If the moms just dropping by it cant be *that* far away. What are the main reasons why he behaves like that: 1. Unless theres a legitimate reason, like a sick/dying family member, that he needs to be home all the time, escaping his life with you in the city means he doesnt value your needs and you dont share the same interests. right! Same way he knows about how I feel about abortion, politics, etc. We will tell you right away that this way of thinking leads nowhere. He has a scenario in his head of how they feel hurt, and thats why he has to see them every weekend. Wanting to spend time with family on the weekends isnt exactly dysfunctional., GatorGirl January 20, 2012, 12:15 pm. January 4, 2021, 3:35 am. its a really exciting time for your relationship! And I did my bit in the thumbs war on your side! There is so, so much you can do with your boyfriend LW! June 18, 2014, 12:47 pm. Those conversations should have happened before. Dear Demetria: Im a newlywed. I mean if youre banging before you move in together surely youve discussed birth control and/or in case of an accidental pregnancy scenarios. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting him to spend more time with her. It would be a lot of some, but we like it. Thats an attempt at emotional manipulation and its not healthy. I think that would be more telling than the sit at home or hang with parents scenario. Those are two crucial things that need to be in place if youre going to spend your life with this man. Hes going to choose you. On the weekends he spends at June 18, 2014, 11:40 am. I really like going on dates and spending time with just you on Saturday and exploring the city, parton_doll Self-reflection should always come first when we want to repair relationships with others, especially important people. I do care for his parents and they are nice people but at the same time I want a separate life with just me and my boyfriend. Hed schedule one weekend a year when his best friends came to his town to party. Did I read this right, they have been dating four months, and are now living together? She simply doesnt have to be at the parents place with her boyfriend that often. This is her perception. Who keeps the dog? My husband likes Actually, its not just the weekends; your husband wants to spend every moment with his parent and his family. Most people dont want to know about the SO cheating, not because of the cheating, but the outcome of the cheating. Your boyfriend is spending every weekend at his parents house because you are enabling that to happen. As your history with him has shown, he likes spending his weekends with you. If you spent every weekend together in the city before you lived together, it would seem that thats something he enjoys doing. Maybe if you stop going every single time hell decide to stay home with you every now and then. but you have to talk to him about it. You really do have to take strong measures to get through to them. WebWe spend far more time during the year with husbands family. He values his family and wants to spend his free time with them (and you). I agree with you. Then you need a different boyfriend. A conversation like that could end up being a red flag for HIM that you did not intend. WebHis wife is his family now and she should be his first priority. It sounds pretty nice, to me! This is how children are taught. I also remind Bassanio of reality: that they visit so often because of the grandkids, the kids are the focus, not him, and his parents wont be crushed if they dont see him, and theyll be back next month anyway. Who knows, he might even find a girlfriend whod be willing to move in with his parents, and then hed never have to make a choice about who to spend more time with. However, my husband isnt like that at all. Spare yourself and him a relationship that makes you both resentful. While there is nothing wrong with being close with your family, it becomes a problem when you prioritize your family of origin over your significant other. which reminds me of my friends who was cheated on i was telling you about yesterday. It is starting to really upset me he wants me to move the 30 min ride closer to his family for what ? . I frankly doubt that this relationship has a future. During football season we spend Saturdays and Sundays, all day, watching football with the same people. wendyblueeyes The finance part she is comfortable with, but not with going to the parents house every weekend. Although it is not mature, your husband chooses to run away from your problems in marriage to be with his family. If theyve only been living together 3 weeks how is spending every weekend at his parents excessive? If the amount of time he spends with his parents is causing an issue in his relationship, then I would say its definitely a problem he needs to address. See, thats whats weird, I have never been told im a direct person. Its one thing to have dinner with your family once a week. Sometimes I think that theres something that happens around the 3-6 month mark in most relationships. In a healthy child/parent relationship, the cord needs to be cut before the child can become an adult and have his own family. BGM never agrees with the woman. Then you may just be spending too much time together. So sure, you can take his word for it, and then you keep your eyes peeled like lazer beams for the rest of the relationship. When there is no holiday, they decide to have a BBQ in the backyard, and of course, they invite too many people to that event. For the first two months we dated, hed go and see his mom for an hour or two during the weekend, because I lived in the same town as she did and as my parents did. ForeverYoung They could deny it, and if they wanted to change, they could. I think its also different when it isnt your family. He will want to know why and you will answer that you have explained before that you dont want to spend every weekend with his parents. Just plan something, anything. January 4, 2021, 3:15 am. Looking for signs and cues is, as sure you might be, assumption. Your right, most of these things you shouldnt have to sit down and discuss like a business meeting because by the time you move in together you should already know most of this stuff about them!! However, we spend 80% of the time hes home at the parents house. The parents, being in a position of power, are influencing their adult children by complying to this routine or set up. In a typical family dynamic there are common roles assumed by different individuals. The adult children often rely heavily emotionally on the parents, depend on them to decide many or most of their decisions(particularly ones that are important), and so on. You arent happy and yet you stay. Im not saying its come to that yet, but Im suggesting the LW force her bf to choose if he wont honor her wish to stay home once in a while. He usually wants to go to his parents house every single weekend he gets to come home. My friends personalities changed drastically bitter, enraged, drug and booze binges, even suicidal ideation because losing Mommy destroyed them. If its something that you just cant some to terms with, than it may just be an incompatibility that you two cant overcome. I kinda think thats totally normal if you love your family. To me it would be so weird if I came home and was a short drive from my parents, but just sat around my own house vs going there and socializing and seeing my family. At best, a season and a half. Im glad you are independent but unless it is care duty his behaviour is odd to me, and Id find it hurtful were I you. You guys share a toilet, you can afford some alone time one weekend a month. so you dont promote communicating with your partner about money or anything else before moving in? Do you both work very long hours or something that he cant muster up enthusiasm to do fun things with you? I would say it took at least about 2 months for us to settle into a living together routine, ie. But she doesnt seem to mind it. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over four months and have been living together for about three weeks. Is this normal? Sometimes he comes with me (although he is absolutely not obligated to do so), sometimes he goes shopping for things that he knows I have no interest in, sometimes he just sleeps and veggies out on the couch, or goes to the gym.. Firstly, it will be different for every couple, and secondly, some things you will never find out no matter how long you are dating until you move in together and go to sleep and wake up with each other every single day.. If it doesnt work for you LW, then this might be a dealbreaker. Lets not start with how many siblings he has. Theyve been going out for only four months and living together three weeks. It is some throughout that entire period-IDK what that means but to me probably 1-2 weekends a month which isnt really that many. If he did this every single night, though, I would not be so supportive, to say the least. Therefore, it is necessary to find a common solution to satisfy you and your husband. Haha. A picnic in the park? IF you are going to live together you have to learn to communicate and let him know when things bother you. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. LW you seem a lot more independant than you BF, and I feel like this is just the begining of you feeling like this, so if you havent yet just have a plan to move out if things arent working out. Like hey I can afford around this much, SO says I can afford a little more, so how about I pay a little more of the rent every month so we can get a nicer place? As your history with him has shown, he likes spending his weekends with you. silver_dragon_girl That was seven years ago. Even if it isnt a matter of cutting apron strings or anything, some people just enjoy spending more time with their families than others. If you feel like youre not the priority, then you almost certainly arent. Even with stuff planned, spending time with his daughter, etc., he still prefers to spend his free time at his parents home. It definitely sounds like there are some boundary setting issues here, but IDK dysfunctional is a stretch. January 20, 2012, 10:57 am. That sounds like two out of three, and maybe that was because of the holidays. January 20, 2012, 11:06 am. Will you LWs simply never learn? Doesnt the LW ever have anything she needs to get done? artsygirl I would probably always choose vegging at my parents house over mine, or even my boyfriends. Honestly, if she came back here and said she suggests things to do, or frames her conversations with boyfriend differently, I would have a different response. For example, my SO knows I would love to adopt one day. I Hate My New Job After 2 Days Is it Horrible To Quit? Although, if this has been a pattern for him & its all he knows,& him & his family think its completely normal, the chance of getting him to acknowledge there is an issue is very slim. I can understand both sides. Because when you are confronted with a situation head on, and theres pressure to resolve it right this second, the reaction is usually different then if you had a chance to talk it through and come to a mutually satisfying solution. I asked him all the time if 1. we could have weekends where we spent more time just with each other and 2. maybe even have one every once in awhile where he didnt see his parents, that was just us my argument being that I never got a weekend to relax at home and have him come to mei was always either driving to him or driving an hour out to his parents for the weekend and spending the night and all that. Do something small to build trust, and then your relationship will slowly but surely flourish. But I dont automatically think that they have some huge communication problem because of this one issue. Yes. After knowing and hearing most peoples story, it all comes down to men choosing their family over their partner. This can also be a consequence ifhis parents are selfishand manipulate him into feeling bad because he doesnt see them enough. Like, I just went to The Niagara falls of Pennsylvania it was no Niagara but a nice day trip. maybe im misunderstanding you. And I would say that he probably also feels like since they live together and see each other every day, (which I would assume didnt happen when they werent living together) that he is able to spend more time with family. I mean, I worked so hard to play for this place, might as well enjoy it on occasion. January 20, 2012, 9:28 am. June 18, 2014, 11:03 am. Thats why the weekend is an extra time to do everything you didnt get to on weekdays. Posted on Last updated: December 26, 2022. Am I the only person that is truly freightened by this? Wendy has said she works 2 weeks or so in the future, which means she likely got this letter about two weeks ago which was right after a bunch of holidays! However, you could opt to take time off longer than a weekend to spend time with him. GatorGirl im kind of confused. a lot of people just arent that way. Also, let him know that the paying for tickets to the suburbs is expensive for you, so ask if he would be willing to limit the number of times that you go to visit his parents (say once a month). I dont know how to handle a situation that hasnt happened yet. I do think that the way the boyfriend and his parents are trying to make the LW feel guilty for wanting to spend time away from the boyfriends parents is a red flag. Or he needs to retire to a place where he can enjoy just the feeling of solitary. So if you feel your husband growing distant, and you realize he hasnt said I love you in a long time, it could be because hes wrestling with feeling like he doesnt want you around. In other words, its a big sign he doesnt want to spend time with you. Heres a look at the 5 big stages successful relationships have to go through. But moving in together may also make you slack on spending time with your own friends and hobbies. Youve lived together for three weeks. I can see his point about just sitting around the house so get out and be a tourist in your hometown. Ktfran I have a friend whose husband is like this. Fast-forward almost 30 years: I become friends with several ppl who all are super tight with their moms. Personally, I would give him an ultimatumtherapy or you need to move on and find someone whos actually emotionally available. This isnt a minor trait that you can ask someone to change for you, like throwing away your toenail clippings instead of leaving them on the floor. ForeverYoung *If you have a relationship/dating question I can help answer, send me your letters at wendy@dearwendy.com and be sure to follow me on Twitter. June 18, 2014, 10:44 am. Yeah, money is always touchier than anything else. He lived 4.5 hours away. Trying to see this in another light (or maybe just defending myself haha), I could totally see myself saying oh come on, hang out for a while longer to just about anyone who comes over. Maybe the new place would start to feel more like home. They made mistakes and making mistakes and taking risks is what being an adult is all about. She is communicating to us, that even though she is coming up short on the finance side, if her live in boyfriend eased off the time with the family visiting, she wouuld be ok. ForeverYoung I have a friend in Chicago who, as soon as he gets off work at 4:30 (bastard works until only 4:30!) I wouldnt enjoy seeing my in-laws, let alone my own family, every weekend. I dont understand why were in a relationship if he rather stay at his parents instead and not trying to build a life with me. What I am saying is when you are dating, you establish certain guidelines. Long story short even though we saw each other almost every weekend for 4.5 straight years, not once did he agree to this. Well I think that happens pretty often.. A couple starts dating, and the things are going well enough, and nobody wants to rock the boat by having the concrete conversation and saying, By the way, I want to let you know that this works for me, and I want to make sure that nothing ever changes. But I think what struck me is how little they seemed to have discuss things social preferences, money, etc. If mom is like, begging them to stay every single time, thats beyond just a mere annoyance obviously. Unfortunately, men dont seem to pick up that way. Next time he says to go to his parents for the w/end, tell hime youd rather do x or y. artsygirl Visiting families and spending time with siblings takes up much time in a marriage. He works a road construction job that requires him to be gone every week during the summer/fall months, coming home only some weekends. and yea, pretty much every single sunday. At first I thought it was sweet that he spent so much time with his folks (my mom died when I was 7 and my dads parental rights were terminated by the state, so I had no idea how families worked). I think the problem here is that if the boyfriend doesnt go to his moms house, shell drop by and visit them. One thing is for sure, he comes home to you at the end of the weekend, even more tired than he left. January 20, 2012, 3:04 pm. By the time His family is about a 3 hour drive away from us while mine They live together 7 days a week, so I dont see whats the big deal if he spends only 2 of those days with them (unless he never gives his gf a single weekend). Yeah, but every weekend? ive assumed i knew what my husband wanted/was thinking before, and because like i tell him often i unfortunately cant read his mind, ive been off. Ryan Howes, clinical psychologist. allathian You go along with him to his familys house. What about visiting your parents? Anonymousse Bring it up and communicate your feelings and desires. It was a huge fight, and the beginning of the end for us like Id asked if we could murder his folks! He needs a lot of family time, you need a lot of just-the-two-of-you time. Im torn. Once starting over was a better outlook then staying in the relationship, I or we got out. When they were planning on adopting, I told her that if this is an issue to where she is left with baby a huge amount of time and resents him for it, its not going to be pretty. Laura Hope There are so many preserved places that are paid for with tax dollars so you might as well use them. You cant expect your husband to not want to see his family, and you shouldnt. Lets find out why he behaves like that and offer tips on what you should do. I have been marriend two my husband for five years. After marriage, EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY was spent at his folks house. You can be with his family every weekend and every holiday, but he can never be with yours. Your husband loves to drink it with his dad while discussing sports. I miss just being able to head out into the city at random, looking for things to do, which is what I did when I was single and even when my boyfriend and I werent living together. To use my own example, my mom lives alone, she is not the most sociable person, so I go and see her for a couple of hours almost every weekend, while my BF does his own thing, whatever that may be. January 20, 2012, 11:45 am. Hell appreciate her more if she starts acting a little more independently. As for the LWs sitch, its only been a few weeks. you still have some kinks to work out and a lot to learn about eachother! WebGoing every weekend with a 6 hour drive is a lot, but if he feels like thats what he wants to do then he should. January 20, 2012, 10:09 am. lets_be_honest It can still have a lot of randomness to it, but be bookended by specific activities. Your husband wants you tospend every holiday with his parents, and he doesnt even ask you what you want. bittergaymark June 18, 2014, 10:54 am. He was this way through their entire dating, engagement, and now marriage. January 20, 2012, 8:49 am. Does that make sense? January 20, 2012, 10:50 am. January 20, 2012, 8:08 am. realizing that we dont have to spend every minute together and that its ok if we wants to visit his parents for a weekend while I stay home and go out with the girls. 1. to a point, but there are some things that there is no way around not having a conversation around. If they are as busy with their jobs as she says, I could see where they didnt see each other all week and he would spend his free time on the weekends with her. I agree. There are no steadfast rules when it comes to spending time with extended family. Theres no need for anyone to take offense if others would have an opinion that something that pertains to you is abnormal. SpaceySteph Or is that the LWs perception because she wants to be home? Are you far away from your own family? You say you cant get your boyfriend to understand that you dont want to spend every weekend with his parents. are they spending every minute of their entire weekend with his family? What matters is how his behavior and how his lifestyle make you feel. Easily worked out and if not, then you probably have bigger issues than the garbage. Clearly the guy likes to spend time with his family, and might have different views on social life than you. But Ill tell you what. I am not asking you to minimize your concerns by any means, again just to caution you about being perceived as making this a me or your family conversation. I agree something seems off here, because they have lived together ALMOST THREE weeks, and go to his parents house NEARLY every weekend, but only since they have lived together. Doing that every week seriously compromises a relationship with a partner who is not ok with that set-up. That way your BF gets to see his parents, and you arent having to schlep back and forth. What I am saying that the best time to discuss your spending habits is not when the bill is already on the table, or you dont discuss birth control when you are both naked and about to have sex. Drews father is in his 90s (!!) But it sounds like they like things just the way they are. ok, well then really were talking about the same thing. Anyway, LW, I think that first of all, youre a little premature in worrying about this to the point of writing to DWjust talk to your bf about it. Tax Geek But come on, man! Thats totally a lot. Like I said before, I get along great with them and dont mind visiting them, but I also need privacy and a chance for my boyfriend and me to have a separate life from them. says that maybe he needs to transition from one house to the next, seeing as its only been three weeks. January 20, 2012, 11:43 am. muchachaenlaventana January 20, 2012, 10:53 am. Help him understand that while you do like his family (and its great that you like his family thats not always the case! I Wish I Were Homeward Bound. Hopefully by the time you are an adult you have been given and shown the coping skills youll need to support Yourself. Not to say that this stuff goes away altogether, just that it can decrease in frequency, sometimes dramatically. Most likely the LWs boyfriend will be fine with her going to the city instead most weekends, she just has to voice what she wants. but, i mean my husband and i just talked about it. If youre not into the family bit, I would suggest not dating someone who completely is. Find a free movie or concert in the park, those seem to be like everywhere. She does go with him on occasion, but it is something that is always an issue between them. Youve got to convince him that he can enjoy January 20, 2012, 10:51 am, lets_be_honest I feel like this letter would have been far more appropriate AFTER a conversation where the boyfriend shut her down. GatorGirl Laura Hope, I totally agree with you. Dont people like to do things in their cities? Lemongrass But seriously, moving in with a guy after dating him for three months? i tried to be supportive when they broke up but i wanted to throw a party. i think you are more direct than a lot of people and maybe more communicative. ), you also like using your weekends to relax and enjoy the city in a way you dont get a chance to do during the busy week. Dont necessarily agree with this.. For example, if he goes there during the day, has lunch with them, and then comes home and spends time with her, I dont think that is such a bad arrangement. You dont want to talk about important issues with a SO so that you can pretend moving in together is a great idea because you dont know any better because you have SPECIFICALLY chosen not to know about better? In fact toward the end, when I was tired of the distance and really pushing for us to have a normal weekend together, he started accusing me of trying to take him away from his family (nvm the fact that in the four years prior to our relationship when he was away at college, he would come home and visit his family once a semester but then he started dating me and coming home every other weekend). 5. or just dinner? It sounds codependent to me. lets_be_honest March 11, 2017, 11:48 am. I remember when I first moved in with my now husband I was so determined to split all expenses down the middle, even though at the time I was getting ripped off by my boss of the time (hed pay most of the people that worked for him whenever he felt like it, which was hardly ever). When I lived in Paris my host siblings were like that. Im also close to my family, however, I never make my boyfriend feel left out and I always make him feel that he is the priority. 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