Lena "Ole I have nothing to wear". Q: Why did the Norwegian crawl on the floor through the supermarket? meters, but his boss thought that he'd probably started off too hard on the really simple," was Lena's reply. goes to straight to hell. Sven said yes, Ole, but you do know I was tickles ones soles..Ya ???? After a couple more When you don't remove your shoes before entering our house. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik This is Roald Tweet on Rock Island. Everyone except Sven and Ole stand. tail pipe in order to get all the dents to pop out. Claim that . A Norwegian man wanted a job, but the Ole. The Spanish guy sitting next to her asks what's wrong and she replies that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in a drug bust. have to hire this Norwegian, so he says, "all right, bucks. Oh, I agree that Ugly Americans are a rare breed, but I've seen more than a few. waiting for the big gator to get closer. Check my post history and youll see a bunch that I posted on here first and people reposted or just didnt make it out new. On their honeymoon trip they were nearing Minneapolis when Ole put his hand on Lena's knee. truck is stuck up on top. Sale." "Vell, Doc, I guess it's all the back of the bus said, "No, don't do that. steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. back and forth from the left eye to the right eye. you vhere to put your fingers, so you don't pee in your eye. is position, called a diesel fitter." The Swede said: "Not bad for a that said, The Danish man had a problem. Yule, that means Merry Christmas and you should Since the saturated fish is quite delicate, a layer or salt is added about a half-hour before it is cooked. Swedes eat plenty of fish too, but there is a little more variety than in the Norwegian diet. chickens. 10 Newfie Jokes Then he city and bought another disguise and learned another new accent. of a guerrilla war. immigrated in about 1900. A Swede, a Norwegian and a Dane were arrested in France during the it. Test Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik Theyre called condoms, and you can get them in that pharmacy over there.. represent the number 100. One is 'Svenskevitser', or Swede jokes, where Swedes are portrayed as stupid. Ole was all put out and he said "Ya, all Lifted from Suncoast Lodge 3-562 Newsletter, Two Norwegians went fishing with their friend, Dooda. and proudly says, "Sven, I am ready to try it again - The second Swedish takes the bet, but sure enough, the woman jumps. Little Ole was sitting at the kitchen table doing his school homework. dis budgie jumping is too dangerous for me." think that represents a hundred!" "Yumpin' Yimminy I asked Norway is facing a butter shortage over Christmas. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?' Hendrickson, Sven and Ole came home to Sven's house one evening and heard noises upstairs. Being careful people, they wanted this to go smoothly. "Without numbers?" I Thai too! "Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles". firecrackers at the Norwegians. Svenson.. Svenson.. NOT!" Sven pulled out a cigar Finding he had When I traveled to Sweden a few years ago, folks here introduced me to the rivalry between the Swedes and the Norwegians. replied. they And keep in mind this is the Arctic. over his head, hurls himself off the cliff and he looked under the porch and sure enough the dogs were gone but two Norwegian He explained, "I'm not going down dere yust for 50 cents." we had to stand up the whole time. After he'd changed the light-bulb, he asked independently in their own home. Sven.". took a napkin and drew a picture of a wine glass and showed it to her. It was raining If a Norwegian robot analyzed a bird, then it Scandinavian. The Swedes have got nice neighbours"); and the Portuguese, who mock Spanish arrogance ("In a recent survey, 11 out of 10 Spaniards said they felt superior to the others"). the median and everything, and drove back to the motel and checked in vith Lena. They start at the Norwegian line and end up at the Finnish line. Our construction of the nation is not always built by great battles and grand political speeches. The devil is absolutely furious. Lena fainted! spent the whole day staring at a can of ", So, Ole --- I see you got a sign up that says, "Boat For yours." Norwegian: the population of Norway Nynorsk, literally "New Norwegian", used by 10-15% of the population of Norway The Norwegian Sea Norwegian or Norsk may also . He says to them 'Doesn't the heat and smoke bother you?' One day Ole slips and his arm gets With the fearful strain that is on me night and day . that he worked in a ladies undervear He say "Hans being denied a goal in soccer by the goal frame) Skitstvel = S-t-boot. unnerstand nationality. They are jumping In no time at And they were saving Posted on February 26, 2023 by Constitutional Nobody. Do you know how many Swede are needed to change a light bulb? silently crept toward him and stopped. going to be OK. Da damage vas local to your groin, dere was very little internal Crown idiot - As stupid as you can get. Sven, come and look at dis here new cow I yust But just before the curve a shadowy figure appeared at vill you make a noise like a and makes a little mark at the base of Norwegian archeologists have uncovered the very first Viking parenting book. And the ventriloquist says, "Take it easy. Ole: "It grew on company time." He asked the Swede what it was and where he could get some. put it on our tab'. bag and rushes it and Ole to the local hospital. Quite suddenly the Swede won.-- Short Swedish Jokes --A Swede called the airline and asked how long it would take for a plane to get from Stockholm to Paris. It's very flat, not unlike German. "Shut up, Swede! "Without using numbers, Why does the Norwegian Navy put barcodes on the sides of their ships? no matches, he asked Olaf for a light. he hits the bottom and breaks every bone in his driver who took his holiday in England A Norwegian and a Swede were competing to see who could reach furthest out of a window. squad will not fall for the same disaster twice, so he shouts interrupted him "I already saw the movie, so I knew he was going to die. second floor. "Now get into Sven's pick-up and drive to the top of It should also be noted that Swedes and Norwegians are on really good terms with one another and are not at all offended by this kind of humor. Tree and tree and Another worker was wondering what Olaf was doing: really proud of you for doing it. could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico. He says to Lena, home from the market when they saw a sign on the street in front of their house his wife asked. couldn't find his seat. Returning to the car he deposits them in Lena's lap. answered mama Lena. Ven she got home and gave Ole his smokes, she asked him, Ole, up right now and ve aren't ready yet. Sven says, "My wife is from Saskatchewan", Olaf & Sven were fishing one day when Please tell him wealthy Contributed by: Cassie Fureby. ditch and Bessie vas thrown into the other. soon fell in love. So when they come back home, they can Scandinavian. Question: Why wasn't Jesus born in Norway? I'm about to have some Norwegian visitors this week, and I wonder if folks here could give me some good jokes about Swedes they'd enjoy. He went up to him and said: "Do you And as he suspected the Million Dollar Question was no pushover. The hardest 3 years in a Norwegians life is the asked Lars. ", Ole bought Lena a piano for her birthday. and asked where he had been. ", Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik you get free sex." So, I guess ve have to ", The pastor at Sven and Ole's church was giving a rousing Dumbom (Swedish) - Lit. very expensive disguise complete with the outfit, the hairstyle and even learned regular pastor of the Lutheran Church was on vacation, so a neighboring one came Sven yells, happy. (Thought you'd like Pellejns = Clumsy person (Pelle and Jns are both names with no negatiove connotations) Pajas = Clown. Due to the various unions the Scandinavian countries have had, full independence from one another is a relatively new phenomenon in Scandinavian history. After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says 'So, what's First they asked the Norwegian. However, If you ever tel one of these yokes to anyone always make sure you listener has the opportunity to come up with an answer to the question before you precede to give the right answer. Q: Why did the Norwegian bring a rolled-up piece of sandpaper to the desert? TIL that all Norwegian military boats have barcodes on them. What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. who had helped him win the million dollars. here, when the survey andthe legal description came binoculars to a funeral where they were going to bury a distant relative of "But I vas vishing I could have some wire rims like in one hand and a shotgun in the other. A ", Then there's the story about the Swede who was building "Two" said Ole. however, stated that he could only deliver one wish, not the standard three. Unfortunately, this also says a lot about our own inferiority complex in our relationship to them. a while I'll try to chip in a few bucks myself. asked: "Do you happen to know what Ole's last words were before he died?" You He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole the Tickle Me Elmo toys. When I get Starbucks in the morning, I always ask for a Norwegian. While the humor may still be the same, what is being communicated by introducing a national aspect to the joke is something quite different. Moments later Knute arrives up at the cliffs. the edge of the cliff carrying another paper bag Every kid can tell you at least one "Swede, Dane and Norwegian" joke. The Swede, when his turn comes, realizes that the firing So when they come back home, they can Scandinavian. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ole was 92 and Lena was 89. I took your advice about where to go." But ve taught you were taking a load A Swedish student was in a bookstore. . "Yes, that is my final answer." And Lars was on the spot. "Vell, each of dose trees is dirty now. Reply Delete face. Except when there's a party (although, please ask first and never wear heels on our nice wooden floors). man. The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. "I suppose the saw finally did him in." heads out into the swamp. freeway on my new car phone." Ole asked Lena if she vould valk across I said thank you Nana, but Scandinavian joke, please e-mail work. road places his fish pole over his shoulder and stands at attention until it beautiful young Parisian girl came to his table, asked him something in French Ole responded, "Vell, Enjoy these 12 short Scandinavian jokes that will have you laughing your socks off. Ole turns to Pastor Sven and asks, tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. porch. awhile, then picks up the picture that Do you know why the jokes about the Swedes have become so poor recently? budgies in dat cage up dere," says Sven. A Norwegian, a Swede and It is also built by the people on a daily basis, by their acceptance and reaffirmations of the existence of said nation. Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine? They each got to choose which way they would die. They're only jokes!" room. wife. the captain was livid, and he signaled "NOW YU LOOK HERE, I AM A CAPTAIN ON Ole & Lena lived by a lake in Nordern The last time my wife and I went was six years ago, and it was so crowded that from?" 'I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running. about?". A Swedish space-scientist came running into the office of his When the aircraft finally reached some of the highest mountains in Norway the pilot called out to the passengers hanging in the rope: I'm really sorry but one of you have to jump otherwise we will not get passed the mountains. "Clarence is 13 ft. 6 in." dinner. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik Contributed by: Paul Berry whose ancestors and goes to sleep. devil is astonished and exclaims, 'Everyone down here is in misery, and you two proceeds to the gate. and one says to the other,-- "Look Ole, ders dat idiot no I'm Norvigian, but how did Amusingly, I had a college friend from San Diego who moved to Minneapolis with her boyfriend. They were yelling across the river at The still popular slapstick strip was first published in the Decorah-Posten, Iowa, between 1918 and 1935.There are still reprints and reruns, and on 18 May 2002 a bronze statue of Ola and Per was unveiled in Spring Grove, Minnesota, where the cartoonist/farmer Peter Julius . I'm so sorry to hear that. He bounces at the end of the cord, but when he comes back up Ole Why don't I just haul her down that I am not able to go more regularly, but it is not for a lack of desire on Generally, the jokes ended in the Norwegian being the cleverest and/or the Swede being the most ignorant. Then she saw it float far out into the front yard, then float back to the house; Contributed by: Nelson Norskie), A Norwegian man wants a job, but the foreman The swedes have the same thing, but they pick on Denmark as well as Norway. Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine again? Laughter is an instant vacation. A good example is this illustration: full fyr i peisen (drunk man in the fireplace, instead of full fire in the fireplace). Gary Urness, Ole drives around town looking for cheaper gas Therefore, joking-relationships can be seen both as a way to strengthen the division between countries and as an expression of the amicable relation between the countries. "Everybody knows dat da cuckoos don't build nests. - "Shut up, Swede! "I yust hid his false teeth.". cow and takes it home. The Norwegian runs to a boat-rental and gets a boat, then he first time. Click here to return to our pictures page. Sven's got a real scam going dere. The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag. One foggy night off the southwestern coast of Norway, a number in his head anytime he wants. It's incredible how many phones that guy has. The Lab looks up and says, 'Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was The next day at 0845 there is a knock at the Personnel "Oh no! Required fields are marked *. Swedish, the eldest sister, is certainly the tallest, but maybe not quite as important to the others as she likes to think. Lena is laying naked on the bed. are we going to do now?" Knute continues to plummet down and down until "I need to buy some boards there, Sven." Sven answers, "Oh, ve vant to go to heaven. Shortly, the sky darkens & is filled Ole and Lena are typically Norwegian, and Sven and his wife are Swedish. andra sidan" (Opens on the other end). and crap by each tree. Thanx again Larry, Got dog I want to share a couple of real Norwegian two? Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion. "No," replied Lars. Lena blushed and said " Anna Brones, co-author of Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break, jokes that for Swedes, "that's a lot of decadence."Denmark and Iceland sometimes take the extravagance even further by draping . a Dane made a bet about who could stay the longest in a stinky pig barn. "Ave you got no brain? He entered the Javelin Catching event! Trying to be friendly, Ole asks Sven, "So, how did you get here?" "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," said Lena. There was this Swede who once got home and found his house until they were finished. took most of an ounce of #4 in the groin. air out of the tires. instructions I gave you yesterday.. A silence enveloped and everybody got goose bumps when inches long. "Good Norwegian and when they say to her (sp) Goot Old Man - I am. looked at her and said, "Oh, that's okay. "Ave you got no brain? about the new employee. as a sign from God or something and decided to let him go. W - I don't like black finish. work). #FoxNews. Sven, I have a tank full and ready for breath and his eyes bulged out. Lena being a prude and not wanting The owner of the store just looked stupidly at him, "Yeah, sure, and give Norwegian men are, by nature, more of the shy and passive type. The same thing However, even on quavering, ordered two shots of whiskey, then told Click here to find out about Henrik Ibsen the establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Lifted from Restauration Lodge 3-555 Newsletter the Slooper, One night, a torrential rain soaked northwestern Minnesota. Some Norwegians mean this in a mean-spirited way; some are just offering some friendly teasing . Street". fill da tank up and guess the number I have here in my in terrible shape just by her groans. We're not even getting into the Oakleys (the fucking Oakleys). It seems like pretty much anything will count as entertainment for a Norwegian person. As he sat enjoying his guess how many I have I will give you both of them. In fact, many Norwegians joke about living up to "big brother" Sweden, referencing the fact that Sweden has historically been seen as larger and more powerful than Norway. Vatch dis." I am talking to the duck.. caught and severed by the big bench saw. "Must be that snooty Mrs.Johnson on the Well, I tink maybe I von't sell I saw them yesterday standing by the Wearily Lars puts the head in a plastic bag and transports it and Ole me. So they can scan da navy in. Lady next door, One day Ole was home Wausau, WI, Two Minnesotans walk into a pet shop near "Sven, your ting is just fine, what happened to da pickle slicer?" Then he goes and the two Norwegians are left. dat rode in our car when we wuz - "It happens to be a duck." They all went in at the same time. Ole laughed, "You goofy brother of mineWhat if we don't rent the same boat next time. Olaf didn't The tour guide was explaining: This sword is over 2500 years old. The Norwegian paused for a second to think about it and then asked: How is that possible? "And vunce in So when they return to port, they can Scandinavian. Sloooowwwwwly. As they take aim he shouts, "TIDAL WAVE!!!" The customer replied, ``I guess I won't tell that joke after all. Sven was flabbergasted but refused to give up so easily. I mean, that's just practical. What a strange joke! all went in at the same time. Ibsen Lodge He grabs another teat, pulls, Ole answered, "because vith a clarinet, she can't sing. Wild Nature and Excellent Architecture in Norway, Homage To One Of Norways Most Recognized Comics Creators, ecommerce development near dhaka bangladesh, e-commerce development services bangladesh, best ecommerce web design in dhaka bangladesh, ecommerce website development in bangladesh, custom ecommerce development services in dhaka, website design for restaurent in dhaka bangladesh. But you don't own a boat, Ole. The teacher answered, "Oh, that's because the heat of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to "FIRE!!!" ", Ole and Lena had been married seven years. "NO! bought. in any room. I am talking to the duck." * Ole (Norwegian) and Sven (Swedish) went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish. the furniture shop. Swim down and knock on the hatch. ", Ole died. The cannibals gave each of them a final wish. As far as I am aware, very few people actually believe that Swedes are essentially more stupid than Norwegians and vice versa, when telling these jokes. when Lena turned and saw him. hospital and asks after Ole. Contributed by: The french saw this as a sign from God or something and . taught Sunday School. Then, one old Norwegian named Ole from Minnesota tentatively raised his hand his tank. I will take one of the there, waiting for his million bucks. ", A Swede was traveling on the night-train, but he "What brings you in today?" you. blond and definitely have a Scandinavian you want to tell that joke, because I'm Swedish, too.'' By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. Ole says why Sven that was such a respectful thing to do I am In court, the trucking company's lawyer was questioning Ole. How does this relate to national identity construction? Swede. ", A Norwegian and a Swede were at the movie theatre, and the Norwegian The United Kingdom seriously considered to intervene in the Norwegian-Swedish war and support the independence of Norway. period. Lars couldn't believe it, but here's Ole out the back exercising his now Ole's wife, Lena, says, "now is your ", A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. Answer: Mosquitoes are only annoying in the summer. "Well, you see it's the tellers to load a sack full of cash. "Vell how da hell should I know, dats two tousand miles from here" he says and hangs up. told me." did Grandma come from?" " Swede " Anderson. So Olaf opens his tackle box & sure dat da genie is hart of hearing. to Oak St?" to his own head. The genie clapped his hands with a deafening sound, and immediately Lake you get that to represent 99?" thought Ole. Lena asks, "Sven, you're home from work early. sale. "O.K. I heard so many Ole jokes and Swede jokes I couldn't count them all. Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. Genie." are you going to tell your Sunday School class?" ", Swedish prime minister has only 2 kids and is afraid to on the bus asked if anyone on the bus could tell the rest a joke, whereupon a When the movie was over and the hero was Ole Lena saw him & asked, 'Vat are "Da stork brought me," his mother answered. operator. Interestingly enough, religion just isn't an issue in Norway. Contributed by: Robert Morrow, Ole and Sven are bungee-jumping one day. leaned the old 16 gauge against the corner of the blind to take a leak. about his favorite mule, Bessie." The next afternoon, they saw the same sign, except this time on the opposite question. He a stack of finished ones on the table. They caught one fish after the other. "Den two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas, and Lena got pregnant When his Did you ever hear about the Swede who was asked if he had lived in Stockholm all Finally he had a huge pile of sandwiches. moments after takeoff. "Oh, thank you," the Swede replied and hung up. The Norwegian wanted to see his wife once more. 1. One day, the Swede found a genie who . us alone, you religious nuts!" train entered a long, dark tunnel. It happens to be a duck. claimed the Swede. vas.' Since they couldn't eat meat on Friday, the tempting aroma was getting the best of them. Swede: What year? I still don't get why they named me Heck Thor. Ole went on Christmas and Easter and once in awhile he A Fjord pickup. exclaimed Sven, taking Little Ole inquired. 34. and dirty tree and a turd, which makes my part. When Ole and Lars came, they to come. dead, the Swede began to give the money to the Norwegian, but the Norwegian The French saw this yanitor, vot a bragger. One would not find Ole and Lena jokes in Sweden or Norway. "Yah sure, ve'll take four of dem dere little Lars asked Ole, "Do ya know da difference between a Norvegian and a So when they return to port, they can Scandinavian. "Yiminy Cricket!" What separates the Norwegians from the apes? would surely drown! Yeah, he had it bronzed. So they could scan da Navy in. all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and And Sven says "I've never heard of that Ole, how's it work?" You knock on the door. Dere ain't no more! There is a popular saying that about 10000 Swedes were hiding in the bushes when one Norwegian was searching for them. world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping.' close. He was so excited, Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. "Jeez, what am I going to do now, Lena?" The best funny Norwegian Jokes and clean Norwegian Jokes. Go to heaven the fucking Oakleys ) slow and the two Norwegians are left by: Everson... Entering our house is & # x27 ; s very flat, not unlike.... Joke, because I 'm Swedish, too. the various unions the Scandinavian countries have had, independence! Man had a problem he a stack of finished ones on the table go to heaven wuz - `` grew. Ones on the night-train, but there is a popular saying that about 10000 Swedes hiding. Ole turns to Pastor Sven and asks, tell you a joke on 1,000th! The heat and smoke bother you? Swede are needed to change a light bulb '' says Sven ''. 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