But traveling can be easier than ever with the help of a Knoxville Tennessee road map. Zillow has 836 homes for sale in Knoxville TN. booking a flight between airports, or a list of smaller surrounding towns if you're doing a road trip. This is a small yet booming suburb located about 20 minutes west of downtown. There are no refunds or returns once item is purchased. SE. It is located approximately 6 miles from downtown. By bidding, you agree to pick this item up in Hendersonville, NC. your location. It is a neighborhood mainly constructed of a variety of condominiums, apartments, townhouses, and lofts. Morris as Knoxville's First Poet Laureate, On the Occasion of Knoxville's 225th Anniversary, Narration for "Hymn to the Fallen" at Festival on the 4th, Poem for Mayor Rogero's 2017 State of the City Address, Poem for Mayor Rogero's 2018 State of the City Address, Listen to Poems by R.B. Click on the distance between link to see distane map. Download and print out our great collection of Smoky Mountain area maps so you can . Get estate sales near you sent to your inbox. Based on 2000-2020 data Loading data. Knoxville is a city in Tennessee that hosts a variety of fun activities and beautiful natural sights. Travel tip, Colleges and universities and more, New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection, , Largest cities by population in Tennessee. If you would like your items shipped, you must contact us immediately through an email or phone call. There are many exciting things to see and do in Knoxville. Buyers may be required to pay via cash, bank check or wire transfer for any invoice amount over $1,000 including premium and sales tax. Cities: Alcoa, Clinton, Knoxville, Louisville, Oak Ridge, Rockford, Census-designated place (CDP): Eagleton Village, Mascot, Seymour, Wildwood, Water Features: Cheoah Lake, French Broad River, Holston River, Your email address will not be published. Bidder Obligations: All Bidders are 1) Legally bound to the terms and conditions of the sale once posting Bids; 2) Responsible for all due diligence and shipping requirements; 3) Pay items in full and take possession of items within the required time frame; 4) Provide Auction Firm with accurate and truthful information as to payment methods, emails, name, and contact information; 5) Agree to emails being added to our mailing list for future advertisement of sales or contact for issues that may arise from participating in our sales. 39.24 km. Please note that Craigslist has stopped allowing external images as well as most html tags in their "for sale" listings. Parking fees vary based on location. Tennessee RiverTennessee River, Knoxville TN 37922. [PDF], List of Chambers of Commerce & Business/Professional Organizations, Chilhowee Park & Exhibition Center Strategic Plan, How to Check the Status of Your Job Application, Mayor's Youth Council Policies and Procedures [PDF], Spring Break Opportunity Youth Engagement Micro-Grant, Youth Violence Prevention Week Micro-Grant, Proposed Publicly-Owned Sports and Entertainment Stadium, Washington Pike from I-640 to Murphy Road Project, Matrix Consulting Group - Development Services Report [PDF], Health Benefit Plan Evidence of Coverage for All Plans [PDF], Locate Network Doctors and Hospitals on BCBST, Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills [PDF], Group Term Life Certificate of Insurance [PDF], The Standard Portability of Coverage [PDF], Basic and Supplemental Life Plan Summary [PDF], Critical Illness Health Screening Form [PDF], Join the COK Employee Benefits Facebook Group, Central Business District Utilities [PDF], Site Development for Utility Construction Permit [PDF], Wireless Facilities in the ROW Application [PDF], Maintaining the Streets through the Seasons, Request for Service (Stormwater Drainage), Technical Services (Engineering Records, Plat Review, GIS Mapping), Bicycle Facilities Plan 2015 Appendix [PDF], League of American Bicyclists Suggestions [PDF], 04/24/2015 Downtown Circulation & Mobility Study [PDF], Parking Meter Bagging & Single Event Parking Permit [PDF], Current Knox County Schools Flasher Schedule, Community Decorative Painting Application [PDF], Utility Maintenance and Construction Policy [PDF], 2022-2023 Six Month Financial Report [PDF], 2022-2023 Adopted Annual Operating Budget [PDF], 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Program [PDF], Certificate of Compliance Application [PDF], Certificate of Compliance Renewal Application [PDF], KPD Release Form - Background Check [PDF], Short-Term Rental Unit Renewal Application Form [PDF], History of Short Term Rental Ordinance Process, Short-Term Rentals Workshop Presentation 11/10/22, Activities Requiring Fire Code Inspections, Owner-Occupied Home Rehab Application [PDF], Affordable Rental Development Guidelines [PDF], Affordable Rental Development Fund Application [PDF], Emergency Solutions Grant Program Guidelines, Community Development Block Grant Program Guidelines, HOME Investment Partnerships Grant Guidelines, Mayor's Council On Disability Issues (CODI), Knoxville Community Videos, Live Streaming, Coordinated Housing Assessment and Match Plan, Knoxville-Knox County Continuum of Care Info, Substantial Amendment HUD Planning Documents, Classification and Compensation Study Final Report for the City of Knoxville [PDF], Knoxville-Knox Co. Oliver Springs, Tennessee. Southern Trust Estate and Auction Company is the acting agent for the Consignor. Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Maps This map is intended as a guide only, and its content is subject to change without notice. foreign places with more precise image of the location. Photos and Property Details for 4011 KINGSTON PIKE, KNOXVILLE, TN 37919. Detailed map of Knoxville, state Tennessee, USA. Find out how the experience and training of a REALTOR can help you get into your . 7) You will receive email notification of your shipping estimate. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. General Map of Tennessee, United States. If youre looking for a way to explore Knoxville, Tennessee, but arent sure what to do or where to go, then youve come to the right place! Or returns once item is purchased road map download and print out great! See distane map is a city in Tennessee that hosts a variety of fun activities beautiful. 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