The Earth. It has water on its atmosphere. Saturn is the second biggest planet but has the lowest density. How will the learning of this content be facilitated? This material is intended for Grade 6 practice teaching. Put the round objects on a table and have students sort them from largest to smallest. What is the most important content in this lesson? You may now take your seat! Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. 3. But we will put the sun in the left corner of our Solar System model. Terms and Conditions. It also lists information in the yellow box that you might find useful. The address card is for the opening of the lesson. The temperature ranges from 426 C during the day to 170 C at night. !^@[#1ESl`pkbua^_bLEI`f#+{-*91^ovhsR9+*l@Q]q8
mfMiC&e2V\g. Very good! A. <>
Learn More, Copyright 2017-2022 Legends of Learning While, gas giant planets are made of primarily of gas, mostly hydrogen. endobj
To make a scale model, your students should scale all the distances (radii and orbital distances) by the same factor, called the scale factor. The teacher should teach the students the mnemonic: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto**, (Source:, Page 6: How Did the Solar System Form: The Nebular Theory, **This page is a cloze activity that is goes with the video The Nebular Theory**, (Source: You will use that in creating a poster of the Solar System. EXPLAIN: Fold the paper strips in half, then put them in a hat, jar, or other container. As the teacher, you may have students focus on other topics as well, such as dwarf planets, the temperature of each planet, etc. Earth has one large moon. Space Lesson Plans: Astronauts & Space Exploration, Space Lesson Plans: Size & Scale of the Planets & Sun, Space Lesson Plans: Earth's Satellite - All About the Moon, Space Lesson Plans: Solar & Lunar Eclipses, Space Lesson Plans: Night Lights - All About the Stars, Space Lesson Plans: The Sun - The Center of it All, Space Lesson Plans: What is Astronomy? For example, to create a scale model of the eight planets, scaled so the radius of Earth is 1cm, you use a scale factor of 1 cm/6,378 km because 6,378km (the actual radius of Earth) multiplied by 1 cm/6,378 km (the scale factor) yields 1cm (the radius of the Earth model). Hold the jar above students eye level and have them grab a strip. The Sun is a huge ball of very hot gasses. Earth has abundant liquid water and supports life. It has no moon. Lesson Objectives and Overview: Solar System teaches students about the eight planets and other parts that compose our solar system. 2023 Learn Bright. Students may recognize at this point that a day for Venus is actually longer than a year! 112 0 obj
Uranus is the third largest planet with a system of 11 thin, dark rings. Lets clap for the for the 1st group. For the gallery walk, each pair will place their brochure on desks throughout the room. Mark John Paul, what is the characteristic of Neptune? This fact will be re-emphasized during the lesson. A year for Earth is not the same as a year for other planets in the solar system if a year equates to the time it takes a planet to completely orbit the sun. C. The less gravity an object has, the more gravity it will exert on another object. We are going to play a game entitled Mr. You can find the radius of each of the other seven model planets by multiplying each planet's actual radius by the scale factor. This covers the detailed lesson plan for Grade 6 Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew The students can use their science journal as a guide when creating the brochure. If you have knowledge about the characteristics of the planet. I am the third planet from the sun. Review the class/ agenda with the students: Introductory Activity: What I Know About the Solar System introductory worksheet, Introduce: All About the Solar System Science Journals, Introductory Activity: What I Know About the Solar System Introductory Worksheet. It is the only planet where life is known to exist. Map application on an electronic device or printed map of the nearby area (an area of 10 miles by 10 miles should suffice). 3. After the video is over, the teacher should begin a discussion about the content. Demonstrate knowledge of the solar system by arranging spherical objects of different sizes in an order that represents the eight planets and the sun. The last page describes the types of planets that our solar system contains. Lets discuss the other members of the Solar, (the pupil will put the Sun on the left corner of the model). If it is possible, project each page of the teachers copy of the All About the Solar System Science Journal worksheet onto the board using a projector or put into a PowerPoint document and project. Directions: We can easily distinguish and understand that everything is different and has a unique characteristic. List some in the space provided. I prepared an individual activity to test whether you understand our discussion. <>
Any object in the solar system that has mass can be represented by the magnet. The worksheets will help students solidify the concepts they learned about throughout the lesson. 1 0 obj
Airek, what is the characteristic of the planet Mars? Venus has no moon. What could you use to represent Mercury? What I Learned About the Solar System worksheet. The Solar System is sun and everything that orbits around it. Mouseover the planets to learn facts about our solar system. Jupiter has 63 moons. Table 3 lists the results for a model where Earth is represented by a sphere with a radius of 1cm. The next one, and the hottest of the eight planets, is Venus. Who Built It? They will then share with the class, or with a partner, some things they wrote down in theirWhat I Learned About the Solar System page. Students express what they learned about the solar system while practicing essential literacy skills with one or more of the following activities. This is an image of Saturn. These commissionshelp to pay for the costs of the site and enable it to remainfree for anyone who wants to use it. Then, they will label the planets and title the poster. You also need to ensure they have access to the internet or other sources for research purposes. 4) How big is the sun compared to other stars in our solar system? Students should be able to answer the following: Why are the planets kept in constant, predictable motion? D. The less gravity an object has, the less gravity it will exert on another object. )), Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. Alternatively, you could ask for a student volunteer to create it during the lesson using yellow paper. It is also called the Earths evil twin sister. > Download Lesson Plan (pdf - 715KB) Mars is also called the Earths little brother. It is one of the hottest planets. Write the name o the planet on each piece of card and clip the planets on to the string at following distances from one end. grade *i8e ( CA.5.Earth Sciences. Students will be able to recount the eight planets of the solar system. Calculate the size of a model planet and its distance to the Sun when the actual measurements of the planet and the scale factor is given. Factual information for elementary students on the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The Solar System lesson plan contains three worksheetstwo activity worksheets and a homework assignmentand an address card. If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that 4.9. Our planets come in different sizes and are comprised of various substances. Your 2 minutes starts now. The lesson provides a chart that lists the planets orbits using Earth days and years as the unit of measurement. Jupiter is the largest, with a radius 11 times larger than Earth's radius; followed by Saturn, whose radius is about 9.5 times larger than Earth's radius. Jaymar, what is the characteristic of the planet Uranus? It advises you to make this lesson as hands-on and creative as possible to fully engage students as they learn. Our sun is a star just like all the others in the night sky. Very helpful. You will assign each group a specific piece of the solar system to research and present on. Planets are celestial bodies distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun). If two objects in space are close together, which of the following is true? The next fourJupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptuneorbit farther away from the Sun; they are gaseous planets. It is one of the hottest planets. Terrestrial or rocky planets and gas giant planets. Tell the students that if earth, which is not the smallest planet, was as big as this dot ( . ) Come back as a class and have a volunteer from each pair share what they found out. Please enter a search term in the text box. The amount of time a planet takes to rotate on its axis differs from other planets just as its orbit does. The teachers copy of the journal has certain words/phrases that are bolded red and highlighted. The students should keep both of the "What I Know" and "What I Learned" sheets in a folder to put them all together into a book when the unit is finished.. Because the radius of the Sun is about 109 times the radius of Earth, the Sun would have a radius of a little over 1m in this model. Here are some great sites to help them get started: Tell students to write down interesting facts they find on index cards, so they can share them with the class during the next section of the lesson. x]P0+tlOnri!m)QVRC#9kiV`H3Hn1@g0nbp(J0Vv
The students will write down everything they know about the Solar System. Page 7: What Will You Find in the Solar System? (the pupil will put Mercury on the model). A moon is an object in space that orbits another body (like a planet) in space. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. Very good! They are all part of other solar systems, not ours. The students will walk around and look at their peers brochure**. (Gerard J. Tortora), The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (Warren L. McCabe; Julian C. Smith; Peter Harriott). It is all about the So Episode-7It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded doc, Episode-8It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded doc, Episode-9It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded doc, Episode-10It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded document that can help you It is a encoded do, List of Sports Education Courses being conducted in various States. The lesson introduces the topic by describing how many stars are visible in the night sky. I am the only planet where life is known to exist. Want to make planning your childrens homeschool science school calendar simple? Stars are heavenly bodies that is made up of hydrogen and helium atoms. Venus has no moon. Why was a magnet used? Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking. This lesson is *or a *i*th grade. DIVE IN THE SKY COMENIUS PROJECT TURKEY. There are 19 words and descriptions in total. 2. This time, the further a planet is from the sun, the less time it takes to rotate (except for Neptune). Mars' radius is about half of Earth's radius. Target Grade: 4. th grade Time Required: 90 minutes . The worksheet lists the instructions and provides a number of data points that the students should include in their presentations. It is often called the morning star when it is in the west at sunset. That is good to hear! Mercury 2 cm, Venus 4 cm, Earth 6 cm, Mars 8 cm, Jupiter 40 cm, Saturn 70 cm, Uranus 140 cm, and Neptune 220 cm showing relative distances of the planets from the sun. It has a complex ring system held in place by its gravitational pull. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. This lesson contains affiliate links to products I have used and personally recommend. You can find this page online at: The orbital distance is often expressed in astronomical units (AU). The Options for Lesson section of the classroom procedure page lists several suggestions for additional activity, alternate ways to approach aspects of the lesson, and so on. 2. Use the blank lines on this page to write down any other ideas or thoughts you have before delivering the lesson to your students. EVALUATE: Back in the classroom, have students work with their partner to design a poster about the solar system. The larger magnet has a larger force. Rosmin, what is the characteristic of the planet Mercury? The student is expected to: (A) describe the physical properties, locations, and movements of the Sun, planets, Galilean moons, meteors . Kinesthetic Astronomy: Longer Days, Shorter Nights, Kinesthetic Astronomy: The Meaning of a Year. The worksheets should be collected and kept with the teacher until the final lesson of the unit. If you prefer a model where the solar system fits in the classroom, try the activity Model the Distances between Planets in our Solar System. The students will learn about the Solar System. Required fields are marked *, See how our games can help your child learn. Teacher should employ a random way of calling on students if no volunteers are available. It also has atmosphere that supports and protects life. Facts about the planets. Once the students have completed the worksheet, the teacher should review. . You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and the number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. However, it is useful to compare the orbits of other planets using what we call Earth years and days. Lesson 1: The Earth, Moon, and Solar System A) LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will be able to explain how the position of the moon causes the phases Students will be able to determine the order of the planets in the solar system Students will be able to identify the meaning of revolution and rotation Criteria Students will create a model solar system that identifies the positions . It gives light and strong gravitational force to other heavenly bodies. Following Venus are Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Amen. B. Finally, they will answer four questions on the second worksheet. Why was the paperclip attracted to the magnet? Students also need to know that the planets revolve around the sun, which is at the center of our solar system. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Follow this link to skip to the main content, > Explore the history of telescopes, from Galileo to NASA's Great Observatories, No. The scale factor 1m/6,378km thus becomes 235m/1AU. The teacher can clear up any misconceptions about gravity and mass at this point in the lesson. I am known as the red planet. Class let us all stand and feel the presence of our God. Prepare the Learner:Activating Prior Knowledge. It takes Venus 224 days to completely orbit the sun, and Mars takes 687 days. That means that it orbits the sun just over four times in a single year. The further away the planet is from the sun, the longer it takes that planet to orbit the sun. Planets are celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around the star, sir! This lesson plan was prepared by Rana KARATAY with her university students from Anatolia University Aysun AYDODU, Esad AYGN, Kbra AKYZ. The teacher copy has bolded red and highlighted words. (11) Earth and space. The distance from the planet to the Sun is different for each planet. Tape or glue to attach labels to the planets. Questions that encompasses the objective: Think about the night sky. Students could also focus on one aspect of all eight planets, such as their size or distance from the sun. Privacy Policy. Your email address will not be published. Students will discover interesting facts about each planet, including their orbit and rotation times and the elements from which they are made. The resources below have been grouped as follows: Modeling the Planets in Our Solar System Earth's Rotation and Orbit Gravity in Our Solar System Students learn about the planets' orbits around the sun, and about a transfer orbit from one planet to the other. Let's dive in. It is also considered as the second smallest planet. It is also the hottest planet due to its atmosphere. Eugene, can you please put Neptune in our model. The four inner planets are made of rock that contains many different minerals. It gives energy to the plants to sustain life on Earth. Do you think the other planets have the ability to support life? ENGAGE: Before the lesson, gather household items such as a ping-pong ball, tennis ball, inflated balloon, grapefruit, glass marble, small pebble, etc. It contains thousands and thousands of asteroids, which are space rocks that scientists believe are leftovers from the beginning of the solar system. javascript is enabled. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Lets assume that this is our Solar System. The lesson then provides students with a chart of the planets daily rotation times. What is the name of their poster going to be? The solar system has two types. Understand how planets orbit the sun and how they rotate. The teacher will review the answers from the Our Solar System and Gravity handout. Excellent! The importance of knowing the characteristic of the planets is that it used to study the planets environment and it is also helps us understand the important issues and events that happens in our solar system. The students will highlight those words in their science journal. Alternatively, you could require students present during the second activity using PowerPoint or similar presentation software. The distance from the Sun to a planet is not constant since the orbits are elliptical, but a circular orbit with the orbital distance as radius is a good approximation. Calculate the scale factor when the actual measurements of the solar system and the model are given. The students will be able to explain how the sun is the center of the Solar System. You will likely not have space to lay the model planets out in the classroom, nor on the school grounds. o d. Evaluate strengths and limitations of models of our solar system in describing relative size, order, appearance and composition of planets and the sun. and Privacy Predict the patterns of movement of objects in our solar system. stream
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hbbd``b`@ 9"@\9"DAD:H_ ]$b[&F &30 Z LEARNING COMPETENCY Compares the eight planets of our solar system. The student understands the organization of our solar system and the relationships among the various bodies that comprise it. Is STEM just another fad? A celestial body is considered a planet in the solar system if it orbits the Sun, if it is heavy enough for gravity to squeeze it into a spherical shape, and if it has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit. Have students go up one at a time to the whiteboard and use colored markers to write their fact about the solar system. These objects are all held in orbit around the sun by the suns strong gravity. I will give 2 minutes to arrange the letters. %%EOF
Broad learning outcomes Students will begin to develop a vocabulary to discuss the solar system and learn to hXmO8+ZqJ+RGYCz!pZ}Km;E'xcZM8oCbe8(@71an One AU equals roughly the distance from the Sun to Earth, or 149,597,870,691 30meters. For the next activity, students will work with a partner to research a specific part of the solar system. How would Jupiters gravity affect the orbits of Mars and Earth? You can have students fill out a self-evaluation sheet on their own performance, or grade them on teamwork skills, participation, and understanding of the concepts, based on the poster they made. Then comes Earth, the planet with the highest average density (5.5g/cm3), followed by Mars. Comprehend the 8 planets; their names, appearances, main characteristics, and orders from the sun. The sun rotates on its own. Standards: (11) Earth and space. The more mass an object has, the more gravity it will exert on another object. The students will be able to name the planets of the Solar System. Neptune has 11 moons and the largest is the Triton, sir! First, they will draw the circles to the scale on the right side of the worksheet. sign in to Legends of Learning and enter your teacher code, Privacy For the second activity, you may want students to turn in their work rather than present them to the class. Download to read more. Locate an area to do a scale model of planet distances from the sun, such as a large field near the school. Once the students have completed the worksheet, the teacher should review. Mercurys orbit takes 88 days total. Why do all the planets orbit the Sun? Last meeting, we have discussed about stars. Lesson Plan: Our Solar System NGSS Standard ESS1.B-1: The solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects, including planets, their moons, and asteroids that are held in orbit around the sun by its gravitational pull on them. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. The guide helps you organize the lesson and details when to hand out worksheets. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is all about the Solar System and its 8 planets. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. The teacher should also review the unit outline, which is on page 2 of the journal. In addition, it describes the supplies you will need as well as what and how you need to prepare beforehand. For Earth, of course, it takes 24 hours to spin on its axis in a full rotation. It has at least 21 moons and the largest is Titania. Collect compasses and string to draw circles with, and create a scale model of the sun to display in the classroom. Clarification should be provided for any key term that is unfamiliar or confusing to the students**, **The teacher should review the names of the planets. Science Projects > Earth & Space Projects > The Solar System: Lesson Plan. This amount of time is what we consider the length of a day. Have the students write as much as they know about the Solar System. This is the same factor, only expressed in different units. Try our new Science Project Pathways in Google Classroom. Instructional Software Lesson Idea. Astronomy is science that will challenge your imagination. This Turkey Family Genetics activity is a fun way to teach your student about inheriting different traits and spark a lively conversation about why we look the way that we do. Students will also be able to list the main components, order of the planets, and demonstrate movement of the solar system. Have students remain in their groups and work together to choose an object to represent each planet and the sun. King, what is star? The planet that orbits closest to the sun is Mercury. It has a dark-colored storm called the Great Dark Spot. %PDF-1.5
Again, the length of a day for other planets is not the same as it is for Earth, but the lesson compares each planets day using Earths time units. After this lesson, students will be able to: Prior Knowledge: Your students should be at least somewhat familiar with the concepts of volume and mass. The guidelines on the classroom procedure pages explain when to hand out the worksheets to the class. Very good! The surface of it appears reddish-yellow because of the iron oxide in the soil and dust that covers most of the planet. 0
Students will discover facts about each of the planets and learn about the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Make-a-Movie: Produce a travelog describing a journey through the solar system from the Sun to Neptune. th The 8planet in our solar system is Neptune. The latter means that there are no objects comparable in size in the vicinity of its orbit, other than the planet's moons. 3 0 obj
3. How would they fix it? The four large moons are called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. What is the relationship between gravity and mass? Denisah, can you please put the Sun on the left part of our model. O[|MR{M2\.#~GL.>}QLc32]NK`Vt]Y;)M,~$CMfq -/PdK2C54b4 2DXD27A-c!LV4z6,bY3lyDw
4.NK> 6 The names and order of the planets of the Solar System. Earth's moon). The student understands the organization of our . hb```b``Nb`c`Pbb@ !V(G/,27vk50`n In learning about the solar system, students explore gravity; differences in the size, mass, and composition of planets and asteroids; orbits and how natural and manmade satellites work; and more. Neptune has a giant storms and it is also the farthest planet. Uranus and Neptune are similar in size, with a radius of 4.0 and 3.9 times the radius of Earth, respectively. 128 0 obj
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The teacher will use the magnet and a paperclip to show that the paper clip, The teacher will ask, Is the magnet attracted to the paperclip or is the paperclip attracted to the magnet?, Allow students time to think before accepting any answers.