Stat. An employer may not discharge or in any other manner retaliate against an employee for: (a) inquiring about, disclosing, or otherwise discussing the employees wages or the wages of any other employee. Utah Code Ann. Coverage: Applies to all employees and employers, including the state. Cent. Conn. Gen. Stat. Stat. Coverage: Applies to employers that regularly employer 15 or more employees. Stat. Ann. S.D. Law 197. 2000e-5(e)(1), (f)(1), (g)(1). Ind. Information unintentionally discovered relating to an applicants salary history must not be used by the department or agency in an employment decision. 28-23-4(B). 28-1-2(B), (E). 387-1. Coverage: Applies to public and private employers. Stat. 2000e(b). S.D. Coverage: Applies to all employees and to any employer or agent of the employer, including the state, employing 4 or more persons. Evidence of unlawful employment discrimination under the Main Equal Pay Law or Maine Human Rights Act includes, but is not limited to, an employers inquiring, either directly or indirectly, about the compensation history of a prospective employee from the prospective employee or a current or former employer of the prospective employee or otherwise seeking the compensation history of a prospective employee. Stat. Rev. Colo. Rev. Laws 37.2202(1)(a). Rev. 41 C.F.R. Remedies: Persons injured by unlawful employment practices may file complaints with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission; if the Commission does not conclude an unfair employment practice has occurred, an employee may apply to the district court for an order grating or restoring the rights to which that employee is entitled. Conn. Gen. Stat. Utah Code Ann. Coverage: Applies to all employers and their agents and to all employees, including unpaid interns, but does not apply to employers who employ a parent, spouse, children, or to domestic servants engaged in work in and about the employers household. Code 1171. Ark. Ind. Del. Coverage: Applies to any employer, and to any agent of the employer, with 1 or more employees. 3-304.1(a)(1). Indiana Civil Rights Law Protection: It is a discriminatory practice to exclude a person from equal opportunities in employment because of sex; however, it is not an unlawful employment practice for an employer to classify an individual on the basis of sex in instances where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise. & Empl. Coverage: Applies to all employees and employers, including the state. Gen. Laws ch. Stat. 28 R.I. Gen. Laws 28-5-6(2), 28-5-7(1)(ii). Laws 37.2202(3). Wis. Stat. Stat. Remedies: If any employee receives less compensation because of discrimination on account of gender, that employee is entitled to remedies, which may include an order the employer pay actual damages; statutory damages equal to the actual damages or five thousand dollars, whichever is greater; interest of one percent per month on all compensation owed; and costs and reasonable attorneys fees. Employee compensation is a sensitive subject, one that many employers would like to keep secret. Mass. tit. 26, 623. Coverage: The law does not apply to a club exclusively social, or a fraternal association or corporation, not organized for profit, nor does it apply to any employer with fewer than 6 employees or to any individual employed by his parents, spouse, or child; however, the law shall apply to an employer of domestic workers and the commonwealth. 23:663(3). Remedies: Any employee whose compensation is at a rate that is in violation of this section shall have a right of action against the employer for the recovery of the amount of the unpaid wages to which the employee is entitled for the one year period preceding the commencement of the action; an additional equal amount as liquidated damages; and reasonable attorney fees. Stat. 344.040(1)(a). Tenn. Code Ann. 290.410. Stat. 8-5-102. 954(b)-(c). N.Y. Exec. N.M. Stat. Remedies: Any employer who pays or agrees to pay a woman or minor less than the rates applicable under a mandatory minimum fair wage order shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and each week in any day of which such employee is paid less than the rate applicable to him or her under a mandatory minimum fair wage order and each employee so paid less shall constitute a separate offense. See Utah Code Ann. Laws 37.2605(1)-(2)(a), (f), (g), (i), (k)(i)-(iii). 213.010(7). It is unlawful for an employer to (1) screen job applicants based on their current or prior wages or salary histories; (2) request or require a wage or salary history as a condition of being considered for employment, as a condition of being interviewed, as a condition of continuing to be considered for an offer of employment, as a condition of an offer of employment or an offer of compensation; or (3) request or require that an applicant disclose wage or salary history as a condition of employment. N.H. Rev. La. 378-5(b). 93(3)(a). Remedies: The court shall have the authority to order the employer to cease and desist or modify its existing employment policies; order the employer to hire, reinstate, or promote the employee; order the payment of compensatory damages (including general and special damages) and punitive damages not to exceed the damage awards allowable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and order the costs of litigation and reasonable attorneys fees to the prevailing party. 31-40z(a)(1). Nebraska Wages Law Protection: No employer shall discriminate between employees on the basis of sex, by paying wages to any employee at a wage rate less than the rate at which the employer pays any employee of the opposite sex for equal work on jobs which require equal skill, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions. Fla. Stat. The law protects all employees, but does not include any individual employed, among other things: at a guaranteed compensation totaling $2,000 or more a month; in agriculture where the employer employs less than 20 employees for any workweek, or for any workweek in which the individual is harvesting coffee; in the home of the employer in domestic service; as a house parent in any home or shelter maintained for child welfare purposes; by the individuals sibling, sibling-in-law, children, spouse, parent, or parent-in-law; in the catching, harvesting, or farming of any kind of aquatic forms of animal or vegetable life; or in any capacity where the employee is covered by the Fair labor Standards Act. Remedies: If an employer violates this law, the Mayor shall assess a civil fine of $1,000 for the first violation, $5,000 for the second violation, and $20,000 for each subsequent violation; there is no private right of action. There is a cap on the sum of the amount of compensatory damages ranging from $25,000 to $300,000 for each complaining party, depending on the number of employees the employer has; however, these limitations do not apply to back pay, interest on back pay, or any equitable relief. Code Ann. 20-1009(a)(2)(i)-(ii). Ann. 8, 2011 WL 2533793, at *7 (C.D. Stat. 112/5. Stat. Additionally, the law does not apply to employment outside the state or any religious corporation, association, or society. 181.66(2). Read more Code 14-02.4-20. Because the 48-1103(1)-(2). Coverage: Applies to government agencies and all other employers with respect to any of their employees who are engaged in commerce or employed in an enterprise engaged in commerce. Stat. Additionally, the law does not apply to employment outside the state or any religious corporation, association, or society. Ann. Wyo. The court shall allow costs of the action and any reasonable attorney fees to be paid by defendant. Code 22-9-1-3(l)(1), (q)(2). 2019-10(1). Minn. Stat. 39-3-104(1). Tenn. Code Ann. Remedies: Employees whose wages have been wrongfully withheld in violation of this section shall have a right of action therefore to recover damages to the extent of two times the amount of wages so withheld. Remedies: An employee may bring a civil action against an employer for violation of this provision for actual damages; statutory damages equal to the actual damages or five thousand dollars, whichever is greater; interest of one percent per month on all compensation owed; and costs and reasonable attorneys fees. 19 1101(a)(3). Del. Del. 959(f)(1). 25, 1301(1)(a)-(b). 4112.99. Wyo. Mont. Stat. The employee may also recover the costs of the suit and reasonable attorneys fees. New York's Achieve Pay Equity bill passed in October 2015, shortly after California's act. Stat. Stat. Me. In cases of violation in addition to any judgment awarded to the plaintiff, the court shall allow a reasonable attorneys fee and costs of the action to be paid. Colo. Rev. 43 Pa. Cons. Wash. Rev. Code Ann., Lab. Rev. Ala. Code 25-1-30(d). Wash. Rev. 40.1-28.6. Ky. Rev. An employee whose job function involves access to company wage and payroll information may not disclose employee pay information to other employees unless directed to by the employer or an investigating agency. The Act also applies to the state or any of its political subdivisions, including public bodies. If a court determines the employee is entitled to judgment, the court shall allow against the employer reasonable counsel fees and other costs of the action, as well as prejudgment interest. N.M. Stat. 40, 198.2. New Hampshire Equal Pay Law Protection: No employer shall discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee because the employee has inquired about, discussed, or disclosed his or her wages or those of another employee. Rhode Island Equal Pay Law Protection: No employer shall discriminate in the payment of wages as between the sexes or shall pay any female in his or her employ salary or wage rates less than the rates paid to male employees for equal work or work on the same operations. Ann. Okla. Stat. Employers who violate any provision of the Act are subject to a civil penalty for each affected employee as follows: an employer with fewer than 4 employees first offense, a fine not to exceed $500; second offense, a fine not to exceed $2,500; third or subsequent offense, a fine not to exceed $5,000; an employer with 4 or more employees first offense, a fine not to exceed $2,500; second offense, a fine not to exceed $3,000; third or subsequent offense, a fine not to exceed $5,000. 8-5-103. 44-1009(a)(1). .paragraph--type--html-table .ts-cell-content {max-width: 100%;} tit. Stat. Gen. Laws ch. Coverage: Applies to any employee under a contract of employment made in Delaware or to be performed wholly or partly therein but does not apply to employees of the United States government or the state. An employer shall not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against any employee because the employee has disclosed his or her wages or has inquired about or discussed the wages of other employees. 820 Ill. Comp. Remedies: No specific provision of remedies for violation. Ann. Michigan Equal Pay Law Protection: No employer shall discriminate in any way in the payment of wages as between sexes who are similarly employed. 775 Ill. Comp. Coverage: Applies to the state and any employer employing 4 or more individuals, but does not apply to religious organizations; individuals employed by a parent, spouse, or child; or individuals in the domestic service of any person. 1-888-273-3274. 613.310(2)(a)-(c). Coverage: Applies to any department or agency of the states which employs 15 or more employees within the state. West Virginia Equal Pay for Equal Work for State Employees Law Protection: No employer shall in any manner discriminate between the sexes in the payment of wages for work of comparable character, the performance of which requires comparable skills or pay wages to any employee at a rate less than the rate other employees of the opposite sex are paid for work of comparable character, the performance of which requires comparable skills. tit. Section 7 of the Act gives employees these rights. Coverage: Applies to all employees except individuals employed by their parents, spouse, or child. Gen. Laws ch. p.usa-alert__text {margin-bottom:0!important;} Md. 216(b). Ann. If youre one of the many to whom this law applies, it is also unlawful for your employer to take retaliatory action against you for having such conversations. Coverage: Applies to any employer employing 1 or more employees, but does not include the state or the federal government. 26, 623. Stat. Law 198-a(1). Conn. Gen. Stat. 3-307(e). Neb. Rev. Coverage: Applies to the state as well as employers with 6 or more employees, but does not apply to nonprofit social clubs, fraternal or religious organizations, individuals employed by a parent, spouse, or child, or individual employed in the domestic service of any person. 40, 198.1. 4112.01(A)(2)-(3). The law does not apply to individuals employed as domestic servants. Although the law covers persons who perform services both entirely within the state and partially within the state, an individual who renders services only partly in this state is not a covered employee unless the contract of employment has been entered into, or payments thereunder are ordinarily made, within the state. Coverage: Applies to any employer, including the state, who hires or employs any employee, or any person, wherever situated, who hires or employs any employee whose services are to be partially or wholly performed in the state. Remedies: If an employer has engaged in an unlawful discriminatory practice, the Commission shall order the employer to cease and desist and take affirmative action, including hiring or reinstatement, with or without back pay; payment of compensatory damages; payment of reasonable attorney fees; payment of civil penalties ranging from $10,000 to $50,000; and payment of hearing costs. Remedies: Any employer who violates the provisions of this law is liable to an employee affected in the amount of the employees unpaid wages; the court may also allow a reasonable attorney fee to be paid by the employer and costs. Rev. Share your salary and compare it with millions of professionals. Plus, younger workers entering the workforce has challenged the taboo on discussions of pay and salaries, according to a recent piece from the Wall Street Journal, which generated many reactions on LinkedIn. Consult with an experienced labor and employment attorney who can evaluate your case and assist you in fighting for your rights before the NLRB or PERC. Any employer who violates the provisions of subdivision 495(a)(7) shall be liable to any affected employee in the amount of the underpaid wages and an equal amount as liquidated damages, in addition to any other remedies. Codified Laws 60-12-15. N.D. Cal. Remedies: OFCCP may seek back pay and other make whole relief for victims of discrimination and may also refer matters to the Solicitor of Labor, who may initiate administrative enforcement proceeding to enjoin violations, seek appropriate relief, and impose appropriate sanctions, including debarment. Minn. Stat. North Carolina Equal Employment Practices Act Protection: It is the public policy of North Carolina to protect and safeguard the right and opportunity of all persons to hold employment without discrimination on account of biological sex. 613.320(1)(a)-(b). 354-A:7(I), 345-A:7(VI)(a). 149, 105B. Louisiana Employment Discrimination Law (sex discrimination provisions) Protection: A. Haw. N.M. Stat. Lab. Glassdoors Blog provides valuable content to the conscious job seeker and employees who are passionate about furthering and deepening their careers. Stat. 11-4-607(1)(B). Its pretty simple: if you found out that a co-worker doing the same job as you was making more money, youd be understandably upset, right? Together, we can close the gender and racial wage gap. 1305 Corporate Center Drive See 29 U.S.C. Colo. Rev. Code Ann. Rev. Utah Code. That's because there is no way for employees to gauge. South Dakota Equal Pay for Equal Work Law Protection: No employer may discriminate between employees on the basis of sex, by paying wages to any employee at a rate less than the rate at which the employer pays any employee of the opposite sex for comparable work on jobs which have comparable requirements relating to skill, effort, and responsibility, but not to physical strength. Wyo. Stat. Ann. Rev. Delaware Antidiscrimination Act Protection: It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation because of such individuals sex, including pregnancy, or gender identity. Unfortunately for employees, not knowing leaves them without increases in pay that would otherwise be equitable and fair. See Holt v. Deer-Mt. 24-34-401(3). Coverage: Applies to men, women, and minors employed in any occupation, trade, or industry, whether compensation is measured by time, piece, or otherwise, but does not include any individual employed as an outside salesman or any individual participating in a national service program using assistance provided under 42 U.S.C. Wash. Rev. 31-71g. Ann. Remedies: A plaintiff who has a cause of action for a violation of this law may file a civil suit in a district court seeking compensatory damages, back pay, benefits, reinstatement, front pay, if appropriate, reasonable attorney fees, and court costs. La. Colo. Rev. Coverage: Applies to any employer, and any agent of the employer, who has 8 or more employees, but does not apply to the United States or a bona fide private membership club that is exempt from taxation. West Virginia Equal Pay for Equal Work Law Protection: No employer shall in any manner discriminate between the sexes in the payment of wages for work of comparable character, the performance of which requires comparable skills or pay wages to any employee at a rate less than that at which he pays wages to his employees of the opposite sex for work of comparable character, the performance of which requires comparable skills. They found that employees who were paid above the median were unaffected by using the website, while those who were paid lower than the median became less satisfied with their work and more likely to start job hunting. Minn. Stat. Ky. Rev. Coverage: Applies to all employees and includes apprentices and applicants for any apprenticeship. If you are ready to file a Charge or Petition, you may do so via the NLRB's electronic filing (E-File) application. Coverage: Applies to any employer, including the state. Wages of Women and Minors Act Protection: It is against public policy for any employer to employ any woman or minor in an occupation at an oppressive and unreasonable wage. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. If an employer violates subsection (b-5) or (b-10), the employee may recover in a civil action any damages incurred, special damages not to exceed $10,000, injunctive relief as may be appropriate, and costs and reasonable attorneys fees as may be allowed by the court and as necessary to make the employee whole. Coverage: Applies to any employer who employs 9 or more employees. 149, 1. Laws 750.556. 34A-5-107(9)(a), (b)(i)-(iv). Conn. Gen. Stat. Stat. Code Ann. Stat. 820 Ill. Comp. And many states have passed pay transparency laws for employees. Stat. Rev. Stat. Code Ann. Employee means an individual employed by an employer. La. Code Ann. 149, 105B. If an employer is found to have engaged in an intentional discriminatory or unfair practice, the employee may recover compensatory and punitive damages. Ann. Wash. Rev. 34A-5-102(i)(i)(A), (D), (ii)(A)-(C). N.M. Stat. Okla. Stat. Only about 20% of companies practice open salary transparency. N.M. Stat. 110/1. Ky. Rev. Me. Me. 23:663(3). Lab. Stat. Tex. Coverage: Applies to the state as well as any school district, public or private corporation, person, or firm. 3-304.1(a)(2)-(3). Iowa Code 216.15(9)(a)(9)(a)-(b). Codified Laws 20-13-1(7), (11). Fla. Stat. Or. 43 Pa. Cons. Any employer who violates this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $100. Ind. Kan. Stat. Idaho Code Ann. Workers in those institutions are subject to the policies of their respective employers and may be unable to discuss pay levels. Gen. Laws ch. Code 22-2-2-4(d). 760.10(7), (9). Colo. Rev. 28 R.I. Gen. Laws 28-5-29.1. Stat. Code 1197.5(1). 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