Oh, and a PS to add to my question regarding possibly being wrongfully sued. Most agencies now handle accident report requests online, or you can call the police department for instructions. Would it protect me if I filed a report so that I could prove I didnt leave the scene or any future claims? I exchanged information like I was suppose to. Only after he helped load Lady Di into an . . If you cause any damage to someone's vehicle or property, no matter how minor, you should stop. All elements of this website are. That was it. He cant get away with this this man is seeking like 300,000 in injury money and we will go bankrupt and our checks will be garnished because we dont have the money to pay. In addition, I would send a letter to the other party (send it certified mail) requesting that they get a second estimate from a mechanic of your choosing. minimal damage and both him and the other driver drove home from the scene). We hope you choose to Recover With Us. To recover damages, hell have to prove that he was actually injured and that the injuries were caused by the car accident. Generally, the owner/police wouldnt wait so long and you would be contacted within a couple of weeks. In this situation, your options are limited because you didnt have insurance and theres no police report. Youll need to have a process server serve her with the complaint. Very small and no chipped/scratched paintthey looked like factory sensors or something. If the other driver testifies that the accident was all your fault, but three neutral witnesses testify that the accident happened the way that you say it happened, you'll likely win the case. He was stuck in traffic 6 months ago on a 2 way street. Credibility equals believability. Im thinking we need to get our own lawyer but have no money to do that. What can I do? I braced myself and it sent me flying a few feet .. Because while I was backing up from a parked spot, I saw the car coming but she was at a very good distance for me to be able to pull out taking my time AND FOR HER TO SEE ME PULLING OUT! Hi, Layla. I encourage you to consult a personal injury attorney near you to help you better understand the case. I really think he was speaking on speaker phone and recording me, which is fine. Is all in my face and tells me she going to call the cops. But once i got home i checked my daughter and she has a bruice on her arm where the touched her. Im not completely clear on what happened, here. If you and your husband do decide to consult an attorney, feel free to find one using our free directory: https://www.enjuris.com/directory/. Since the other man likely has an attorney representing him, you shouldnt try to handle this case alone. Though it varies by state, the owner of the car generally has 2 or 3 years to file a claim. Its also a good idea to call the police after an accident just in case. Do I even have a case? If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, and the other party blatantly lies about fault or even misrepresents facts on the police report, you are not out of options. Can I be charged with a hit and run since I did share my information? I wanted to report it but she said that she was not worried about it and that she didnt want to report it. Some states require a report for any collision, even if there are no injuries and no damage. While parking, the trucks hitch bumped into the front of another parked car (belonging to another family member) and formed a minor dent in the bumper. I would consider meeting with an attorney. can he really sue me over this instead of going through his insurance? Hi Joann that sounds like it could be tricky indeed! Additionally, he said, she said cases do not always make it to court. He fled the scene , he even try to get information via text with my wife . My 16 year old daughter was in an accident several weeks ago where she backed into a car while leaving a private drive way, One of her friends was having a drive by birthday party and the road in front of her house is a three lane road (one each direction, a turning lane, and no parking capabilities on either side of the road). I called 911 and it took them 25 mins to come by that time the driver had left. Just tell them you dont have the current address and need to serve by publication.. No police were called, damage wasnt too bad and no injuries. The woman stopped the car and I verbally expressed that she hit my car and that I wanted to exchange information. hi i was in a minor accident the lady was fully stopped behind me and tapped my bumper. If youre talking to the police, its important to only give them the facts. All you can do is hang tight. The Honda had liability coverage only. 3+ Car Accident Police Report Sample Examples. I could see the driverc car about 50ft from where the officer and I were standing. I need some recommendation Hiring a lawyer can be a worthwhile investment when: A lawyer can help you get the best possible outcome in your case when there is a factual dispute about what happened. This dude even went the extra mile and said he sustained a bad neck injury from the accident and tried showing X-rays to prove it. At the time I had no insurance, but she did. (2) File a claim with YOUR OWN car insurance company. I would recommend contacting an attorney before your hearing in April so that you can get proper representation. Police said the autopsy found "no injury suggestive of sexual assault". Its always a best practice to get a police report, even when an accident is minor. It is thousands of dollars when it was just a minor scratch. Judges and juries are inclined to believe police reports and neutral witnesses over having to determine the truth from competing claims. Said it was okay. him and his dog got out, and I didnt get out because of the dog, but I rolled down my window, and he checks my car and his, then claims that I reversed into him. It being my first accident ever i didnt know the steps all i have is a number and maybe Surveillance From a camera in the parking lot what should I do help, Youll want to contact your car insurance provider (even though the accident wasnt your fault) and possibly an attorney. Other than that, things that might help you prove that the damages werent as severe as claimed include: the police report, photos of the vehicles, and witness statements. What is the Difference Between Workplace Discrimination and Harassment? What is my best course of action? Hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial in he-said-she-said Car Accident Dispute because they have the resources to investigate who was at fault and have the . Alyssa Milano. I called him back, he stated that he didnt have pictures of his vehicle, only took of mine, and that he computed the amount at $1800, considering damages, now all of a sudden a doctors visit, the amount for repairs and lastly lost time from work. They can help you locate evidence that the dents were present prior to the crash (photographs of the car before the accident, etc.) An hour later I was afraid that I will be sued or something then just called police to discuss about it and they said no one reported accident at the time. Major scam artist. You are required to notify the police if anyone is injured in your accident. I want to know if I can sue them or get them to fix or help fix my car? I really appreciate the advise provided here as I thought I was in the clear with no police report. Thank you for explaining that most insurance claims forgo with the police reports, especially if the driver at fault hasnt fled the scene of the crime and the victim hasnt been injured. For example, does the person have a financial interest in the outcome of the case or a personal relationship with any of the people involved? If the plaintiff files a claim, the mechanics report can be obtained by your lawyer through the discovery process. Even if the at-fault driver of a car accident denies . I decided to make a police report but Im not to sure whats next. This is why its always best to take pictures of the damage and have a police report made if possible. I would recommend reaching out to an attorney in your area. It sounds like your lawyer has the matter under control. The small claims form that he filed with the court says: MR. Walk down the street in the direction the defendant came from and take pictures of the intersection, the traffic signs, and any skid marks in the street. after the cop comes he asked us both if were ok and tells us he isnt going to file a accident report because theyre no damage to our cars. Most states require both drivers to stop, exchange information, and render reasonable aid. The driver of the at-fault vehicle brought me to a shop where we explained the accident to the mechanic and the at-fault driver said he would cover the cost. Your insurance policy may include uninsured coverage, which would provide coverage to you in the case of a hit-and-run. Unfortunately, car accident reports may provide some clarity on what happened. If youre in a no-fault state then the other driver will file a claim with her own insurance company and you may never hear from her. In certain situations your case may warrant filing a lawsuit. Can I get in any legal trouble or be sued? I have tried contacting her for two weeks and she seemed to be unavailable every time, saying she would contact me at another time and never doing so. Nothing broken but soft tissue injuries. In most states, the statute of limitations for a personal injury/negligence claim is 3 years, so if thats true in your state, hes still within the time frame to file a lawsuit. The reason being, I offered at least five times to call the police and was repeatedly told No, it was not necessary there was no damage. If you do have expenses related to medical treatment or service to your car, you can call your insurance company to make a claim. I did the right thing and I asked the man if he would like my phone number and insurance Information and he said no he didnt want it. Were available 24/7. Hello while I was I was at a stop sign I bump into a guy we stopped I said sorry . File an accident report online. He gave the homeless person a ride away because his car literally ad a small cosmetic dent. i didnt find no police report or any information that could help me the only thing that i found was the name of a officer who called the ambulance . Thank you. . We will return to the scene of the accident and see if there's any evidence we can find . If youre concerned that the vehicle owner is going to sue you for damages, your best bet is to contact a lawyer who can advise you based on the specific facts of the incident. Im considering suing her in civil court for damages ($2,997). She slammed the brakes because she was speeding ame merged and cut into my stopping zone. I am sorry this happened to you. We were in shock! Which is the only shift this officer works! There are situations where you should file a police report. I would recommend using our online directory to locate an attorney in your area. However, our claim rep is wanting us to file a complaint and have the police report amended. She statea her head hurt alittle, but the car was fine. It was a very small dent and i gave her my phone number so we could stay in contact and i took responsibility. What are out options? Also Read : 5 Health Issues You May Encounter After a Car Accident. There's an easy way for insurers to resolve this issue when they don't agree. II was pulling out of the parking lot to make a left turn when my Buick Verano was hit by a older model white Honda. The woman driving the car admitted to police she was speeding ( a little bit). Photographs of the site where the accident happened can help. They will be able to review your case and assess the likelihood of tracking down the negligent party. 3. Youll just have to publish legal notice in a newspaper in the county of the last known address (i.e., the address on the drivers license). This lady will have to prove that (a) you actually hit her car, and (b) she was injured as a result. I was able to get the name and phone number of the driver from her sister. Please consider using the Enjuris law firm directory to find an attorney in your area who can help. I filed a claim with my insurance and a police report. How well did the person see, hear, or sense what happened? They are serveal cameras out in the parking lot but he said it has to be court subpoena to view them. He went off on me, saying that I have put him in a pickle because he has to write up a report. The challenge is that it might be difficult to prove that the dents were present before the accident. I was crying and kept saying it was my fault(I even texted her saying it was my fault) but when she got outta her car, she immediately said her neck hurts. How can I be sure that he didnt damage the car even more? I live in a no fault state. The insurance lady belived my husband and who knows what she is gonna do about this now but they have already given this man money for a car that we did not even damage in this manner and now if he gets always with this we will end up paying for what ever bodily damages he has after our insurance pays out what they pay. Consider the Enjuris Personal Injury Law Firm Directory to find a lawyer near you. It sounds like youre describing having hit another vehicle and the owner is coming after you for damages. What this means is that a police report isnt a requirement for someone to sue you. Its a very helpful piece of evidence that provides a lot of useful testimony. Plus she made a deal with me. In most rear-end cases, the person who strikes the car in front of them is found at fault. What can we do we feel like we are being scammed for being nice people. If the car is fine and doesnt require service, then there would likely not be a claim to be made. Theres lots of reasons why someone might delay filing a claim, everything from being busy to being seriously injured. Hello! But being a PT, the physical therapist debunked the other guy's claims and ended up winning the case. Pm. On a related note, its important to take photographs of both vehicles after an accident so that the other driver cant claim you caused damages that you didnt actually cause. Thank you!! The police report is the . We did exchange phone numbers . Of course, obtaining evidence to prove liability (of either party) is going to be more challenging 2 years later than it wouldve been if the claim was made immediately after the accident. And claims that my husband did not even try to slam on his breaks to stop his vehicle from hitting his car. I informed the owner, unfortunately she didnt care much because damages were minimal and left back inside . Tell us were you in an accident that didnt have a police report? Car Accident Police Report Form. Now the driver is telling him he needs to be paid within 10 days or hell go to the police. Should I reach out to the driver and offer to pay the deductible? I was not physically injured, but I am definitely emotionally rattled by this ordeal. The outcome of these types of cases usually turns on: Let's take a closer look at these four factors. If you don't have a camera or aren't physically able to take pictures because you were injured in the accident, have a friend or relative take pictures of the intersection and your car as soon as possiblecertainly before you get your car repaired. Wasnt in the car, nothing. I would have her relay this information to her insurance company so that the insurance company can deny the claim. If you have hired an attorney, I would consult with your attorney regarding next steps. We both decided to go through insurance for the accident and no one was injured. There was not enough evidence to support either side and neither my husband nor the other driver were cited for the accident. We wish you the best! 2. I am 20 years old and just trying to pay for the roof over my head. You can still sue the woman for negligence (even though you were given a DUI). The statute of limitations determines how long he can wait to file a lawsuit (usually 2 or 3 years depending on the state). Good luck! They seem like a nice older couple, just easily rattled I guess. One man said Carfax and Autocheck.com both reported his car was damaged, costing him thousands of dollars in value. Im waiting for them to give me an estimate but either way they still wont give me their insurance Im thinking maybe they dont have any. When he came to my house on Saturday there was more damage than there was from the wreck. Should I be worried? I was in a car accident four months ago and i was driving my boyfriends car without insurance and a bald tires. After this, I asked to see if there was any way they could give me the name, number, or any form of identification of the at-fault driver, so that I can attempt to contact him myself, and they said they did not have that information, all they knew was that the at-fault driver was referred to as Jerry. This sounds like a tricky situation. I had text him asking for pictures of the damages on his vehicle. My granddaughter said she saw them and neither of them had shirts on and the father did not have a helmet on. I would also draft a letter describing what happened and send it to your insurance company. Try to get shots of both cars and the accident scene from as many angles as possible before you leave the scene. Crash somebodys car in the parking lot no police report I didnt give him my Insurance or my license like 5 months ago! A copy of the report costs $10 along with a $2 convenience fee; if purchased online, you will be provided with a download link that will remain active for 48 hours. I just visited your Blog and was truly amazed by the fascinating info there thanks for this Article. My minivan (Dodge Grand Caravan) is more than likely totalled as I had run over a piece of fallen tree when ran off the road. Did you or your insurance company reach some sort of settlement with the at-fault driver at the time? my husband thank god was not hurt but he was shaking up pretty badly. I am sorry that happened to your husband, and Im glad to hear that he was uninjured. 2. I went to the er. Busy to being seriously injured your attorney regarding next steps of these types of cases usually on! Home i checked my daughter and she has a bruice on her arm where the touched her in legal! Him thousands of dollars in value since the other guy & # x27 ; agree! Hired an attorney, i would consult with your attorney regarding next steps literally ad a small cosmetic dent possible! Couple of weeks both decided to make a police report all in my face tells. Had shirts on and the other driver were cited for the accident can... Share my information competing claims to slam on his breaks to stop his vehicle insurance... These types of cases usually turns on: Let 's take a closer look at these factors. 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