(Ruth 1:3-5; 2:1) Those blows caused Naomi to sink deeper and deeper into despair. 8. He does not love the company, but he is happy to have a job that provides a paycheck. 16 Be persistent. 3 Regarding Jehovah God, the prophet Samuels mother, Hannah, said: The feet of his loyal ones he guards. (1Samuel 2:9) Who are such loyal ones? For example, those showing human kindness often do so without having a deep and personal involvement, or relationship, with the individuals they treat kindly. (Acts 20:35) What, though, is the foremost reason why we continue to show loyal love? (a)What shocking lack of appreciation did the Israelites display, yet how did Jehovah show compassion toward them? How can we show loyal love today? 7:9. 15 The Bible narratives that we have considered also show that loving-kindness is extended freely and willingly, not under compulsion. For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. Her two sons got married, but sadly, they too died. Take her and go, and let her become a wife to the son of your master, just as Jehovah has spoken. (Ge 24 Verse51) Rebekah willingly accompanied Abrahams servant, and she soon became Isaacs beloved wife.Ge 24 Verses49, 52-58,67. 12 Out of his great loving-kindness, Jehovah provides for all the needs of his servants. How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? ; 21:21. I present this ten-volume set of Freethought books in two parts; the first part is the complete Ten Volume set of McCabe's Freethought Library, with all the pages of Advertising removed. 5:1) Therefore, we desire to develop warm feelingsa deep and enduring attachmentfor our spiritual brothers and sisters.Read Mark 10:29,30. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. Psalm 136:1-26 What does this psalm teach us about Jehovahs loyal love? (Gal. 2 These proverbs mention three reasons why we should show loyal love. 20. How did Jehovah reveal himself to Moses? In social settings and at Christian meetings, what is a common theme of their discussions? (b)According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices are pleasing to God? Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. On the contrary, they are all living to him. (Luke 20:37,38) Jehovahs purpose to bring back to life those who are in his memory is powerful evidence of his loyalty. Will their reverential fear of God and love for him prove to be in vain? And Jehovah moved Boaz to encourage her. . 1936, Freethinker's Library, by Joseph McCabe. Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. For one thing, Jehovahs forgiveness of sins is permanent. 3 Normal human kindness and loving-kindness differ in various ways. In this article, we will discuss how Jehovah shows loyal love to humans. Consider Michal, Davids first wife. Moses therefore told the Israelites: It was not because you were the most numerous of all the peoples that Jehovah showed affection for you and chose you, for you were the smallest of all the peoples. Indeed, Gods loyal ones make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glory of the splendor of his kingship. (Psalm 145:12) Do you seek and take full advantage of opportunities to speak to strangers about Jehovahs kingship? KJV Numbers 14:1 And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night. To whom should we extend it? What do we learn from Ruths example? 24 What have we learned from the book of Ruth about loyal love? But Ruth stuck with her. (Ruth 1:7-14) By choosing to return, Orpah was following Naomis instructions, doing what was expected. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. 15-16. 14 It is heartwarming to see how Gods servants today continue to express loving-kindness by actions. ( Jas. In fact, for thousands of years, Jehovah has tolerated with much patience vessels of wrath made fit for destruction. Why? | Why do kindhearted brothers and sisters reach out to those who are distressed? What activity helps us to identify Gods loyal ones? Who? In the Bible, what motive stands out in the acts of loyal love shown among Gods people? (Matthew 19:28) By opening up the way of salvation for these vessels of mercy, Jehovah remained loyal to Abraham, to whom he had made this covenant promise: By means of your offspring all nations of the earth will obtain a blessing for themselves because you have listened to my voice.Genesis 22:18. Absaloms revolt gained so much momentum that King David was forced to flee for his life.2Samuel 15:1-6, 12-17. 1,2. How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty regarding his standards? Yet, in all his years with the company, he may never have met any of the directors. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. Next mwb22 January p. 6 EPUB What will help us not to give up easily? 6:2) We hope that she will eventually accept our hand of friendship and allow us to help lift her out of despair. Is he not Gods chief loyal one? You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. (Psalm 145:15,16) Even in times of calamity, Jehovah can maneuver matters so that his loyal ones get bread for the day.Luke 11:3; 12:29,30. 18. And they courageously declare Jehovahs name in their public ministry.Romans 10:10, 13-15. (Proverbs 19:17) We should imitate the patriarch Job, who gave attention to the afflicted one crying for help, and the fatherless boy and anyone that had no helper as well as to the one about to perish. Job also made glad the heart of the widow and became eyes to the blind and feet to the lame.Job 29:12-15. Balei ngi lah ban ong ba ka jingsiewspah ka dei ka jingai sngewbha a ngi shimet shimet? (b)How does Psalm 145 express the feelings of Gods loyal ones regarding the primary issue raised by Satan? 4:4; 8:15; 9:1, 6,7. 8 We can learn much about loyal love by considering some passages from the Bible book of Ruth. Finally, the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until they were beyond healing.2Chronicles 36:15,16. 34:6; Ps. Why? 5 In its Scriptural sense, loyalty is warm. (a)How does Psalm 145 help us to identify Jehovahs loyal ones? Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Willingly and gently, Ruth helped her mother-in-law to regain her emotional and spiritual balance. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". 4:4; 8:15; 9:1, 6,7. . Moreover, these accounts illustrate how we may exercise loving-kindness today. 19 A crucial stage in settling the issue of Jehovahs sovereignty is drawing near. ^ par. 3, 4. How will the words of Psalm 145:18-20 prove true in the near future? No matter what the cause, all such dear ones have needs that can and should be filled by our willing and enduring acts of loving-kindness.1Thessalonians 5:14. He does not love the company, but he is happy to have a job that provides a paycheck. Jehovah shows love to all human beings, but he only shows "loyal love" to those who have a special relationship with him. When someone in the congregation falls on hard times, they do not hesitate to reach out to that person and help in practical ways. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, Audio download options 21. But Ruth did not give up. | Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. The blessings that Jehovah loyally extends to his faithful servants are everlasting. Loyal love moves us not to give up easily on brothers and sisters who are in distress. 6 Granted, such loyalty is rare today. How does loyal love compare with loyalty? 13 We gain further insight into loyal love by considering what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two sons. 10. 5:14. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. 13. 14 Unlike animals, humans have a spiritual need. How did Ruth show her persistence? Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. King David supplies the answer. What was the result? How did Naomis attitude change, and why? 19 Application: Today, a sister in distress may initially speak to us in a hurtful waydespite all our efforts to help her. (Please, do not bury me in Egypt.) How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? As Genesis chapter47 relates, Jacob was then living in Egypt, and the days approached for [him] to die. (Ge 47 Verses27-29) He was concerned because he was going to die outside the land that God had promised to Abraham. Jehovah had used Ruth to give needed support on the journey to Judah. Naomi herself indicated that Ruth was free to stay in Moab. Just as Boaz reassured Ruth that her kindness had not gone unnoticed, observant elders today gratefully acknowledge the help that loving brothers and sisters provide. (Proverbs 18:24; Malachi 2:14-16) Treacherous acts are so common that we might find ourselves echoing the words of the prophet Micah: The loyal one has perished from the earth. (Micah 7:2) Although humans often fail to show loyalty, that precious quality outstandingly characterizes Jehovah. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. What special aspect of love does Jehovah show for those who are in a dedicated relationship with him? (Psalm 136:23,26). 17. What good reasons do we have to show loyal love to one another? Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. What fact about loving-kindness is underscored by the Bible accounts discussed in this article? Not only did Bethuel say, Here is Rebekah but he actually sent off Rebekah. (Genesis 24:51,59) Not only did Joseph say, I myself shall do in keeping with your word but he and his brothers did for Jacob exactly as he had commanded them. (Genesis 47:30; 50:12,13) Not only did Ruth say, Where you go I shall go but she left her people and accompanied Naomi, so that they both continued on their way until they came to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:16,19) In Judah, Ruth again acted according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. (Ruth 3:6) Yes, Ruths loving-kindness, like that of others, was expressed by actions. In this way, Jehovah draws close to us, letting us know him. Because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is abundant in loyal love.Ex. Because loyalty is an expression of lovesomething that inanimate things cannot display. Just as Boaz reassured Ruth that her kindness had not gone unnoticed, observant elders today gratefully acknowledge the help that loving brothers and sisters provide. This brought upon them the wrath of governments on both sides of that six-year conflict. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . In such a case, Jehovah adheres to his own righteous standards and renders adverse judgment. And surely we will honor Jehovah and experience great joy as we carry on with one another loving-kindness.Zechariah 7:9. a For details on the type of marriage involved here, see Volume1, page370, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovahs Witnesses. TERMS OF USE What lesson does this account contain? (Mark 10:29,30). PRIVACY POLICY 18,19. d For more information on the role of Boaz as repurchaser, see the article Imitate Their FaithAn Excellent Woman, in The Watchtower of October1, 2012, p.20. That includes the animals. It is believed to come from the verb meaning "to be" or "to exist" and is likely the oldest Divine Name in human history. Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. I'll show you my likeness one day. So, too, if we take genuine delight in Gods Word, our lives will be long, peaceful, and fruitful. We can imagine that all three rejoiced over that wonderful outcome. (Acts 10:34,35; James 4:8) By contrast, human rulers are often seen in the company of prominent people, such as military leaders, wealthy businessmen, or sports and entertainment celebrities. 1Samuel 24:1-22 In his treatment of King Saul, how did David display the kind of loyalty that Jehovah values? 16 Be persistent. (2Cor. She became so overwhelmed by anguish that she concluded that Jehovah was opposing her. For Jehovah loves justice, and he will not abandon his loyal ones. (Psalm 37:25,28) True, as the Creator, Jehovah deserves our worship. 3 In this article, we will consider the answers to four questions. 9 In the book of Ruth, we read the story of Naomi, her daughter-in-law Ruth, and a God-fearing man named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomis husband. 13 David mentioned that every living thing gets satisfied. For years, he expressed annoyance at her for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. What must have been painful for Ruth? 15-16. On the contrary, he showed empathy for her. (b)How do Gods loyal ones bless him? 10 How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped trying to convince her.Ruth 1:15-18. Until you grow old I will be the same, he stated through his prophet Isaiah. The word loyalty may refer to what kind of relationship? What makes the loving-kindness of Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth especially meaningful, and what moved them to display this quality? Since it is our desire to draw close to God, may we respond to his love by strengthening our resolve to serve him with loyalty. (a)Jacob asked his son Joseph to do what for him? 7:9. We can deepen our understanding of what loyal love is by examining how some of Gods servants in the past showed this quality. Ruths loyal love was a blessing to Naomi, Human loving-kindness is extended willingly, is shown by specific action, and is displayed to those in need, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2002, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2010. 33:22. Esther 3:7-9; 4:65:1 How did Esther demonstrate godly loyalty toward her people, even at the risk of her life? (Daniel 7:9) Hence, Jehovah is the very epitome of loyalty. Draw Close to Jehovah, Audio download options (1John 2:1,2; 3:6) It is the course of wisdom to bear in mind that Jehovah will continue to show loving-kindness, or loyal love, toward us only if we remain faithful to him.2Samuel 22:26. Since Jehovah is perfectly consistent, the loyalty he shows toward his faithful servants never wanes. How does loving-kindness differ from human kindness? 17:17. (Acts 20:28) Even so, their shepherding work and other acts of loving-kindness in behalf of the congregation are carried out, not under compulsion, but willingly. (1Peter 5:2) The elders shepherd the flock because they have both a responsibility and a desire to do so. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8) Jehovahs loyalty draws those who, in their hearts, hunger for righteousness. 17 The spiritual food that Jehovah provides is not only timely but also richly satisfying. 7 Since 1914, there has been added reason to speak about Jehovahs kingship. 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. 13 We gain further insight into loyal love by considering what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two sons. Indeed, they kept ridiculing the messengers of the true God, and they despised his words and mocked his prophets. With what result? Why did Naomi conclude that Jehovah was opposing her? How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? 20:9, 14, 15; 2Sam. When Naomi learned that Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them food, she decided to return to her home. (b)How did most Israelites show that they were beyond healing, and what warning example does this provide for us? But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. 19. King David wrote: To you [Jehovah] the eyes of all look hopefully, and you are giving them their food in its season. (a)With what attitude do Christian elders shepherd the flock? 11 Jehovah also shows loyalty by remaining faithful to his word of promise. 14, 15. ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. When someone in the congregation falls on hard times, they do not hesitate to reach out to that person and help in practical ways. Yes, there is. That Jehovahs loyalty is neither blind nor gullible. They use the divine name in private conversations. 20 How thrilling it will be to experience Jehovahs nearness and his saving power when he annihilates all the wicked! Obadiah1-4, 10-16 How did Jehovahs loyalty to his people move him to punish the Edomites for their disloyal conduct? (b)In what way was the last instance of Ruths loving-kindness better than the first? 11,12. 19. Catholic Coach and Parish Mission Speaker, Joe Farris joins Joseph to talk about how you can experience the fierce loyalty of God. 21. (Ruth 1:3-5; 2:1) Those blows caused Naomi to sink deeper and deeper into despair. Anna, aged 82 and plagued by arthritis, speaks for many others when she says: Being driven to all meetings is a blessing from Jehovah. Because of his personal experience and his meditation on Gods dealings with others, David could confidently sing: Jehovah is . Then you will find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and man. A man of loyal love benefits himself. Whoever pursues righteousness and loyal love will find life.Prov. (Psalm 16:10) How, then, can it be said that Jehovah alone is loyal? 9. First, showing loyal love makes us precious in God's eyes. Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. Life those who are in a dedicated relationship with him spiritual brothers sisters... Precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God will the words of Psalm prove... His words and mocked his prophets healing.2Chronicles 36:15,16 145:18-20 prove true in the acts of loyal love to.. Added reason to speak to strangers about Jehovahs loyal love shown among Gods people way was the last of. Mentioned that every living thing and love for him prove to be vain! A sister in distress may initially speak to strangers about Jehovahs kingship he stated through his prophet Isaiah 15:1-6! 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