And please don't cite the bible. If you don't believe in GOD, then don't yell his name when are in TROUBLE!!! Thereby, imperfect/fallible. so very sad. Or invalidate Atheism to the Atheist, nor invalidate Christianity to the Christian. You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. It is just stupid for a black person to worship a white Jesus. It did not just fall out of the sky onto paper. shows me what kind of unbeliever you are. Until you provide objective proof/evidence of your "God's existence," my suggestion is that you keep your lies to yourself. There was no messiah named Jesus, The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. The same hold true with the Qur'an. Your point leaves other assumes that Christianity is the only religion and allow people like Samantha to profess and promote an atheistic view. I stand by it wholeheartedly and that's that!! can u say that with ur own words and from heart? Rappers, experts say, have their own relationships with God, which show their appreciation may come from a variety of sources. So you label an entire group of people for the actions of some. If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. Like myself they understand your position. You are a bigot, a bully, a child abuser, and an angry immoral jealous miserable loser just like your imaginary god. Religion and Theism are the same thing. James Williams how do you KNOW that? Ruth Ware "I do not follow any religion, been there done that. Your posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day. The lead singer of a Christian rock band and the son of a pastor announced on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. Not just Christian scripture but also Muslim and other religious/theistic scriptures. No need to run off like a frightened child. ?, no ?, id didnt thinkso!!!! I do know one of the master minds behind it was Constantine and the council of nicea. So be humble and let other human beings who are not harming others live their lives without your judgment. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. judge much? I feel the same way. I want to be at this Conference! how ironic that 90% of the non believers and stupid talkers are americans no wonder???!!!!! Be cautious not to be so ignorant or you can miss your chance to get into the Garden. These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. Love everything you said. Find Islam. I actually, on my own, take up my bed and walk. You obviously have no clue what it is or how it works. Isa Massi I respect folks from all walks of life and all belief systems (though I do not support belief systems that contradict my right to take my human freedom into my own hands) but i have one question for you and any other religious person on this very interesting comment string: Are you familiar with the word DOGMA??? Read a history book. I suppose this is a circumstance of your up bringing. They are TWO TOTALLY different things. Isa Massi While I have immense abundant respect for your faith, I can personally guarantee you there is plenty of true spiritual guidance coming from our particular brand of Buddhist practice. You can argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is, there WILL be a second coming of Jesus Christ and what is happening in the world today is leading up to his return. If I don't believe in gods, why the heck would I believe in demons? Around the same time Ol' Dirty Bastard started calling himself as "Big Baby Jesus," Tupac Shakur's 1996 album The Don Killuminati . Next time if you want to talk facts don't use a primitive fairy tale (the bible) as your source. It is less about what I am against and more about what I am for. Guys.. most of us know most Christian rappers are bad at rapping or rap too much about themselves and not God. It is the best way of life for a woman and I haven't met one Muslimah yet who feels otherwise. Enjoy your psychosis. It's EVIDENCE that determines whether or not your perception of reality is in conjunction with what everyone sees in the real world. Dont believe in God and exploitate Christian faith & morality The bible never hints at any such deception. This is regardless of faith/theism/religion. Assertion w/out evidence/proof existing or supporting your claims. True, but that is Christianity. Again the answer is you dont know, I don't know but science says it all came from some where but we don't know. Best known for his smooth rhymes for the ladies, American rapper LL Cool J gives us a different sound with his rap "The Power of God.". He is also the co-founder of reach records. Besides you get your "facts" from a book as whimsical as Harry Potter, which is a much better read than the bible BTW. Khalil Tahir Yes! Who, did they called on. All had Jesus beat ,into them and now dance like clowns in praise of it. Take care. Right ok. *sigh* sometimes I think this world is fucked. Christianity spreads love? Present some if you got it. That placebo in your head is working wonders for you. I have to call BS on your claims. And even if they didn't have a Bible in hand or men of science to say so, they still would have justified it with with their guns. Is it really feasible that an explosion happened and bam, living things just grew out of pure nothing? We're beyond sick & tired of ignorance, stupidity, bigotry that's negatively impacting our world via theism/religion including yours. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? We love that white Jesus more than we love the people we live with and we wonder why we cant get along. Jerome Gilbert If you have noticed, people regardless of who they are will use the Bible to justify any and everything that is a desire of their hearts and justifying of their lifestyle, no matter how GOOD or EVIL it is. " They haven't even proved Jesus! Christian hip hop is having a moment: 6 rappers you should know, including chart-topper NF. 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. Katisha Burns It's easier to repeat that shit than to prove it- which is why you don't even have sufficient intellectual honesty to try, eh? So, not only do you not know your religion is true, you don't even have enough faith in it to demonstrate it is true. Or invalidate Atheism to the Atheist, nor invalidate Christianity to the Christian. You. It's pursuit of truth, fact, and reality. Are you sheep or man? In many religion there and take leave in the rules . @Kamilah T. Harris thanks for the specifics. the I do. You seem to think you know it all without any evidence to back it up. Thus, the ongoing relative world issues. Yawwwwn oh and good things happen in life as do bad so god ain't saving you from neither and neither is your imaginary friend Jesus! Are you the "hip hop expert" on your trivia team? is it just a coincidence how everything scientific in our world works? Your nephew is worth it. and it passes like the remembrance of a guest Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. It's what only you have that are unproven assertions, assumptions, & presumptions. That's cool. This volcano may have erupted online more than anywhere else but I'm glad that it has erupted. Nice coping mechanism Carl for the fact that humans created God. Stop using the white man as an excuse to justify wanting to be in control versus giving up a worldly lifestyle in exchange for a relationship with God. Christ enters as a self-referential rap figure in the mid-1990s. But i ABSOLUTELY believe in and love GOD. Their excuse is that the Bible was written by men, well, every book was written by someone (man or woman) but you believe most of the information that's in those books? No need to try to separate "spiritual" from "religious" when the truth is that you are religious and a member of a religion. They are all vices people use to fill in a void they are feeling. What IS real? One day you'll meet me and I'll bare witness against you just for these conversations alone. Interesting irony. How anyone can cling to an idea of a perfect being who essentially created humans to worship "him", gleefully testing his minions to prove worthiness of his love; hence an eternity by "his" side ? If you think God doesn't exist, explain spirits, demons etc and if you don't believe in those neither, I dare anyone of you to fuck around with a ouja board and see what happens. As Salam Walaikam. They shouldn't even be religious/theistic at all considering that all religion/theism inclusive to all the "supreme ethereal, supernatural, imaginary beings" is man-made. In fact, women should not even be Muslims, for example. TD SNAKES, CREFLO SPARE CHANGE, AND THOSE OTHER SHENANIGANS ARE STEALING MONEY FROM OUR PEOPLE AND PLAYING ON THEIR WEAKNESS AND FEAR. christianity has been used to bind the mind of black people. It's like every other theism/religion. 4) Atheists don't post, tweet, blog or whatever for "likes." Same is true for Islamists: Everyone must be Muslim or die. Just because humans use religion to justify and perpetuate their ineptitude, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Religiosity isn't a necessity. I don't see me saying anything like that, er actually . I mean, what other organization do you know threatens a person with severe penalties if he/she doesn't buy into their sales pitch? That was Satan's mistake and it got him kicked out of Paradise. You can have your own beliefs (no matter how ridiculous they are) and be entitled to them but you are not entitled to your own "facts." Christ love is unconditional and mine must also be. Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. Faith and belief are the same thing by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and proof existing or supporting it. For Isa and billions more, completely and utterly brainwashed with utter nonsense. Carl you are delusional if you think our ancestors in Africa were walking around praising a blue eyed Jesus. 1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.2The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.3Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light.4God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.5God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. Gosh I hate that more than anything else ugh!!! No!." Maybe dinosaurs were created by God first, but those dinosaurs couldn't be led around like cattle, so God created cattle & man. into existence." Shakira shades ex Gerard Piqu and Clara Chia's relationship and new photos of Shawn Mendes and Sabrina Carpenter walking together in Los Angeles had fans buzzing on Twitter. Peace! Its fashionable to do away with religion. A mental health professional can cure you of this horrid mental illness. Kamilah T. Harris Never in my comment did I ever mention Christianity. Isa Massi Ridiculous only according to you, not the objective proof/evidence gathered by those who actually explored the "God" question no matter the name you or others call "he/she/it." I love it! HE AND HIS FAMILY ARE STAUNCH.DEVOTED -CHURCH GOING CHRISTIANS! You are entitled to your beliefs but you not entitled to your own facts. (the universe) ..u SEE themits acknowledged by ur sensestherefor it existswhere do u see GODhear GOD or smell him? That 2nd quote goes to show the hypocrisies & contradictions that is Christianity as rooted in scriptures. If we don't exist "By Chance," then why didn't God put dinosaurs, birds, cattle, & man on the planet Mars, or even a cow & human that could tolerate the Mars climate? But I also think that those that believe should not behave as if every black person goes to church and is religious. He says, "If there was a God, I'd still have both nuts." Bruce Lee is believed to have been a spiritual atheist. The people who don't believe in any GOD, that's not me. He was prosecuted and crucified by the Roman government for inciting the people to riot and commit treason. 2) You have the audacity to make assumptions personally about me. Go check it out for yourself After years of praying for god to rescue him he completely gave up. Education is everything. We must respect the 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. Is that what you were taught to do? No woman should be any religious/theist individual, period. That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? I can accept that if you believe that,.Then you can believe in the non existence of God, the way the universe is organised and coordinated in a systematic manner show no doubt in the existence of God and if you dont believe in the existence of God then you should not believe in your own existence also, what makes you exist and think that God cannot exist.? either Heaven or Hell. kindergarten theist. Per Merriam Webster: Belief (noun) So to answer your loaded question, no. Osiris Tucker: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, UK. Study history it will not match that book. Samantha A. Christian "religiosity is no different than slavery." It is CHILD ABUSE to force any of them upon your child. [1] Then the righteous man will stand with great confidence Your "God" who you claimed calls himself/herself "daddy and mother of the Black man from the middle east named 'Jesus'" does not exist. I personally believe that is a higher power in the universe. Then maybe we can start getting somewhere together as a species, and really start to progress in exploring and appreciating this fantastic existence, together, Oh right I forgot that bullshit religion isn't real, but your bullshit religion is? Religiosity is no different than slavery. If you know much about "the most high's work," then why isn't "the most high" explaining it himself? Ironic last name, Samantha! As Discrimination.God is Good and God is love You love projecting don't you. 1) Faith/God = placebo. I am a Christian and have never done any of those things. Atheism is a conclusion based on objective evidence & proof vastly supporting that there is no such and has never, ever been a such thing as "God" or anything "supernatural." very few companies behave ethically, yet the predominantly christian masses go to work for these companies every day because they need to pay the bills. And if you dont believe me, then ask yourself a simple question. FYI. those too stupid to do their own research. That's #1 so no need to come with all this fluff and stuff about "what/who God is, he/she likes and dislikes, the origins of the universe and humanity, etc.". Why do you need to call out to a made up deity when the trials of life come calling????? Estevan and Samantha, as a someone of African origin, I can confidently tell you before the white man introduced slavery to Africa, we knew about God. Or is it in your brain? In one sense, that's true. Additionally, I'm not your sister. I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. Science has disproved this. Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." The world mentality is sinking faster than the titanic. That was easy. If I were you I wouldnt believe the religion you have been feed either. Here's a breakdown as to why. : a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true thank gawd here are some smart black folks out here. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. Self reliance is something that people who believe in the invisible should really try to work on developing. Thank you O merciful one. 9:27). I'm very concerned at the fact that these are painted so negatively. You and every other believer has not proven anything. @joseph, @Khalil .. haha you're jokn right?.. Thus a person can believe whatever they want with no tangible real facts are proof. Referencing the many spiritual forces of the Almighty, such as the power to heal, protect, exalt, and enlighten, LL Cool J definitely pays tribute to God in this track. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . Elliot C. Myrick Actually it is a documented fact that a man named Yeshua (known today as Jesus) was born in a manger in Bethlehem, lived, spoke and died on a cross. By not having imaginary friends one can be a better person and be there better for the real people who love and need us every day. Truth be told. a hint of bias from the accusation made against Robin Quivers from the author of this story and a misconception from Donald Glover that being an atheist means you can do anything. I know the truth. Winfred Theteacher Wills There is far more evidence for the big bang theory and evolution than for the existence of even a man called Jesus, let alone for Jesus the son of God. '"~Matthew 4:4. there are far more black atheists than will admit cuz inour community you are persona non grata unless u drink the jesus juice, calling on gawd sure help all of our black ancestors, sure helped all of those jews during the holocaust and it sure helped all of those racist, bircher, christian baggers get mccain/palin elected lol I have more faith in the church of the flying spaghetti monster. It's like every other theism/religion. he's also a fairy tale character in the bible. The article didn't say he was an atheist. So far your response "i don't know". That giant wall of text gave me a headache. Sharon Mulamba morrissey 6;9 "and all the church wants is your money" cut and paste works for me too! but unplug your computer now Satan works in mysterious ways. One day sooner than we think the truth will be revealed.. In a 2016 interview, he stated: "Black people have been done a major disservice because for a long time this religion was used to control them. There are agnostic theist scientists as well. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, That means that Allah is the only true Reality. Testimonies are totally subjective. What amazes me that in a court room PROOF, EVIDENCE is required. you do not have to be religious or a believer of Jesus Christ to understand the laws of the Universe. Mark H Edwards Testimonies are not evidence at all. There was a study that show a direct the least education a person has the more likely they are to be religious. Killing out of anger, making a man suffer too prove a point to the devil. It's Kamilah not "Kalimah." Really? if you personally "know your savior" then personally show the world some proof. I'm glad the community is moving on. Nature, People, Technology, Art, communication, consciousness etc. 11. You're also very wrong, but I guess you still haven't figured that out by now and never will. I can't see faith, but I know I have it and it is my Faith in GOD that makes me a better person. I threw off that nonsense at the age of twelve never looked back am now 62 have full life and live abroad to get away from religious nuts, espec my black bros and sistahs. Cheryl South Actually loving others and helping others is the a major part being a human being. Said by every Christian for the past two millennia. In fact all of those mythological religions may have at one time or another been based on a real person, but none of those people were Allah. And many of them are so unurged, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.". I would apologize for the late response as I have been enjoying a vacation here in Ocho Rios, Jamaica for the past few days. (As you can easily see from some of the comments here.). It's as if many black people have traded in being enslaved by whites to being enslaved by an imaginary terrorist (gods) meaning it is self enslavement! In a 2013 interview, she stated: "I think of religion as something that stains the person. After believing that we are the most intelligent beings in the absolute is very optimistic there are cases look at nature around us to realize that it is balanced in its perfections and imperfections . I cant explain this phenomena the Buddhist call it Karma. The means reclaim your past or in better words "go back..and get it" Ase`. 2000+ year dead men made him up for folks like you who needed imaginary sky daddies in order to live. I think, am I going to hell for this? Dennis Spurling Ok. You went through all of this BS to make what point? Christianity is the disease forced upon our ancestors by their slave-masters. Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. Gilbert Santiago Riiight nice going *sigh* why does it always devolve into personal attacks with you insecure people. And here is where the ditzy shows itself. If you are trying to imply that the original Israelites were black I would not disagree. If a monkey turning into a human is your thing then keep eating bananas and be happy. yeah, i'm christian because it's actually rightbut i don't see how that would be that I have a bad/no memory, because I remember Axum, and the church in Nubia and Ethiopiai fear many just haven't learned their history as much as they could. Well, so did God and all things theistic/ethereal/faith/belief/etc. Keep believing. What's the dilemma, you ask? You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! Actually, I know enough about Islam to know that it's just as much BS as every other religion/theism. Of course relatively, I don't need you or anybody else as a mouthpiece if God actually existed in the form/s claimed. Your only "theory" has been based on Intelligent Design which you clearly noted in your post. Noted in the universe ).. u see GODhear God or smell him nice coping Carl... 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