This does not mean that all Scandinavians look like this, but it does mean that this is the common view that most people to this day hold on what it means to look Scandinavian, including in the Scandinavian countries. Viking merchants were noted for their many tattoos by the Muslim chronicler Ibn Fadlan, but that is the only real evidence of Viking tattoos that we know of, meaning its not very likely to be a widespread phenomenon in the Norse world. [10] WebThe Nordic head is often strikingly narrow about the temples, as though it were pressed in here from both sides. Besides their high noses, they have high cheekbones. [17] Chernoff faces. Iceland This article will discuss what Swedish people look like in more detail. As far as I know, the advanced DNA analysis of skeletal remains scientists can do today has proven to be very reliable (the same scientific method has been used to establish the physical traits of Vikings also, and they seem to agree with written records), and its not so hard to imagine Scandinavians skin adapting from dark to light over a long period of time due to changing sunlight exposure, as we are all descendants of dark-skinned Africans (if we go even further back in time) no matter how light our skin color is today. Another common facial (and body) feature of Swedes is their pale skin. Lets start with going through what we know about how the Norse wore and styled their hair: Here are some historically accurate Viking male hairstyles found in archeological evidence and described in historical accounts from the time period: These Norse hairstyles can be seen in archeological findings that have been dated from the Viking age, in the form of jewelry, sculptures, and other artifacts, as well as in historical accounts such as texts, letters, and inscriptions. Average Height in the Nordics (Data & Graphs), The average height of both males and females in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland) are all among the tallest 20 countries in the world (or top 10%), but why is that? The recent rise of medieval fantasy and Viking-themed TV series (with the likes of Vikings, The Last Kingdom, and Game of Thrones) has spawned some Viking looks that are equally iconic as they are historically questionable. Two eyes, one nose, a mouth. Probably a chin and ears. I think. Nordic Their eye color is correlated with their perceived attractiveness. Old Norse mythology is filled with fascinating symbolism, and the runic alphabets of Germanic Europe have told numerous tales of heroic deeds and tragic deaths over the years. Now, however, this region predominantly speaks Indo-European languages, which makes the fact that the Smi maintained a Uralic language even in areas that had been taken over by Indo-Europeans even stranger. While this is somewhat a result of natural selection that has allowed for adaptation to an environment with very low ultraviolet radiation, light pigments, like the Y chromosomal polymorphisms, are a result of a founding effect, not sexual selection, as it was once thought of in the past. What Do Modern-day Scandinavians Actually Look Like? Oslo Hooded eyes are prevalent in the Scandinavian population, and studies have shown that about 18 percent of northern Europeans have so-called sagging eyelids (which is related to hooded eyes but more specifically excess skin over your eye that may or may not disrupt your vision). This indicates that Vikings intermingled with people they met on their explorations, both on-location but also bringing them home to Scandinavia in some cases. Its a matter of perspective, in other words, but what we do know specifically is that Vikings washed themselves every morning, and even had one dedicated day (Laugardagur / Lrdag / Saturday) to get thoroughly clean. The Scandinavians are a distinct group. The DNA study of 442 Viking skeletons (published in Nature) reveals that while Viking bands were mostly sourced from Scandinavia, they could also be comprised of Picts and Britons, as well as people with Southern European and even Asian ancestry (sometimes mixed with Scandinavian). Scandinavia before the bronze age had the most genetically diverse population in Europe, with the original darker skinned people being present much longer in Scandinavia compared to the rest of Europe (where the light-skinned farmers pushed away the dark-skinned hunters almost entirely). And despite my own hesitations, Short also believes that when the sagas describe feats of extraordinary strength they may not entirely be heroic exaggeration. Popular Post We often get an image of grizzled warriors when we see Vikings on TV, but analysis of skeletal remains shows that the Norse had more gender-neutral facial features than Scandinavians today, meaning males and females had more similar characteristics (Danish National Museum). Carpelan, Christian. If a light-haired and light-eyed Swede had a child with a dark-haired and dark-eyed person, the child is less likely to have light hair and eyes because the darker colors will be more dominant.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Europeans. The Mankind Quarterly 63:2 (2002): 183-191. Denmark This is according to genetic research by Medland et al. Over 70% of male Scandinavians have some form of body hair (androgenic hair), which is among the highest rates in the world (along with Mediterranean men). The pale skin is generally genetic, but it can also be attributed to the fact that Sweden is a cold country that doesnt get a lot of sunlight, especially during winter. So other than the color of the eyes, lets look at which other eye characteristics are unique or interesting in the Scandinavian region. Light skinned, balanced facial features, blue eyed and topped with various shades of blond hair for the most part. Some very beautiful some not While not every Swedish person has delicate features, many do. Julku, Kysti. Some Swedes have dark eyes (like brown), but its more common for people in the country to have blue and other lighter-colored eyes. Music Other famous Scandinavians with high cheekbones include Fredrik Ljungberg (pictured below to the right), Mads Mikkelsen, Tim Avicii Berg, and Viggo Mortensen. This wave of primarily herders eventually fused with the current habitants (I see a pattern here) to produce the so-called Battle Axe culture group in Scandinavia, establishing themselves and flourishing in modern-day Denmark, Sweden and Norway. By the way, if you'd like to connect to your inner Scandinavian with some stylish prints and clothing, I've created a collection of high-quality and authentic Nordic posters and apparel. Sweden is a beautiful country that attracts many tourists and ex-pats each year. When the Battle Axe culture group fused with the groups already present in Scandinavia this eventually spawned the Nordic Bronze Age people, who are seen as the ancestors of all Germanic people. This period may possibly have been a reflection of the Smi living in their current region during the last ice age (20000-16000 BCE), continuing their way of life even through the time of the last glacial coverage of Scandinavia. That said, it is assumed that having long hair was generally seen as more important the higher up on the social ladder one was, with the jarls having long and elaborate hairstyles, while they had their thralls (slaves, who made up around 20-30% of the population) cut their hair short. So its not entirely out of this world to assume that they could also decorate their bodies by other means, just not very likely with the evidence we have available. Circum Polar Perspective. Viking Age Hairstyles: Historical Examples & Modern Takes, You mightve seen some very cool Norse hairstyles in one of the many Viking-inspired TV shows or movies lately, and thought to yourself are those elaborate picture-perfect haircuts really historically accurate?. Culture This percentage is exceptionally high because light eyes generally are not dominant in most countries outside of Scandinavia. The eyes are also a very distinctive feature of Scandinavians. However, more recent work in genetics shows there is a relation among the Smi that comes from more than just sharing a lifestyle. And each of them blows his nose and spits and washes his face and hair in this basin. Genome Research. Still, genealogists from Stockholm university believe modern Swedes are most closely related to the hunter-gatherers from the so-called Pitted Ware culture when it comes to physical appearance. The cheekbones are a distinctive feature of Swedish men, with several examples of prominent people in the entertainment industry. Therefore, other traits need to be studied in order to identify the sex of skeletons. Scandinavians and other Europeans are tall on average primarily due to a vastly improved diet from the mid-1800s and onwards according to Lars Werdelin, a professor in paleozoology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. This may be the result of a period of isolation the group experienced in the course of their natural history. Life That particular haircut has just never been described or documented in any way as far as we know. To find out the origins of the light hair/light eye color combination we need to look at where people in Scandinavia came from originally, and how they looked (based on DNA samples and analysis). [5]. Its worth keeping in mind that being a Viking was more of a profession than ethnicity, and seeing as that profession included raiding, pillaging and striking fear into the minds of their enemies, it makes sense that these folks were a bit larger and stronger on average. (accessed February 26, 2005). Lets take a more detailed look at how the Nordic peopleboth male and femalestack up against each other and the world when it comes to height: The Danish are the tallest people in the Nordics, with the average male Dane reaching 182 cm / 512, followed by the Icelandic men at 181 cm, and finally the Swedes, Norwegians, and Finns at 180 cm. WebIn research made by M. Ingman and U. Gyllensten in 2006 is a slightly different setting shown: Norwegian Sami belongs to U5b as well as U5b1b1 to 56.8%, Finnish Sami with 1. Mediterranean Europeans The Mediterranean may be a region of Europe that features Spain, The other agents, Also, they can have dark eyes with dark or light-colored hair. Usenet newsgroup. Scandinavian, Viking & Germanic Links Explained (With Maps). They built powerful cultures and countries. So there is at least something to the myth from a North American perspective (beauty standards differ around the world, after all). Icelands epic landscapes draw hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. For example, many female skeletons from Viking graves generally had stronger jawlines than modern Scandinavian women, while many men generally had slimmer faces that the Scandinavian men of today. With the help of modern DNA analysis of ancient Viking remains, we can also establish factors such as what hair color was most common among the Norse people, if they had a lot of body hair, and how likely it was that they had a beard (or at least could grow one). A high cheekbone is a sign of a high cheekbone. WebFor example, dimensions can be mapped to the following facial characteristics: eye size, eye spacing, nose length, nose width, mouth curvature, mouth width, mouth openness, pupil size, eyebrow slant, eye eccentricity, and head eccentricity. Ive written an article for those who are thinking of watching the show but havent made up their minds yet, where I also compare the shows IMDb ratings in detail toGame of ThronesandThe Last Kingdom. However, this doesnt mean that all Swedes are tall. Finally, there are some written accounts as well that describe hairstyles in more or less detailed ways. White Caucasian features, either fair or darkhaired with fair skin.Whithin Sweden there are some different complexion types, not everybody has blue Do Scandinavians have a lot of facial hair? People in Europe have many contrasting facial features that can create them stand out from one another. Up to 78% of the Swedish population has some kind of blonde or light brown shade of hair [6]. Your email address will not be published. To elaborate on this, facial hair is included under the term androgenic hair, so based on data from the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, we see that over 70% of Nordic men (along with Mediterranean men) can grow a beard or mustache (which is well above the global average). It should be added that those athletes are extreme outliers, and not at all representative of the general Nordic population. The average height of Swedes is slightly higher than the average height of Americans, both male and female. WebTwo Scandinavian studies of craniofacial morphology (Ingerslev & Solow 1975, Sarns & Solow 1980) provided an opportunity to compare the facial profile in young adult Swedes and Danes. The Swedish have a blue eye and are taller than their Nordic neighbors. Nordic Coffee Culture Explained: From Fika to Kask. (Savontaus), [2] The study of Y chromosomal polymorphisms also seems to support the theory of the Smis long isolation; however, it seems that they were not always living completely alone. A high and narrow face with marked features, mildly Well, in many cases not at all. (accessed February 26, 2005). In general, Vikings were genetically disposed to be tall on average and started training to become capable warriors from a very young age. Those with these facial features have high cheekbones, but they are not considered attractive. In Norse mythology, the thunder god is primarily described as a red-haired, pot-bellied, temperamental, and fiercely strong warrior, who loves to knock down vast quantities of mead and even known to dress up as a lady (!) [9] Life Again: love the site and the work behind with lots of information and I dont mean to complain. Read Article Now. The distinguishing physical characteristics of Polish people are their hair colors of dark ash-blond and medium to dark brown, and their height which ranges from 64.96 to 65.75 inches. Ive written an analysis of The Last Kingdom if you want to find out if its worth watching or not. [1] Graphs Vikings vs. Last Kingdom vs. Game of Thrones, Curious how The Last Kingdom compares to Vikings, and how they both compare to Game of Thrones? Is History ChannelsVikingsworth watching? The Scandinavian facial features are unique in terms of appearance. Third, Scandinavians do tend to tan and get olive-skinned in the summer, which is due to a mix of genetic makeup, unusually high UV exposure levels, and a diet generally high in Vitamin D. Scandinavians do not have particularly large noses, as Northern Europeans tend to have more narrow noses than people in warmer climates, as an adaptation to the cooler climate. [6] By Chris Drew (PhD) / February 26, 2023. Pale pink skin often with moles, blue eyes, thin to rounded lips, high not that sculptured cheekbones, a bit fat on cheeks(not visable chin/cheek m [11], It has been established that the Smi were isolated for many years and come from European roots; however, at some point the Finns appeared. Norse After the divergence of the Finns from the Smi, the Smi tended to have offspring within their own group; however, the influence from the Baltic and Germanic people caused the Finns to intermix with other Indo-Europeans, making them more genetically similar to the Europeans than the Smi are. According to Swedish scientific magazine Illustrerad Vetenskap, this type of microevolution developed as a response to the cold and snowy climate in the Arctic region, as the fatty fold isolates against freezing temperatures and shields the bright reflection of the snow somewhat. Read Article Now. One was Finnish and the remaining five were Karelian. History If you feel youre suffering from this type of facial feature, you can seek a cosmetic surgeon in Scandinavia. (accessed February 26, 2005). (Gene Expression), [14] Movies Their beginnings are closely linked with the origin of the Finns. English [8] People from all over the world with high cheekbones are often seen as attractive by todays standards, with Swedish beauty contestant Ida Ovmar as one recent example where its worked out in her favor. Notable Nordic winners of the strongman competition include Icelands Hafr Jlus Bjrnsson (of Game of Thrones fame as Ser Gregor Clegane/The Mountain) and Swedens Magnus Samuelsson (who features in the series The Last Kingdom as the Viking band member Clapa). Vikings were mostly blond (with Danes specifically being mostly red-haired) according to skeletal DNA studies, but identifying as Viking wasnt limited to people with Scandinavian ancestry (vikingr just means pirate after all). Vikings were likely quite tall even by modern standards, with adult Norse males in Sweden, Norway, and England found to average around 176 cm (5 ft 9 in) in height, compared to 175.3 cm (5 ft 8 in) in modern-day USA and England. Karl, Clothes Who is this group of people? As weve established, most Nordic people today have brightly colored eyes, with some areas reaching up to 80% of the population (P. Frost 2006). The European Origin of the Finns and their Relation to the Indo-. Scandinavian [4] The ability to have an internal loci of control and to act on it makes the Scandinavian Personality Trait a key trait for personal success. They also tend to have medium-sized skulls and are very punctual. With the help of modern technology we have gotten a phenomenal insight into what the Vikings and Norse people might have looked like, and the unique diversity in the Viking bands who spread across Europe. link to 5 Great Places To Stay in Iceland. And since many Swedes lack this melanin, their eyes take on different light colors. The Origin and Genetic Background of the Smi. A few notable exceptions have been found on the Oseberg cart from around 800 CE, where shorter haircuts with shaved sides and backs are clearly engraved multiple times, though there are plenty of long-haired specimens as well. Their eyes are light in many cases, including blue and green. I would say 5050, there has always been mosty people with brown hair in Sweden, the vikings did dye their hair blonde. But most have blue eyes, no WebGenetic studies on Sami is the genetic research that have been carried out on the Sami people.The Sami languages belong to the Uralic languages family of Eurasia.. Siberian origins are still visible in the Smi, Finns and other populations of the Finno-Ugric language family.. An abundance of genes has journeyed all the way from Siberia to Finland, a Is the origin of this theory SVTs The first Swedes ? When did they come into being? They have been affiliated with being people of great courage and also with being countries that invaded other countries. Another wave of migrants came into Scandinavia around 4800 years ago from the Russian steppes, originating from the northern shores of the Black sea and commonly called the Western Steppe Herders. The Finns had always been thought of as the more dominant group but now new theories claiming that it was the Finns who got their language from the Smi have started to arise. Thor in Norse Mythology: The Strong God of Thunder & Farmers, Believe it or not, the Thor from Norse mythology is not quite the handsome, chiseled, blond, and time-traveling hunk youve seen in the MCU movies. WebThis is what people look like at Bondi Beach, Sydney. (Niskanen 127), [8] Curious about where the Vikings came from and how they ended up in Scandinavia? Finland Blonde hair. Vikings were known to use strong soaps made of ashes and animal fats, which had a high lye content that bleached their hair. This means Scandinavian hair mostly fall into these categories: So Scandinavian hair color is mostly light in character, but what types of characteristics does Scandi hair have? Scandinavian While there are some that feature Well the most obvious relationship between the Smi and the Finns is the bond of a language family. They have high cheekbones as a result of their heavy brows. Extensive genetic testing has helped put an end to the false conclusions that came from biased studies, based on everything from tooth size to skull shape. in order to trick the giants to give back his lost hammer. Lifestyle Symbolism To sum it up, the average Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Finns, and Icelanders are all very tall compared to the rest of the world. Though the Smi do have some Asian genetic influence, at its highest rate it is only 20-30%, which is no higher than the European average. The genetic origin of the Smi people is complex and difficult to trace. Genetic testing has shown that the Finns and the Smi are phenotypically and genetically typical Europeans. (Complete Guide), Recent advancements in DNA analysis tech have led to extraordinary insight into how Vikings looked, from hair and eye color to size and ancestry. Savontaus, Marja-Liisa. I do believe that there is a typically Swedish face type you rarely see elsewhere. The main feature are large blue eyes that are unusually close to Norway December 28, 2003. Although light features are standard, some swedes have darker hair and eyes. One of the few written accounts we have on specific Viking hairstyles is an Old English text where an Anglo-Saxon man is angry at his brother for adopting a heathen haircut and forgetting his own customs. This still leaves the crucial question that asks how and when did the Finns and the Smi begin speaking related languages in the first place? This is one of the bigger controversies in Scandinavian history. Having worked with graphic design for most of my life, Im a huge fan of typography and symbolism, and also a huge history nerd. As such, it was common that people wanted to hide their Sami heritage, with some even being ashamed of typically Sami features such as high cheekbones and wider eyes (SvD 2012). (Niskanen 122), [15] They are also known for having dark eyes. Facts Lets keep digging and see exactly how different ancient Scandinavians were from us modern Scandis. I love this site, and I dont want to make sound as Im complaining now but I must say that I am very skeptical of the dark-skinned and blue-eyed people who are said to be the first Scandinavians. General Smi Website. For several hundred years, there was a belief that the Smi and the Finns had a Mongoloid origin. The cheeks tend to be rounder, and there is generally less definition around the face. He ultimately returned to his native Malm with his love, where they now have 3 Swedish-American boys eager to explore the world. While most Swedes have pale skin and other light features, some may have darker features, like Swedish actress Alicia Vikander, who has brown hair and eyes. Language In summary, it seems Scandinavians from before the Viking age looked a bit different from todays Scandis, with multiple migration waves that settled in the region up until the iron age being quite diverse in looks and origins. The surgeons in Scandinavia can correct the issue and give you a more attractive and balanced face. Females had stronger jawlines in general, while men had slimmer faces.. There has been a discovery of a Smi motif, which is a group of three specific mutations found in 1/3 of the Smi people. In life Swedish people can generally act calm and reserved, seem a bit cold, like to keep things professional, prefer a well-planned approach, and believe maybe is a conflict-free way to say no. The darker the brown, the more attractive the person. Many Finno-Ugric Samis still look down upon their people, and many of their descendants hide their heritage from the world. (Sajantila), [10] The highest cheekbones and blue eyes are the most desirable traits of Scandinavians. Pale Swedish people are known to tower over others due to their long legs, so its no surprise theyre considered a tall nation. Take your pick and continue learning about the Vikings and Norse history! Although blond hair and eyes are recessive genes, Swedes are more likely to receive these genes because they procreate with one another. Also, many Swedes have light hair, but its not always blondesome may have light brown hair. [16]. Darkening the areas around the eyes would also help against sunlight reflections at sea and on snow, so there are likely practical as well as cosmetic elements behind this custom. A small percentage of Swedish adults may be below the national average. People with Scandinavian Personality Traits also make great leaders for difficult tasks where decision making is not popular. The Nordic/Scandinavian physical stereotypes are as cliche as they are well-knownthe stereotypical Scandis are expected to be a bunch of tall, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed Vikings in most peoples mindsbut can those stereotypes actually be true in modern-day Scandinavia? What Is a Survival Benefit in Life Insurance? Get in to the Viking spirit at home with our premium museum-quality prints sent right to your doorstep with free shipping worldwide. Most of them have light colored eyes. Results: The faces of sleep deprived individuals were perceived as having more hanging eyelids, redder eyes, more swollen eyes, darker circles under the eyes, paler skin, more wrinkles/fine lines, and more droopy corners of the mouth (effects ranging from b = +3 1 to b = +15 1 mm on 100-mm visual analog scales, P < 0.01). Gene Expression. As a native Swede with a Finnish mother, Karl identifies as both Nordic and Scandinavian. Vikings largely had similar genetic markers linked to eye color as modern-day Scandinavians according to a massive Viking DNA study published in 2020, meaning the vast majority (50-80+% depending on region) would have blue, green, or hazel eyes following the findings in Peter Frosts European hair and eye color. Thats a high amount, considering that only around 2% of the worlds population has blonde hair [7]. Shoes If this is true, they would have been separated from other Europeans, who traveled back south during this time. Is there a link between Scandinavians, Vikings, and the Germanic people who migrated across Europe during the fall of the Roman Empire? Chinese people tend to have wider faces, while Japanese people usually have narrower faces. (Circum Polar Perspective), [5] Facts Malm Graphs (Carpelan), [6] In fact, Vikings were likely more dark-haired than Scandinavians are today. The Smi, for first time, appear not to have always been the weaker minority. High levels of Vitamin D produces more melanin, which in simple terms enables skin to tan instead of burn. Go check it out if you havent made up your mind yet! Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a5192d68ae09dbbbee634a67fbff4656" );document.getElementById("j39e62affa").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is a general belief among Norse historians that Vikings and Germanic people in general assigned special powers to long hair and beards, with the Suebi knot and Merovingian kings being two good Germanic examples where longer hair presented in a certain way was believed to have an effect on strength and power. We can see this more clearly in modern facial reconstructions produced by academics around the world based on skeletal and DNA analysis. When it comes to how the Norse wore and styled their hair, we do have some artwork findings that show us a few examples of how Viking hairstyles could look, such as the Valkyrie knot for Norse females and the Norman cut for Norse males. Blonde hair [ 7 ] the face Germanic people who migrated across during! Belief that the Finns and their relation to the Viking spirit at home with our premium museum-quality sent. These facial features that can create them stand out from one another features are standard, some Swedes light! 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