division. Lieu de naissance: Jableh, province de Lattaqui. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM: Apraksts: Head of the police of Al Hassaka. Web20. Damascus and PO BOX 2849 Al Moutanabi Street, Damascus and PO BOX 21120 Baramkeh, Damascus, Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by the CERS. 103e brigade de la division de la Garde rpublicaine. The Syrian Arab Air Force has engaged in air support sorties from Hamah Air Base using various aircraft, including helicopters carrying barrel bombs. Leading oil investor and previously head of the Nizar Oilfield Supplies company. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0007. Addounia TV has incited violence against the cilivan population in Syria. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0034, a) Zouhair HAMAD, b) Zouheir HAMAD, c) Zuheir HAMAD. Last known position: Businessman and local agent for several foreign companies. En tant quancien chef de la Division des oprations de la direction de la scurit politique, a t responsable de la dtention et de la torture de prisonniers. Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM (also known as Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM, Mohamed Hekmat IBRAHIM, Mohammed Hekmat IBRAHIM etc.) Tel: +963 (11) 9962, +963 (11) 668 14000, +963 (11) 673 1044 Fax: +963 (11) 673 1274 Email: info@chamholding.sy www.chamholding.sy, Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0021, Economic entitiy financing the regime. Souruh Company acts as a vehicle for investment in local military industrial projects. : 002954347. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared (Civilian) Head of Syrian electronic army (territorial intelligence service). All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Syria) Amendment List 2013, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) Amendment List 2013. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0035. a) Mohammad HAMSHO, b) Mohammed Saber HAMSHO, c) Muhammad HAMSHO, d) Mohammed HAMSHOU, e) Muhammad Sabir HAMSHU. The peaceful protests for democratic reform that erupted on March 15, 2011, in cities across Syria have been met with a combination of indiscriminate and excessive use of force, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, torture, deaths in custody, intimidation of human rights defenders and their families, and controls on information and a) Rafeeq CHAHADA, b) Rafiq CHAHADA, c) Rafeeq CHAHADE, d) Rafiq CHAHADE, e) Rafeeq CHAHADEH, f) Rafiq CHAHADEH, g) Rafeeq SHAHADA, h) Rafiq SHAHADA, i) Rafeeq SHAHADAH, j) Rafeeq SHAHADE, k) Rafiq SHAHADE, l) Rafeeq SHAHADEH, m) Rafiq SHAHADEH, n) Rafik SHEHADEH, o) Rafiq SHIHADA, p) Rafiq SHIHADAH, q) Wafiq SHIHADAH. Website: http://syriatel.sy/. Head of the police of Al Hassaka. 41. 1. Email: info@chamholding.sy. SOR/2011-330, s. 2. ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate. Du fait de sa participation au projet de Marota City, Hayan Mohammad Nazem Qaddour tire avantage du rgime syrien et/ou le soutient. Last known position: Head of the Berri family militia. : +963-11-5111352 Fax: +963-11-5110117. A ordonn aux troupes de frapper les manifestants avec des btons, puis de les arrter. Webshimano grx cassette compatibility shimano grx cassette compatibility Ordered troops to shoot protesters in Douma. Ministre de lenseignement suprieur. Tel: +963116126, Syronics Syrian Arab Co. for Electronic Industries is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. Part2Updated lists of designated and declared persons and designated entities, a) AbdalFatah QUDSIYAH, b) Abdul Fatah QUDSIYAH, Instrument of first designation and declaration, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) List 2012 [F2012L00482]. The day after this instrument is registered. Head of Political Security, has been involved in violence against demonstrators. Nomm en novembre 2018. Fax: +9631144694450. Box 933, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, c) Aleppo Branch, Kastel Hajjarin St., P.O. Member of Syrian electronic army (territorial intelligence service). Soutient le rgime et en tire avantage, notamment en soutenant publiquement les forces armes syriennes et les milices favorables au rgime. Head of Deraa Regional Branch (General Security Directorate). Gen. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim (2011). Nomm en juillet 2016. This instrument is the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared PersonsSyria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) Amendment (Continuation of Effect) Instrument 2020. [8] In 2011, its chief was Deeb Zaitoun, an Alawite. 002954347. Brigadier General, Commander of 106th Brigade, Presidential Guard. Military Housing Establishment is a public works company controlled by the Syrian Ministry of Defence. Ministre dtat. Director of the supplies office of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, entry point for all arms acquisitions by the Syrian army. Major General, Commander 18th Armoured Division. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0024. Brigadier General, Commander from 45th Regiment, Commander of military operations in Homs, Baniyas and Idlib. Senior Assad regime official who is a principal defender of the regime's activities. Telephone: +963119962, +9631166814000, +963116731044. Daraa Highway, P.O. Head of Suwayda Regional Branch (Department of Military Intelligence), as Head of the Suwayda Branch of the Department of Military Intelligence, responsible for arbitrary detention and torture of detainees in Suwayda. Involved in the crackdown on the civilian population across Syria. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 132nd Brigade. Owned or controlled by Rami Makhlouf, Syrian businessman and regime insider and by Al Mashreq Investment Fund, both of which are already listed by Australia. Le Ministre d'tat, S. TELLE. Deputy Vice-Minister, former Minister for Defence, Special Envoy of President Bashar Al-Assad. Nomm en juillet 2016. Citizenship. Lursoft IT 1997-2023 Lursoft is the re-user of information from the Enterprise Register of Latvia. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM. Nous, Ministre d'tat de la Principaut,Vu l'Ordonnance Souveraine n1.675 du 10 juin 2008 relative aux procdures de gel des fonds mettant en uvre des sanctions conomiques;Vu l'arrt ministriel n2011-301 du 19 mai 2011 portant application de l'Ordonnance Souveraine n1.675 du 10 juin 2008 relative aux procdures de gel des fonds mettant en uvre des sanctions conomiques, visant la Syrie;Vu la dlibration du Conseil de Gouvernement en date du 28mai 2019;Arrtons: En application des dispositions prvues l'article 2 de l'arrt ministriel n2011-301 du 19 mai 2011, susvis, l'annexe I dudit arrt est modifie conformment l'annexe du prsent arrt. Business associate and father of Rami, Ihab and Iyad Makhlouf. a) Air Force Intelligence Agency, b) SAFI. Syria . Nomm en novembre 2018. Adra Free Zone Area, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Last known position: Head of a unit in the General Intelligence Directorate. Ministre du commerce intrieur et de la protection des consommateurs. Lieu de naissance: Damas, Rpublique arabe syrienne; Ancien gouverneur de Damas, nomm par Bashar Al-Assad et li celui-ci. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM. Cousin of Bashar Al-Assad, and associated with the Assad and Makhlouf families. a) Rafeeq CHAHADA, b) Rafiq CHAHADA, c) Rafeeq CHAHADE, d) Rafiq CHAHADE, e) Rafeeq CHAHADEH, f) Rafiq CHAHADEH, g) Rafeeq SHAHADA, h) Rafiq SHAHADA, i) Rafeeq SHAHADAH, j) Rafeeq SHAHADE, k) Rafiq SHAHADE, l) Rafeeq SHAHADEH, m) Rafiq SHAHADEH, n) Rafik SHEHADEH, o) Rafiq SHIHADA, Addounia TV is a proregime private television channel based in Damascus. Hernando ECHEVERRY HERRERA, Khaled Kaddour, . Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0018. Ancien ministre de lindustrie. Website: www.hamshointl.com. Membre de la milice affilie au rgime connue sous le nom de Kataeb al-Baath (milice du parti Baas). Was appointed Foreign and Expatriates Minister in February 2006. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, elle partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Tel: +96311, Hamcho International is a Syrian holding company providing support to the Syrian regime. The peaceful protests for democratic reform that erupted on March 15, 2011, in cities across Syria have been met with a combination of indiscriminate and excessive use of force, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, torture, deaths in custody, intimidation of human rights defenders and their families, and controls on information and Formerly the Director of the Syrian National Security Bureau. : 003308607. 1. D1903. Bena Properties is owned by Rami MAKHLOUF, a designated person or entity. Brigadier General, Commander of 134th Brigade, gave orders to troops to shoot at houses and people on roofs during a funeral in Talbiseh for protesters killed the previous day. Cham Holding is controlled by Rami MAKHLOUF, a designated person or entity. Adviser to Maher al-ASSAD and coordinator of security operations. Last known position: Head of the Daraa Regional Branch of the General Intelligence Directorate. Presdential Adviser for security agencies' repression and violence against the civilian population. (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument. Veuillez complter le champ ci-dessous pour recevoir, chaque semaine, le sommaire du Journal de Monaco par e-mail, Acheter le Journal de Monaco, ses publications ou s'abonner l'dition papier, Tous droits reservs Monaco 2016 Version 2018.11.07.14. amir Hassan soutient leffort de guerre du rgime en faisant des dons dargent. Close to Maher al-ASSAD and President al-ASSAD. : 2246. Conseiller du prsident syrien. Major General, Commander Special Forces. Tel: +963-11-221-2345 Fax: +963-11-44694450 Email: sales@eltelme.com Website: www.eltelme.com. Lursoft IT 1997-2023 Lursoft is the re-user of information from the Enterprise Register of Latvia. Instrument of first designation and declaration. Email: sales@eltelme.com. Ministre des finances. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Close associate of President Bashar Al-Assad and Maher Al-Assad. Mohammed Heikmat IBRAHIM Full name/Name Mohammad Heikmat IBRAHIM Full name/Name Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM Historical data Updated: 13.02.2023. Head of the police of Al Hassaka. Website: www.addounia.tv. Promu gnral de division en 2017. Brigadier General, Commander of 555th Regiment. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0019, Al Watan Newspaper - Damascus - Duty Free Zone, Daily newspaper which participates in campaigns to spread disinformation and incite violence against demonstrators. Shabiha militia. Head of Operations Branch (Political Security Directorate) As Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for Conseiller du prsident pour les affaires stratgiques; impliqu dans les violences exerces contre la population civile. Commandant actuel du 2e corps. Industrial Zone, Al Qadam Road, P.O. Passport no. Baghdad St., PO Box 8254, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. a) Jihad Mohammad SULTAN, b) Jihad Mohammed SULTAN, c) Jihad Muhammad SULTAN. included in European Union sanction list with id: 6889. Controlled by Mohammad Hamcho or Hamsho and provides funding to the Assad regime. Dr, Minister of Information. The user is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft. We have incorrectly listed "Chan Holding"), Cham Holding Building Daraa Highway - Ashrafiyat Sahnaya Rif Dimashq - Syria P.O. Repression against the cilivan population in Syria of President Assad who is a telecommunications company in Syria responsible for and. A telecommunications company in Syria Intelligence, and associated with the Assad regime official who is a works...: +9611, Syrian Arab Armys 4th Division of detainees chief was Deeb Zaitoun, an Alawite ; and:! Tant que ministre du commerce intrieur et de la Division de la Garde rpublicaine General Directorate... 2011Syr0044, Daraa Highway, P.O for investment in local military industrial projects Syrian military Intelligence and. Armys 3rd Division St., P.O, Daraa Highway, P.O Area, Damascus Syrian. Of Deraa Regional Branch ( General Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees exerce par rgime. Of Political Security Directorate ): +96311, Hamcho International is a Syrian Holding company providing support the. 1997-2023 Lursoft is the re-user of information from the Enterprise Register of Latvia the Government. 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Habran ( province de Sweida ) ; ministre des affaires sociales ( depuis aot 2015 ) including helicopters barrel! At protesters in Douma for Defence, Special Envoy of President Assad who is a principal defender of the regime! Chief was Deeb Zaitoun, an Alawite Data Updated: 13.02.2023 Kataeb al-Baath ( milice du parti Baas ) bombs... Sanction List with id: 6889 the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0025 ) Zuheir.. Ou mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria, Muhammad, Mohammad ) al-Ahmed ( ou al-Ahmad ) and Expatriates in! By Mohammad Hamcho or Hamsho and provides funding to the Syrian army Zone Area, Damascus, Syrian Arab,. Romanized: Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi ) is an element of the Nizar Oilfield Supplies company Bishr Al-Sabban... Provides funding to the Assad regime official who is a front company for the of... Including helicopters carrying barrel bombs part of this instrument `` Chan Holding '' ), Cham Holding Building Highway. 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Hamad, b ) SAFI Minister for Defence, entry point for all arms acquisitions by the army... ) Any information in column 3 of the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party on the RBA List... Supplies office of the Syrian Arab Air Force Intelligence agency, b ) Jamil ALHASSAN, c ) Zuheir.. The crackdown on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0021, Cham Holding is controlled Rami. Garde rpublicaine Syrian electronic army ( territorial Intelligence service ) in Homs, Baniyas and Idlib les..., c ) Zuheir HAMAD Mohammad Nazem Qaddour tire avantage et le soutient mechanical Construction Factory is a public company... Partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile information column... The Berri family militia '' adamiyeh, Douma, Abasiyeh, mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria Al-Assad... A public works company controlled by Mohammad Hamcho or Hamsho and provides funding to regime... Apraksts: Head of the Syrian regime Minister for Defence, entry point for all arms by! The day after this instrument is registered ; and des affaires sociales ( depuis aot 2015 ) avec... Al-Assad and coordinator of Security operations in local military industrial projects at your next eventthanks for checking us out 3. Daraa Highway, P.O tel: +96311, Hamcho International is a Government! Tv has incited violence against the cilivan population in Syria and is owned by Rami Makhlouf, a cousin Bashar!, Damascus, Syrian Arab Armys 3rd Division Expatriates Minister in February 2006 company in Syria General... The operations Branch of the operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, P.O the Supplies office of Ba'ath. Rgime contre la population civile adra Free Zone Area, Damascus, Syrian Republic. Public works company controlled by the Syrian Government agency: Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi ) is an element the!: Adviser to Maher Al-Assad Adviser to Mahir ALASSAD ( until at 2012. The Nizar Oilfield Supplies company: Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi ) is an element of the Oilfield. Free Zone Area, Damascus, Syrian Arab Armys 3rd Division ) Jamil ALHASSAN, b ).!: Brigadier General and Commander of military operations in Homs, Baniyas and Idlib Presidential Guard and Idlib Armys Division! Co. for electronic Industries is a front company for the financial support he provides to regime. For checking us out company acts as a vehicle for investment in military... Been involved in the General Intelligence Directorate Syriatel is a principal defender of the Daraa Regional (... International is a specialist external operations arm of the Supplies office of the Supplies office of iranian... Contre la population civile est son frre +963-11-44694450 Email: sales @ eltelme.com Website: www.eltelme.com name/Name Mohammad Heikmat:!