Why even have a relationship with a person if theres the chance you are gonna let them leave or discard them over an animal? Ive read about this more and more myself realizing that its a real problem with some people that just cant distinguish their four legged animal from a human being. I love animals, i have a dog that I love to bits, but I absolutely HATE my wifes dog. He has been good with many things we have compromised. I was utterly devastated. At first I said, the dog. People get dogs for their own selfish reasons, treat them like humans, and it ends up being so detrimental to the poor dog. Because they are animals. Cookie Notice I can understand that, but Im having a hard time accepting it. In any case, If something unfortunate happens that probably leads to severe injury of your kids, the responsibility is on you as you are the one who wanna keep the dog with the family. New life. Actually, here is why your husband/boyfriend wants to rehome the dog? I Did the same. Except yes, the way he believes so harshly that a dog is a dog. He thought I was being so mean to her and felt I didnt love her and never would. I feel like Im watching over a two year old every day. I am indeed a cat person, they are more solitary dont hold you not being home a long period of time against you and can go potty on their own. Please tell me if thats normal? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Twice now she has snapped at him when he has tried to reach in her crate to make her go outside. :) Its too I didnt meet someone like you that has this common sense attitude when it come to their pets. He literally cannot do anything without pissing off my boyfriend. The dog might end up dead if it is given away the death rate at shelters is often shockingly high. Made him think about the entirety of this situation as well. And yes, she would get on all the furniture, including patio chairs. These dogs are too big and strong, and will end up hurting someone someday). Use this site to investigate unknown phone numbers that raises red flags. The older one is blind so when they go outside I have to watch him carefully to ensure he comes back in the house. We are going round in circles and Im stuck in a situation where I love my partner to bits but cant stand his dog and feel its not fair to get rid of her and keep the puggle which might end up in resentment from my partner. Dog people will try to tell you that you shouldnt mind having your life covered in fur, but folks like you and me arent trying to hear that nonsense. (No exaggeration. All controlling? My god the hair. Its always there taking attention away from me. Do you ever just feel like ending your relationship because of this issue? I recently started dating a girl back in November who at the time told me she had a dog, but it wasnt until we made it official and began spending time at each others places was when I found out how bad her dog is. Janet, the problem is Ive noticed I am on a virtual time limit with her when talking about her dogs issues. Dogs are dogs and children are children! She wasnt taught any manners. Thats what dog beds are for. He even went so far as too says that the dog should know his humour, when to bug him or not, when he has his good jeans or work clothes. Challenging for sure when polar opposites. Divorce him? It does not help she has nipped me before and has a tendency to walk behind my legs up close which freaks me the hell out! After being married 6 months I realized he was married to his dog and I was the third wheel. But hes gone a lot from his job and I have 5 kids and 2 dogs. It is a Weimeraner, and I hate the breed, its characteristics, its mannerisms and love all other dogs. Replays with your dogs so perfect! Well. Omg! Its everywhere is this for real?? If thats not what you wanted to hear then alternatively, you could just come home with two puppies one day (because he said you couldnt get A DOG) and tell him to deal with it.. She also sniffs constantly. So, she did depend on them and treated them like humans (something she even admitted she has to stop doingtreating them like humans). Logan, I now have one foot out the door unless he is willing to accept my compromise or come up with some equally durable plan. He just called me a pig because I ate a sandwich and didnt save any for the dogs. Devoted animal lovers sometimes say their pets are like childrenand like children, a furry best friend can cause plenty of strife in a relationship. Even IF your house is a zoo at times! My partner has changed, shes negative, bitter, angry. So dont feel guilty. They need structure, like getting food and walks at the same time every day, and they should not be rewarded for bad behavior, like begging, with getting food, petted, etc. Now it stinks and has nasty hair all over it. .i dont think you should let him make that choice. I lied to my spouse that I was crying for another reason so another dog fight did not occur. Basically, she made a conscious choice to choose the dog and the current state of affairs over me. It is downright disgusting. So 4 years in we have 1 dog so neurotic i wimpers and is stuck to her heel the whole time shes home, it has to sleep under the bed she would have it on the bed if i didnt make a stand, it sits on her whenever she sits. Now, we are back to this point where I have been bit by this dog now twice, she doesnt listen to me what so ever, refuses to eat unless its my wife who feeds her and Im nowhere around, is right there by my wifes side no matter what if shes not outside on her chain. Thanks. Once we lived together, and I saw that EVERYTHING revolved around his dog, I grew to dislike him. So like your dog could be perfectly fine where its at and you deliberately interrupt that to CALL in into your human bed? He told me to tell him what to do and that he would wear an earplug to protect his ear but he doesnt always want to live up to that promise and starts yelling at the dog again. she also feeds them constantly from the table that encourages this bad behaviour. Your partner couldve lied and tolerated the dog at the beginning because she liked you, and now that things got serious after moving in, she just cant stand him, and you guys are already into each other. When you said it doesnt shed, I wondered. Litter boxes are so useful when training tiny puppies, as they dont know how to use bathrooms. My fianc says he is not going to live another year and that was 3 years ago. It stresses me out so much and I feel so much resentment and bitterness that my feelings arent taken into consideration. Me and several babies hes managed to kick to death inside me. Like many people here I have always been a huge animal lover. She grabs chargers or cords. We are renovating a 1958 house with every penny we can during my weekends she actually does very little in this project, but its not about all that its about her boundless defence of these dogs that cost a fortune. He would come home love the dog and everything and Ill be in the kitchen making dinner and when hes done giving the dog attention he sits on the couch. He had cats as a kid but now he claims he has become allergic. THEY JUST HAVE FUR, FOUR LEGS AND ARE FUREVER LOYAL TO YOU NO MATTER WHAT! If Your Boyfriend Doesn't Like Your Dog (Or Vice Versa! Not to mention how unsanitary it is. The emotional energy invested in loving ones pets robs emotional energy from a human partner Oh please give me strength. Change in the schedule. Without hurting your feelings she doesnt sound like your soulmate. Hardwood floor. I am doing all the training, but I work full time and hes home during the day. I can be impatient and I know this but even when I am doing my best to accommodate the Boston, he ultimately makes me want to climb up a wall. And as I said, it is not her fault for being so sheddy and stinky. Seems like not! Developing a loving and lasting relationship is going to take much effort for both individuals. (I was sick of that too that I started putting my foot on her and saying, Thats enough. From the actions he does with her, its hard not to feel jealous or a little hurt by all of this. I dont even like touching dogs. So I convinced my husband to get her. The youngest dog has full access to the $3,000 leather lounge (the first new lounge I ever bought in my 57 years ) . Or at least me, shes a heavy sleeper. We often see this problem between newlyweds and boyfriend and girlfriend couples. Because that shows me how much more the cat means to him than I do. A retired couple who offered everything I did, with the bonus of not having my husband for a daddy. He still pees in the house, not from lack of training but because she is too lazy to take him out. I have been seeing a man for almost 3 years now. They have a gate separating the sides of the house but tonight the dog broke through it. My dog and his dog get along famously since they met when he was six weeks old, but now he doesnt want them to go for walks anymore because his dog is sore the next day. I dealt with someone similar in that way. How about hes making you happy accepting the dog when clearly hed prefer to not have one but thats the compromise. I knew his dog shed but BOY OH BOY did I not realize to what extent!!! Untrained dogs, partners hating dogs, jealousy and intolerance Toilet-training should be accomplished in a week or maybe 2 max, if you STICK with it. But its a hard one!! Is there anyway to get the min pin out of our beds? We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! If your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog, the main reason could be puppy blues. The first months he really kept saying how he missed his dogs which always made me feel I dont matter. Hed come home after petting another dog and say, Dog name, I didnt go out on you! I got so tired of hearing this, finally I said without thinking, GD it, shes not your lover!. The guy I am with hates dogs with a bloody passion and I have THREE. I feel more secure and protected. Then I tell myselffreak! I find I get up in the morning and I am happy. As people have disappeared into their screens there is an expectation by some that they neednt live in the real world; that dogs or games or something they can control which does not include another living/breathing human is the central focus in their life. Animals are at the mercy of humans many who are cruel like your husband, they are innocent sentient being who will love you whatever you put them through. They would lay quietly on their beds in our living room and maintain a respectful distance when ever a meal was served. I feel like an asshole but surely its not normal to spend every waking minute with his dog especially when she never used to before.. am i overreacting or am i perfectly reasonable? You may have rescued a dog if it was in immediate, imminent danger, which is unlikely in my experience (this is an overused term by dog fanatics to show fake altruism). The dog is 100% dependent upon the human and knows it is. I think instead of writing bad things about dogs you have to think about your loved ones not the dogs. I moved about 12 hours away for my boyfriend, my dog is extremely clingy he cries when he is away from me for a second i cant even go to the bathroom without him crying to come in he wakes up in the middle of the night and just starts barking trust me of course this drives my boyfriend insane it is also very hard to teach my dog not to do certain things because he is deaf now us just moving in together this obviously became a problem very quickly my boyfriend also does not think dogs should be in the kitchen well my dog went in the kitchen we got into a huge fight over this i love my dog very much!! To be honest, I love so many dogs, and they are a huge part of my life. The dog acts out, becomes even more needy, which only breeds guilt in their owner, so they turn their focus away from their relationship to focus solely on the dog again and boom, the issues start! I dont mind a quick sniff when someone walks in but she goes on non stop getting full hair on you. Its pretty clear to us outsiders that the man has a severely dysfunctional relationship with his animals. After all, when on walks the dogs sniff at everything and my wife cuddles her dogs and doesnt always wash her hands or face afterwards. Omg, I hate that. I hate my husbands cat and I wish hed get rid of it. I cant take it anymore. I fear my the dog will be the death of us.. :( I heard all what you have been hearing from your partner.. it takes work and responsibility to have pets.. Amen! But f***, cant you show him discipline?? I cant watch her 24/7 to keep her from going upstairs to the kids room and getting their stuff or stealing food. Why do i feel ive got the shit end of the stick ! Am I crazy for sticking around? But a change as simple as teaching your dog not to beg or keeping your cat off the bookshelf could remedy the issue. If you want to change the way you do something with your petsfor example, allowing Fido to sleep in the bed or taking more frequent walks with your pet and your partnertalk to your partner before taking the plunge rather than making a decision and expecting him or her to abide by it. Yes, she is a dog. You have put it so beautifully. One of each. Why was your ex not a good man as youve implied? They think that were overreacting because we dont like fur on our clothes. I wish you all the best and will be sendin prayers your way! Sadly I assume another dog.. on all of that! My HUSBAND wanted a dog more than I. I like dogs, not love them. If he does let us know so I can share your secret with mine. I say another room because if they are in the same room, theyll keep jumping at the bed until they are brought into itthereby TRAINING YOU to bring them in the bed. When getting a pet it should be with the intention of it having a forever home. The dog smell is what gets to me and makes me nauseous! So I put the dog in its kennel and turned the lights off. We could sell her to avoid the arguments but it was brought for my daughter who would be upset immensely if we lost her. The dog, 2. Just saying you may want to reevaluate how you think about dogs or talk to your local vet. He always had to have his face in hers, lick my toes, she wouldnt get out of the truck, feeding her after every meal on my dinner plates. They must be let outside, fed, played with and walked. I told her she could keep the dog if she promises to keep them separate at all times. Some people attempt to get rid of their dogs as they discover a health issue in their dogs, especially if it is rigorous. The first will require much, much more effort between the players but will result in an experience that has immense potential and possibility. If your dog has an awful habit of biting people, especially on your kids, the husband may become furious at the dog and resulting in attempting to rehome or get rid of the dog. Shes cute but not the small dog I wanted. Well about 5 months after giving them to my mom, a week after delivery of our baby boy, my dog was hit and killed by a car. Thank you for being so real. I dont have an ear problem so I cant relate but I dont know how I am supposed to deal with this. Training an animal requires time and investment or you can easily cause more issues. The dogs will probably always come first. Your partner is not jealous of your dog. Unfortunately, the hair is still an issue. He wont take him to the Vet though. Its just nasty and gross! I volunteer at a rescue feeding orphaned baby pups and kittens. She hops on the couch to grab my sons favorite stuffed or toys. What shall I do? Although, my pets never ranked higher in the family than my mother, father, sister, brother, or spouse. Dog eats off his plate and will get on counter and lick frying pan or eat whatever i have thawing out. Im ruined for life. Even after a grooming she still emits a doggy aroma. Ive literally slept in my vehicle with my clothes packed many times because I refuse to be humiliated and belittled over a animal. The dogs get along great together too. I lived with being blamed for things I didnt do, snide remarks, one upmanship contests. I never bother him at night, I go ahead and get up to quite him so he doesnt wake my husband who works very long hours. She gets primo food, primo treats, a big beautiful back yard with other dogs to play with. I dont know when this started, but she has also started peeing in the bed. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and in the past year he was my biggest supporter on me finally getting a dog of my ownwell now a year or so later my dog still needs lots of training but my boyfriend has simply made it clear he will never move in or get a place with me if I have my dog . I suffer from asthma (maybe cats.. idk yet) and it can be life threatening yet these animal lovers feel the pets come before human family. He has to have some way to release his energy. They are not. Visit a dog related website and you will see some strange stuff posted by dog nuts. When I get off work it seems like he doesnt care if I am home or not. Giving affection isnt sufficient. Ummm. I hate her. When she arrived she was on the couch. How can your boyfriend of 3 years actually say go on the couch so his DOG can sleep next to you? I was tired of this and enforced her laying down, but then it was a battle of her getting up and my telling her to lay down. , i thought that if 2 people really truelly love eachother they do whatever they need to to be together right?..i just dont know what to do, i told him also that people have mentioned well why dont you just get rid of your beagles for a good life , i said why should i give mine up if he doesnt have too?i dont think so! Im thinking about giving him away just because I want him to get treated better than this.. Is this wrong to give up my loved dog for her? His dog has been an issue since day one. If the dog is still a puppy, you can work on house training. I recently got very upset bc his dog peed on some VERY expensive furniture & my bf told me I need to drop it bc hes sick of hearing me complain about his dog & hes tired of it being an issue. If I sneak table scraps to the dog, he gets furious because Fido cant have wheat products! I mean, COME ON ITS A DOG! I guess Im just venting because some of these stories, a lot, are similar to mine. She was well trained, stayed home with family when we traveled. It just makes me sick. He had always put her in his 2nd truck (her dog house) when I was with him or shed be at his home when we went on dates. Im the one who cleans, and Im sick of cleaning cat hair of of EVERYTHING in the house. I think that many of us tend to believe that people can get better overtime, not worse, so it is hard to see everything coming in the middle of a fog. Over and over again, I see stories about how the boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses of these dog owners end up feeling left out, second class, and unimportant while the needs of a dog are being prioritized over their own. Ive really tried bc I feel terrible for him, but then when we finally moved in together he started to guilt me into doing more things for the dog like walking her on a rotating basis with him. She would agree to the boundaries and just like your boyfriend, would be upset and sad that shes punishing the dog by following what she promised to do? She insisted that they loved her. If one makes it a human and the other as a pet animal it will never work. There are so many people in the world who actually LIKE dogs, it is pointless to waste time on ones who dont. I mean , they have their own beds, just like I do, and its not going to be mine. My big dog is way too big to do that. Animals are extremely smart when compared to their loving owners. She is wrong to suggest someone who isnt capable of living on his own have a pet to help him. Ridiculous. The thing is we were supposed to be moving in together when he took her on. What is the deal with sleeping with animals? If you can't value your boyfriend's relationship with his dog, and the responsibility that he's taken on by having a dog in the first place, you need to take a good, hard look in the mirror. It is a total pain follows him everywhere like a bad smell and really I. I am so totally depressed. I love all animals but dont want any big dogs in my place and after dealing with bulldogs, of which I never gave much thought to before dating someone that had them, I want nothing to do with them! I understand you dont want to ask him to get rid of his animals because you know how much he loves them and youre not a cruel person you dont hate the animals but its not your fault they give you anxiety and irritate your allergies. It doesnt mean he has to get rid of it as a family member has a farm where he takes it everyday to work anyway and the response I got was- its going nowhere and I was evil, so he choose to go with it! Hes a good dog but senses that my husband doesnt like him so hes afraid of him. In my whole life I have met 2 or 3 people who are pet owners (very responsible ) but do not let the pets on furniture and can distinguish between a person and a pet. As for the dog thing and spreading bacteria, the only dog (or cat) disease that Ive ever heard of thats communicable to humans is Rabies. We both have long work days and I want to come home to a clean and relaxing place after a long day of work, not to a place that smells like ammonia and that is covered with poop, pee and hair and 2 needy dogs that are jealous and where Im not able to step away from cooking because my food will get stolen away. I think its the most disgusting thing ever, and they just let their cat scratch on furniture rip up boxes and shoes and let the cat walk around on the dinner table. I also know its not the animal, its the owner who sees dogs as humans and treats them as gods. Id say if he leaves: good riddance!! Not to my boyfriend. She hardly barks and does not defecate or urinate in the home. Ive had people say that I dont truly love my dog because we dont allow him on the furniture, and Im like really? We dont want dog hair all on the couch and definitely not in the bed, so he sleeps in his own bed downstairs. Regards. Happier than weve ever been with our crazy dog! It wont change believe me. The dog sticks up everything, no matter how many times you groom him. Thanks. It creeped around corners, wouldnt go anywhere without surveying the situation. This restaurant allows dogs on the patio but he didnt know that until he was there. Wake upor go to sleep, without the dogs! Apparently it is, because he always lets them on the furniture. Dogs behave the way we TRAIN them to behave. Weve been together 2 years, lived together for 1. I just found out mine was paying about 7.50/kg for food thats available through Amazon for 4.75. I prefer cats over dogs Tori and would rather swap them out, lol. Compromise does not work if you are asking someone to tolerate something they cant stand. ! I said no! If your dog likes someone, they are usually good. I adore my lady. If you really dont have sufficient time to set aside your canine friend, check in your neighborhood. Thats ridiculous. They are destructive, conniving, manipulate little jerks.. i honestly LOVE animals, but I am beginning to HATE dogs.. If you love each other you find a way of adapting whilst keeping in mind the comfort of your boyfriend as well, but there is only so much you can do and someone who is completely opposed to the idea is never going to work. Even his BF said she thought he might commit suicide when the dog died. Without going into details, his actions with his beloved pet almost broke me. We recently moved in together and he never had her properly trained so we are working on house training even though shes almost 3 and shouldve already done this as a puppy. Dont get me wrong, I DO enjoy animals and their company and I have had a small dog for many years before all this! Contrary to what you may saythe answer is yes, you would. I went into the relationship not thinking my pets would be a problem,but since he has virtual power over the household, he has decided that they have to go. I would have to question anyone that would hand out ultimatums to their SO or anyone who would be willing to part with a pet that they made a commitment to based on an ultimatum. We would leave her home while we went to the store and after awhile she started to chew on things. I hope all of you never have any REAL problems to contend with in life, and have the sense to realise that to be with a selfish and nasty partner who seems to think of nothing other than how things affect HIM is no way to live! If the animal takes so much priority over the human family members then why not just marry the dog instead? I told her that I felt I was doing more with her dog than she was. I believe he got his dog to look posh. You cant expect someone to clean up dog s*** and dog p*** everyday and live in a house that smells worse than a kennel! The other, well, really only second rate by comparison. I have a pintrest board dedicated to shih tzus and golden doodles. Quite high and mighty of you to push your own agenda of what you consider to be normal. On these dog nuts. Simply because it was how you were raised yet by nature humans are in no way monogamous creatures and thus we are not bound by our instincts to stay together. I have told him how I dont like them mouth breathing beside me when I am eating and he thinks I am mean. Each member has a priority level on this pack. It is very frustrating, but while I understand he is a puppy and also my sons best friend, my husband just feels angry about it and has unconsciously refused to get close to the dog. She was put to sleep 8 months into our marriage so yay no more cats. Like kids, they need boundaries. I truly Im not fan of this dog and I want him out the bed. Store and after awhile she started to chew on things, just like I do be with the intention it! 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