1. It is basically a large scale shot gun round filled with hundreds of ball bearings. One of the most common rounds in the game is the simple APHE (Armor-Piercing High Explosive). A traversable ring was mounted internally at the top of the cupola, where a V-shaped rangefinder, scissor telescope, FG 1250 infrared night vision device (of which can be screwed on easily), and an anti-aircraft machine gun mount could be mounted. A Befehlswagen Panther configuration could be easily achieved by personnel in the field. The 2S5 Giatsint-S is another Soviet innovation created to fire nuclear projectiles. The new ventilators position for the fighting compartment made it more economic in armor parts. APDS (Armoured-Piecing Discarding Sabot) The British army were the first to use APDS rounds introducing them in 1944 for use in the quick firing 6 pound and later 17 pound anti-tank gun. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. The Char 2C gave France one of the only functioning super heavy tanks in the world, as it actually made it off the drawing board and into battle. They are available to specialised ATGM carriers such as the Shturm-S. SAMs are very effective at long distances against aircraft, particularly helicopters. The Army's new Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) has now hit a record 43 miles. Shell's executive leadership discussed leaving Europe and relocating to the United States, the Financial Times has reported, citing unnamed sources familiar with the discussion.. However, the commander wasnt able to precisely traverse the turret needed for good aiming of the gun. It is also important to note that the designation Panzerkampfwagen V Panther did not receive an Ausfhrung letter modifier, however Panzerkampfwagen Panther did. They are extremely effective against mid-ranged aircraft but cannot be relied upon for use against armour. HE-TF rounds are available to a number of vehicles originally designed for anti-air purposes, such as the YaG-10 (29-K) and the 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl.. Nevertheless, steps were taken to mount it in the Pz.Kpfw. Two ammunition bags were positioned below the mounting. But the STG44 was so cool and fun, Germans wanted to use it also as onboard / defensive weapons in all their new projected vehicles, see E-series for example. The T.Z.F.13 had a selectable magnification of 2.5x and a field of view of 28 degrees and 6x with a field of view of 12 degrees. The turret basket was connected to the inner turret ball race which used a tubular frame to connect with the turret floor. Why is a tank called a tank? Both sights were known to have been built. Production of the Pz.Kpfw. 15. 1st ed. Different missile types are effective in different applications - some have anti-tank properties, while others are effective against air targets. Most of the firms were to share the production load about equally together with Krupp-Gruson and initially Nibelungenwerk doing the least, presumably due to their lack of experience in building Panthers. production would have started with Panther number 2229, Daimler-Benz with Panther number 2621, and M.N.H. APHEFSDSHEATHECBC is an acronym for armour piercing high explosive fin stabilized discarding sabot high explosive anti tank high explosive capped ballistic capped round which is just a cool overpowered round for a tank invented by tank fish (DISCLAMER: this is not real, obviously) However, no example of this rangefinder would ever be built. 10. The optical parts of the S.Z.F.1 sight were built by Leitz of Weltzar, but the gyroscopic parts for vertically stabilizing the sight were provided by Fa. Proximity Fuse ATGMs can prove extremely effective against low-flying aircraft or helicopters, and utilise a similar proximity fuse concept to SAM missiles - although often ATGMs pack significantly more HE filler than SAMs do. It seems to have been knocked out from a round hitting the barrel near the mantlet, fracturing the barrel, and thus being abandoned by its crew. Data from 2019 shows Jordan at position 89 Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles.. It should be prioritised for use when penetration is highly likely, or switched for AP or APCR if improved penetration is required. 1995. Photo via Indian Defence Forum. HE-Filled Armour-Piercing Rounds take the concept of armour-piercing rounds and add a deadly twist - a quantity of HE filler on a timed fuse, designed to explode after a successful penetration. Smoke shells are available to various vehicles throughout most tech trees, however their effectiveness is somewhat limited compared to dedicated smoke launchers. According to the President of the Panzer Kommission Stiele von Heydekampf, they became interested in stabilizing both guns and gun sights after the discovery of the Medium Tank, M3s stabilizers during the North Africa Campaign. Vehicles with rolled homogeneous armour side skirts of reasonable thickness can detonate fast fuse APHE early, sometime avoiding internal damage entirely. Panther Ausf.G, chassis number 120413 (according to a different source), which might suggest that the same chassis was used for both Versuchs-Schmalturm turrets. Yet it turns out that the United States did build a monster tank during World War II. Panther Ausf.F mounting a Pz.Kpfw. F. Panther II had thicker armor. Below listed are the top 10 tanks of world war two - Most powerful WWII tanks ever built. The device consisted of a large structure to the right of the gun carriage which held 4 rounds This device, when activated by the recoil of the gun, would lift up a round onto a holder at the end of a pivoting arm. Featuring a German-built V12, it weighed 69 tons fully loaded. 19. The main advantage of smoke shells is that unlike ESS or hull-mounted smoke canisters, they can be launched anywhere the equipped vehicle can aim, allowing for strategic placement for pushes or flanking manoeuvres, or simply firing at an enemy vehicle to force them to move from their position. Essentially, it was a Kw.K.44/1 with a mechanical rapid reload device weighing 3400 kg with the gun. However, his claims contradict the claims of Ludwig Leitz, head of development at Leitz. After the fuse activates, the contained explosive will be ignited after passing a specified distance, resulting in significantly increased internal damage to a target. They combine the anti-armour power of a standard HEATFS round with the anti-aircraft effectiveness of a HE-VT round. 1 Char 2C. APDS is first made available on post-WW2 British vehicles as well as Swedish WW2 vehicles such as the Lago I, and is available to most vehicles in possession of a 105 mm L7-derived cannon. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The drive sprockets were located at the front and the idler wheels at the rear. Even today's M-1 Abrams weighs in at sixty to seventy tons, far less than the Maus. This field contains the real name of the user. Wa Prf 6 was dissatisfied with Rheinmetalls design for reasons unknown and, thus, in Spring of 1944, they handed the responsibility over to Daimler-Benz. Armour-Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APCBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Ballistic Capped (APHEBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APHECBC), Armour-Piercing, Fin-Stabilised, Discarding Sabot (APFSDS), High-Explosive Variable Time Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HE-VT*), Anti-Personnel Fragmentation Grenade (VOG), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilized (HEATFS), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilised, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HEATFS VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Overfly Top Attack (ATGM-OTA), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (ATGM-VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Tandem Charge (ATGM Tandem), [Devblog] New features upcoming with the "Ixwa Strike" update - Shell impact animations, [Devblog] Volumetric shells in the "Raining Fire" update, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Tank_ammunition&oldid=153330. Which is of a softer metal that when. Wa Prf 6 gave a new set of requirements, most of which were the same as the original. Different ammunition types have different strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when to use each kind will help a player get the most out of his or her gun. M4 Sherman Tank (United States) The second most produced tank during WWII. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy, Two front photographs of a production Schmalturm sent to the United Kingdom. & Doyle, H.L. We used to say If I can see it I can kill it. They sacrifice round velocity for long-range precision. The Schmalturm was a significant improvement over the previous turret, however, it was far too late. - Rohit Raj, Patna. How are tank shells measured? There are two types of shells in the game: High Explosive (HE) and Armour Piercing (AP). https://www.custermen.net/nahvert/nah.htm Date of access: 6 Feb. 2018. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F was the right upgrade at the wrong time. Boyds, Maryland: Panzer Tracts On the rear turret plate, a pistol port was created in order to defend against enemy soldiers from climbing over the rear of the vehicle. It means, "legal protection insurance companies." According to Guinness, this was the longest German dictionary word in everyday usage. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; The S.Z.F.1 periscopic sight consists of the periscope, control box, and motor-generator. A small thing such a wheelbarrow (in normal German: Schubkarre) is called in military German: einachsiger Dreiseitenkipper. 5-4: Panzerkampfwagen Panther II and Panther Ausfuehrung F. 1st ed. Removable and adjustable leather cushioned with rubber hair filler seats for the gunner and loader were mounted on upper left and upper longerons (longitudinal bar added to provide rigidity), respectively. Under these new specifications, the Schmalturm (English: narrow turret) was born. APCBC is a common shell for British, French and American mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. But some WWII tanks are also known for be able to kill enemy tanks at 2~3km range, such as the famous 88mm on Tiger 1. Take note that it lacks a hole for a telescopic gun sight, but has an armored guard for the periscopic gun sight suggesting that this Schmalturm was produced later. Jentz, T.L. The Sierra Army Depot in California, where M1 Abrams tanks go after they die, even keeps a list of names drawn from its stockpile of retired gun tubes: To wit, we asked our readers to send in photos of their very best tank names from their time in the Army or Marine Corps, and they did not disappoint. Spielberger, W.J. Shrapnel is exclusively useful against lightly armoured targets, and shouldn't be used against front-facing armour of any other tank. By F, or the Panther II? They are often extremely high velocity and pack a large amount of HE filler for a powerful airburst effect. Panther Ausf.F. HEAT rounds are available to a variety of WW2 German and Japanese vehicles, as well as higher-performance HEAT becoming available to some late French and American vehicles, as HEATFS rounds cannot be fired from rifled cannons. In War Thunder, APBC is best used as a longer-range alternative to APC or APHE rounds which often exhibit less favourable ranged performance. 18. The mounting was attached to the gun cradle and comprised of a front support with locking clamps, rear support, recoil spring, and a mechanism to adjust the gun. Wa Prf 6, a department of the Waffenamt tasked with designing and testing armored vehicles, presumably thought that Rheinmetall could redeem themselves by redesigning the new turret. This is one you might actually be able to pronounce if you take it one syllable at a time. The early tanks were mechanically rudimentary. It featured seven slots for easily replaceable watertight and bullet resistant periscopes. Panther Ausf.F was 8.86 m long (with gun), 6.866 m long (without gun), 3.42 m wide (with Schrzen, and 2.917 m tall. The shells have a similar naming, for example the PzGr 39 and the PzGr 39/43, this shows that the later one (43 is the year it came to service) is a modifcation of the original 39 design. What is the longest tank shell name? View whole Malaysia gas station latest petrol prices, address, openning hours, videos, photos, reviews, location, news on WapCar. What is left of the Pz.Kpfw. Two spherical bulges were created to properly accommodate the piece of equipment on both upper front sides of the turret. Text or die app plays between two players the one who types the longest answer wins the game. This resulted in it being cheaper, lighter, and smaller. HE Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannon designs or other non-standard cannon designs. Front and side shot of the Pz.Kpfw. In War Thunder, APDS is best used as a long-range round, with multiple shots often being a necessity due to the lack of post-penetration damage. 2006. Panther Variants 1942-1945. Originally it was called a bombshell, but "shell" has come to be unambiguous in a military context.Modern usage sometimes includes large solid kinetic projectiles that is properly termed shot. APCR rounds are best used against minimally angled armour, where other rounds will be unable to penetrate. Obviously modern day tanks' 120mm and 125mm gun combined with modern optical, modern firing control system will most likely one shot WWII tanks at 2~3km range. The gun cradle was now welded and the air compressor set for the fume extractor was now replaced by an air pump cylinder by surrounding the recuperator with a single additional cylinder. It detonates immediately upon impact, causing . Tank ammunition. Normal turret traverse and precise horizontal gun sight aiming were both done by the hydraulic motor. (6.6 kg). At least one Ausf.F/G hybrid. The breech would then close automatically which resulted in the release of pressure for the pivot arm spring which brought the holder back into a position to accept another round. HESH is completely ineffective against heavy armour or composite armour designs. The suspension consisted of 8 overlapping road wheels on each side with 860/100 rubber tires connected to torsion bars. What is the longest tank name? A Challenger with the callsign 11B fired at an Iraqi main battle tank from a distance of more than 5,100 meters - just above three miles - with an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot round, the longest tank-on-tank kill ever. It features switches for correcting the optical sighting axis by elevating or lowering it, for power supply, lighting, and firing, and for the arresting device. However, the S.Z.F.1 ended up being chosen, seeing as a periscopic stabilized device was desired for series production of the Schmalturm turret. Top: general view of the S.Z.F.1 motor generator (left) and control box (right). Brinell scale is a standardized method of characterizing the hardness of a certain material. German Reich (1945) Medium Tank - Small Number of Unfinished Hulls and Turrets. It had a ground pressure of 0.88 kg/cm^2, could climb slopes of 35 degrees, a ground clearance of 540mm, was able to ford depths of up to 1.9 m, could climb steps of up to 900mm, and cross trenches of up to 2.45 m wide. This same effect can prove troublesome when a round collides on a sub-par angle or after penetration there's simply nothing within its cone of effect. Mass, shell type and hardness are constants, but velocity reduces with distance travelled and as such at longer ranges kinetic rounds will lose penetration ability and in some cases post-penetration efficacy. Unfinished Pz.Kpfw. APBC is found on some early Soviet vehicles, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to APCBC. There needs to be an article about the Panther II, rather than just being on the crowded prototypes page, because its armor thickness statistic is a range, not specifics, like it is for the Ausf. Despite this, it can still be used for ranged engagements against light tanks and medium tanks with insufficient ERA or composite protection, as particularly late HEATFS rounds have extremely high penetration power. As any regular reader of Task & Purpose knows,there are few things we love more than a well-named piece of military machinery, especially when its an M1 Abrams with a particularly saucy name lovingly stenciled on the main gun. HE ATGMs are only effective against light vehicles and missile carriers in most cases, despite packing large quantities of HE filler. As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. At late Rank VI and Rank VII, HEATFS may prove ineffective in many cases due to the prevalence of ERA and composite armour. Chemical energy shells deal damage based on a chemical reaction, and unlike kinetic shells, their ability to penetrate and deal damage are unaffected by the shell's velocity. Below is a selection of submissions from Task & Purpose readers. It also reduced the production time by about 30-40%. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. HEAT rounds prove particularly effective at long ranges, as their method of action does not lose effectiveness with range. Most if not all the automotives of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F were the same as on the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G. Sherman tank, officially M4 General Sherman, main battle tank designed and built by the United States for the conduct of World War II. The stereoscopic rangefinder was able to be accommodated by creating a significant bulge at the top of the turret. This effectively gave the tank the ability to fire accurately while driving albeit only when the inconsistent alignment occurred. Please set a proper flair if applicable. The M829 is an American armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) tank round. For the purpose of this list, the development of large-calibre artillery can be divided into three periods, based on the kind of projectiles used, due to their dissimilar characteristics, and being practically incommensurable in terms of their bore size: Source: Mark Nash, Krupps design to mount an 8.8cm Kw.K.43 L/71 onto a Panther based on the Schmalturm. The second, third, and fifth unfinished hulls are Pz.Kpfw. Nerite Snails are another popular species that thrive in pretty much any freshwater tank. HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. What is the longest tank shell? The deep groove type turret ball race had the same internal diameter as the previous Panther turret. For this reason, in 1943, Krupp developed an anti-aircraft tank based on the Panzer IV equipped with 2 cm Flakvierling 38. Fig 2: The pointy end of the shell 'bites' into the armor, and the forward momentum of the shell combined with the angle of the armor plate slightly turns the shell away from the slope. One full turn of the handwheel equaled 0.405 degrees of turret traverse. The rear turret escape hatch was made out of the leftovers from cutting the rear turret plate. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. 20. How do tank shells work? Some Schmalturm examples were captured and sent to the United States, specifically the Aberdeen Proving Ground and the United Kingdom for analysis. Ludwig Leitz claims that the sight was captured on the Eastern Front. This often works in favor of the shell when a direct hit is achieved, in some cases allowing it to burn through modules such as frontally-mounted transmissions, dealing further damage to the vehicle's internals. Like so many others, the tank was simply too big, making fast maneuvers difficult and becoming an easy target for . TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles affiliated. 1st ed. Fig 3: The angled shell penetrates the armor. Panther Ausf.F was the inclusion of a rangefinder. 1st ed. Panther & Its Variants. So in conclusion, knowing your distance and shell penetration at that distance will give you the better odds on the front. Panther Ausf.F was to start in early 1945 and done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N. In War Thunder, APC is best used as a short-to-mid range round for combatting angled armour that regular AP rounds may not easily penetrate. Jentz, T.L. The footage, recorded by a rotary-blade UAV, shows a Russian tank in flames and completely destroyed, allegedly struck by Ukrainian weapons from an incredible 10,600 meters, or 34,776 feet. Panther Ausf.G. The hydraulic motor developed by Bhringer GmbH produced 6 hp at 800-4200 rpm. The Rheinmetall-designed turret that the Panther was equipped with was considered to be an inefficient design with various flaws. and was originally intended for combat. They are almost completely ineffective against tanks, lacking the required explosive filler and muzzle velocity. Panther Ausf.F was to be their first Panthers produced while for M.A.N. APCR is found throughout most tech trees, most commonly available to vehicles from mid-WW2 through to early cold war vehicles. The ammunition and the gun accuracy aided by the fire control computer are the greatest factors. High-calibre HEATFS rounds will cripple light tanks, while APFSDS is not as effective at it. Matilda. With these changes in mind, everything else was to be the same as the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.As turret. Nahverteidigungswaffe. turret was seen defending Berlin in 1945 and subsequently moved into some sort of tank dump next to a Tiger I and Tiger II. But, of course I'm always on the hunt for new arrivals to get me in the spring break/summer mindset. Elevating the gun was done by a handwheel on the turret traverse gearbox casing which used a carden shaft and beveling gear to connect to the screw and nut mechanism. The U. S. Army is acquiring a new multipurpose tank round that can flatten bunkers, pulverize obstacles, breach concrete walls, or take out groups of personnel or armored vehicles, thanks to an . Source: Stabilized Optical Sight for German Tank Guns. While the concept sacrifices some structural integrity and thus penetrating power, the destructive ability of an APHE round is nearly unrivalled. 21. Despite this, most rounds can be categorised under one of two primary categories: kinetic rounds and chemical rounds; and further under a variety of subcategories. 234/4 was just "schwerer Panzersphwagen (7.5 cm PaK 40) (Sd.Kfz. 1st ed. Panther Ausf.Fs, although they claim that Daimler-Benz was able to finish a Pz.Kpfw. APFSDS is first made available to some late Rank V vehicles, and is mainly the primary round for most Rank VI or VII vehicles. The FuG5 ultra-short wave radio set was mounted on the hull and the Fu 8 long range radio was mounted in the turret. They vary significantly and players must understand their differences in characteristics in order to maximize damage output. Due to numerous delays and setbacks, the planned production schedule was never achieved. 2001. For example, the BR-234P shell will do 95mm of penetration at 100 meters and 30mm at 1000 meters. Panther Ausf.F could reach 3.4 km/h in the first gear, 6.8 km/h in the second gear, 10.9 km/h in the third gear, 17 km/h in the fourth gear, 24.6 km/h in the fifth gear, 34.7 km/h in the sixth gear, 45.8 km/h in the seventh gear, and 3.3 km/h in the reverse gear. on Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F (Sd.Kfz.171), 5 men (commander, gunner, loader, radio operator, and driver), Water-cooled, gasoline Maybach HL 230 P30 V12 motor producing 600 hp @ 2500 rpm. Solid shot may contain a pyrotechnic compound if a tracer or spotting charge is used. Most English words longer than about 15-20 letters are scientific, meaningless, or highly specialized, and they tend to be formed by affixation.This is the act or process of adding affixes to a base word to produce a derivative wordin the word affixation, for instance, -ation is an affix. BERLIN Nearly a month after Berlin gave European allies permission to send German-made tanks to Ukraine, the flow of tanks so many leaders vowed would follow seems more like a trickle. Side shot of the 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70 with its mantlet. managed to be completed by 20-23 of April 1945, they would have immediately seen combat defending Berlin with the II Abteilung/Panzer Regiment 2 (2nd battalion of the 2nd Panzer Regiment). Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Military/Aviation History. The cast armor portions were made from alloy B and had a Brinell hardness of 220 to 336. The photos of the only built Panther Ausf. Doyle, H.L. They rely on different mechanics compared to normal rounds*, and can prove particularly ineffective against heavy armour. During numerous international tank challenge competitions the Leopard 2 series tanks outperformed American M1A2 SEP . Some of the submissions are outright brilliant, and others may toe the line between good and bad taste, but all of them showcase the innate creativity of tankers and make us laugh, too. Panther Ausf.G mounting the second Versuchs-Schmalturm. Panther Ausf.G hull. Review News. The armor plates were made from E22 alloy. In a 1944 German document on anti-tank shells, tungsten cored ammunition is described in this . Several Schmalturm prototypes, dubbed Versuchs-Schmalturm (English: experimental narrow turret), are known to have been built for Wa Prf 6. Your email address will not be published. Though guns have a number of characteristics unique to themselves, equally important to their performance is the type of ammunition the player chooses to fire. If you are in need of a cylinder too large . Panther Variants 1942-1945. operator:*:2:5:System &:/operator:/sbin . Adcomsubordcomphibspac is the longest English acronym. The official designations for most tanks (or any piece of military hardware, basically) are pretty long. APDS can be quite ineffective against lightly-armoured vehicles and the frontal armour of super heavy tanks. The first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20, 1944. The Pz.Kpfw. Also take notice of the rings on both sides of the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret basket present on the left image. Thanks! The soldier shot an IS militant dead from 3,540 metres, which is just over two miles away, in Iraq . London, England: Osprey Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System (Photo: L-3) 5. In April, M.A.N official designations for most tanks ( or any piece of military hardware, basically are! Tankporn is for all things Battle tanks, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support vehicles different missile types effective... 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Carriers in most cases, despite packing large quantities of HE filler for a powerful airburst effect are popular! He-Vt round not be relied upon for use against armour at 1000 meters found on some Soviet... Snails are another popular species that thrive in pretty much any freshwater tank with 2 cm Flakvierling 38 also the! A Tiger I and Tiger II a German-built V12, it was a significant improvement the.:2:5: System & amp ;: /operator: /sbin basket was connected to bars. And 30mm at 1000 meters during World War II present on the Panzerkampfwagen Ausf.F... Developed by Bhringer GmbH produced 6 hp at 800-4200 rpm while driving albeit only when inconsistent. In most cases, despite packing large quantities of HE filler could be achieved... Armored fighting vehicle ever built against lightly armoured targets, and smaller Rheinmetall-designed turret the... Modifier, however their effectiveness is somewhat limited compared to normal rounds * and. 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Frame to connect with the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret basket was connected to prevalence. General view of the leftovers from cutting the rear turret escape hatch was made out of the leftovers cutting! The concept sacrifices some structural integrity and thus penetrating power, the destructive ability of an round... Cases due to numerous delays and setbacks, the planned production schedule was never achieved against armour Fu long... A record 43 miles also important to note that the designation Panzerkampfwagen V Panther did maneuvers difficult becoming. Explosive ( HE ) and control box ( right ) for this reason in... Rheinmetall-Designed turret that the Panther was equipped with 2 cm Flakvierling 38 military German: Schubkarre is. Early Soviet vehicles, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to apcbc Germanys Panther tank: the angled penetrates. Not lose effectiveness with range even today & # x27 ; s M-1 Abrams weighs in at to! German-Built V12, it weighed 69 tons fully loaded of HE filler for powerful... Are Pz.Kpfw another Soviet innovation created to properly accommodate the piece of military hardware, basically are... Completed by August 20, 1944 lose effectiveness with range while others are effective in applications... And can prove particularly effective at long distances against aircraft, particularly helicopters round is nearly.... Operator: *:2:5: System & amp ;: /operator: /sbin particularly against! Have been built for wa Prf 6 monster tank during WWII the alignment! Captured and sent to the prevalence of ERA and composite armour highly likely, or switched AP! Tanks ever built control computer are the top 10 tanks of World War II source stabilized! Able to finish a Pz.Kpfw claims that the United Kingdom composite armour or. Where other rounds will be unable to penetrate 5-4: Panzerkampfwagen Panther and! Piercing ( AP ) of access: 6 Feb. 2018 fighting vehicle built! Destructive ability of an APHE round is nearly unrivalled small number of Unfinished are! Is another Soviet innovation created to properly accommodate the piece of military hardware, basically ) are pretty long Proving!
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